Hey, thanks a lot, John! I think I got kicked off "Nextdoor" for using a link to this video as a response to an idiotic comment made by someone. I don't know if it was because I didn't have permission to share it, or if it was because of what I was trying to convey by sharing it! (I think it was the latter)! Either way, I'm not sorry I did it! Priceless! ;-)

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NYB: It seems like your response was reasonable, so notd sure why You'd get kicked off!

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I suppose it also depends upon whose brain he ends up with. From what I read and see everyday, his chances of receiving an adequately functioning are problematic.

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Thanks for that video!

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We don't have energy options. There is no substitute for oil. That's why the power elite are trotting out this phony climate change idea: they think they can convince enough people to stop using energy, specifically fossil fuels, so that they can conserve as much of it as possible for their own use (not ours) in the future...if there is one.

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Brilliant! Should be shown during the evening news, nestled in amongst all the other big Pharma drug trash.

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SM: Agreed!

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And Dorothy said to the Scarecrow in a voice on innocent wonder: "And what would you do with a brain if you had one?"

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Chris: AFTER he has the brain he'd be in better positin to answer that question.

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Short and full of wisdom!

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Tom: Exactly ‚ the best type of video.

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That's great! Thanks John. You'll love this one if you haven't see it yet:

The Sabatini Family Protection Agency Specializes in Retaliatory Coincidences Call Today: https://bitchute.com/video/MV966py8sovs [1:29mins]

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Author

TT: No I hadn't seen that — and it's a hoot.

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