That "professor" is a figment of his own imagination. "Justice" has been replaced with "Go along to get along", and it did not happen quickly, nor without a well planned strategy, implemented over many years, beginning with student indoctrination in kindergarten. Nice shot at suggesting to the "old guard" that core values are still alive…
That "professor" is a figment of his own imagination. "Justice" has been replaced with "Go along to get along", and it did not happen quickly, nor without a well planned strategy, implemented over many years, beginning with student indoctrination in kindergarten. Nice shot at suggesting to the "old guard" that core values are still alive and well in US education (And politics) - - That ship has sailed - - - No sale. - - Proof? Why is Mitch McConnell still leading the "Conservative" element of the US Senate, when he has done everything in his considerable power to destroy the Republic?
That "professor" is a figment of his own imagination. "Justice" has been replaced with "Go along to get along", and it did not happen quickly, nor without a well planned strategy, implemented over many years, beginning with student indoctrination in kindergarten. Nice shot at suggesting to the "old guard" that core values are still alive and well in US education (And politics) - - That ship has sailed - - - No sale. - - Proof? Why is Mitch McConnell still leading the "Conservative" element of the US Senate, when he has done everything in his considerable power to destroy the Republic?