I also view it as an interference to the election laws.
What happened to the rule of law?
What happened to a fair trial?
Judges are supposed to be impartial.
Did it happen in this case?
Liars/criminals/thieves are now credible witnesses?
I highly suspect that sentencing in July may be "house arrest" or actual prison to prevent him from campaigning.
If house arrest, then he can use the internet to campaign so this option may NOT suit the "criminals" in this case so it is more likely that he may be jailed.
Why would anyone think differently based on the shenanigans in that court room?
Furthermore, I became a citizen in Maine so I could vote.
I am Canadian born on the French side and spoke NO English upon arrival in Maine at age 3.
My mother was the ONLY one who could speak English so that ensured our survival. My parents arrived in Maine with 3 small children.
None of that stopped me from accomplishing what I wanted.
I have drive and ambition as a "legal" immigrant who overcame obstacles. Not easy but can be done with ambition.
My parents NEVER EVER voted as they both knew they couldn't lawfully as they maintained their Canadian citizenship living in Maine.
My older brother was drafted as a Canadian citizen living in Maine and went to Vietnam. He was given an ultimatum. Become a citizen or go back to Canada. He chose to become a citizen and was transferred to Hawaii and become one. He was later sent back to Vietnam. He came back unharmed. He NEVER protested. He went.
So in closing, I experience this fake trial as another injury to American justice. There have been plenty besides this one.
And all these illegal aliens (not immigrants) entering this country is enough to make my blood boil.
More violations of law - immigration laws.
We were vetted - x-rays were conducted in Montreal, Canada to make sure we didn't have some dreaded disease. A back ground check was done on my parents.
Trump's fake trial is a travesty to justice.
I also view it as an interference to the election laws.
What happened to the rule of law?
What happened to a fair trial?
Judges are supposed to be impartial.
Did it happen in this case?
Liars/criminals/thieves are now credible witnesses?
I highly suspect that sentencing in July may be "house arrest" or actual prison to prevent him from campaigning.
If house arrest, then he can use the internet to campaign so this option may NOT suit the "criminals" in this case so it is more likely that he may be jailed.
Why would anyone think differently based on the shenanigans in that court room?
Furthermore, I became a citizen in Maine so I could vote.
I am Canadian born on the French side and spoke NO English upon arrival in Maine at age 3.
My mother was the ONLY one who could speak English so that ensured our survival. My parents arrived in Maine with 3 small children.
None of that stopped me from accomplishing what I wanted.
I have drive and ambition as a "legal" immigrant who overcame obstacles. Not easy but can be done with ambition.
My parents NEVER EVER voted as they both knew they couldn't lawfully as they maintained their Canadian citizenship living in Maine.
My older brother was drafted as a Canadian citizen living in Maine and went to Vietnam. He was given an ultimatum. Become a citizen or go back to Canada. He chose to become a citizen and was transferred to Hawaii and become one. He was later sent back to Vietnam. He came back unharmed. He NEVER protested. He went.
So in closing, I experience this fake trial as another injury to American justice. There have been plenty besides this one.
And all these illegal aliens (not immigrants) entering this country is enough to make my blood boil.
More violations of law - immigration laws.
We were vetted - x-rays were conducted in Montreal, Canada to make sure we didn't have some dreaded disease. A back ground check was done on my parents.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)
Lisa: TY for your good observations and questions...
That video within the article is great to watch as it teaches why NO one speaks up.
Great lesson!
Lisa: TY, I think so. Hopefully everyone will watch it тАФ it's only 3 minutes long!
When I spoke up regarding an issue about the fake pandemic, I received a letter from the IRS whereby I was being investigated.
Nothing came of it over time.
This is what can potentially happen if one speaks up, or something else may happen, too, such as being murdered in a variety of ways.
Additionally, most Americans do NOT owe any income taxes - see Art. 1, Sec. 8, Clause 17 of the federal constitution.
It was placed in the said constitution to prevention invasion of the various States.
It is a jurisdictional clause.
NO jurisdiction = nothing to address = NO charges brought about.
Courts must adhere to jurisdiction also. If none exist, then the court does NOT have any delegation of authority to hear a case.
Understand what the clauses says and means.
And the judge in Trump's case is born in Columbia.
Since he doesn't seem to know the laws in these United States, and acted criminally in this case, then he ought to be deported.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)