The election experience over the last two years has been tortuous for most US citizens. As with any painful ordeal (e.g., a root canal), we hope to look back on it and honestly conclude that we emerged from it, better off.
So what did we learn — or were reminded of — in the 2024 Presidential campaign? Some of my observations are:
1 - Taking our freedoms for granted puts them in extreme jeopardy.
The examples abound here. For instance, when a Presidential candidate has his legal rights bludgeoned by kangaroo courts for political purposes, it says that the legal rights of ordinary citizens (you and me) could easily be squashed like a bug.
2 - There are genuine enemies of America, in high places.
Elections are no longer about academic differences in policy priorities by people on the same side. Instead, we are now forced to defend America from outright attacks on the fabric of our society. For example, woke ideologies (DEI, CRT, etc.) are profoundly destructive in nature, not constructive.
3 - Critically Thinking about what the media tells us is essential.
We are now immersed in deceptive messaging 24-7. One of the reasons for this is that there is no meaningful punishment for lying by (or in) the press. With Artificial Intelligence set to explode, it will soon become at least ten times worse. Our main defense against these assaults is Critical Thinking.
4 - We need to fix the US K-12 education system, yesterday.
Our children are our future. The Left knows this and has aggressively invaded the US K-12 curricula, especially Science and History. It is imperative that Americans speak up about their State’s corrupt K-12 curricula being genuinely fixed.
5 - We need God’s help for the American experiment to succeed.
The Left (e.g., think Communist China) is largely atheistic. The decline in Americans who attend Church and who have genuine Judeo-Christian beliefs, is more than alarming. We can not continue on that trajectory and survive. Period.
6 - We MUST have sample, meaningful post-election audits.
Thanks to patriots like Cleta Mitchel, since the 2020 election Republicans have done a MUCH better job at paying attention to the election process. The RNC also stepped up and filed numerous helpful lawsuits. However, as of today, not a single US precinct has a mandated meaningful post-election audit! That MUST be fixed, ASAP!
PS — In prior commentaries, I have identified Michele Morrow as one of the most significant down-ballot candidates in the entire country. She was campaigning to be the North Carolina Superintendent of public schools…. The result is that she narrowly lost. IMO the most significant reason was that the NC Governor candidate shot himself in the foot, and lost by 15± points, so was an anchor to down-ballot candidates.
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Can you expand upon the post election audits and what these might look like?
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states to award all their EVs to whichever presidential ticket wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states.
Will these Blue States then have to pledge their EVs to DJT?