Can you expand upon the post election audits and what these might look like?


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Michael: My team of independent experts wrote ten (10) reports on election integrity, the first being published within two weeks of the 2020 Presidential election. The link for those (and a lot more) is: Election-Integrity.info. The tenth report is about meaningful post-election audits.

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John…you have once again nailed important learnings from the election. In addition to your final learning on election integrity, I would add a 7th learning. 7- Personal,one-on-one Get Out The Vote initiatives to disengaged voters work.

Don Runkle

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Don: TY. Yes, we need to do a better job of getting all citizens to vote.

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As you point out John, many of us have learned much throughout the ordeal of the US federal election process. However, I've been watching the reactions of snowflake Democrat Party diehards, Lefty pundits, and Lefty media. Unfortunately, it appears they haven't learned anything at all. Generally speaking, their explanation for their election loss is the toxic masculinity, stupidity, bigoted and racist culture of Republican voters - all hastening the end of the US as we know it. This leaves me bonafidely worried about what the extremists among them are going to do to resolve their problem. Sorry to be so negative, but ignoring reality does nothing to make it go away.

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Russ: What we are seeing is the reaction of people: 1) who have been thoroughly propagandized into believing progressive ideology, and 2) who have no critical thinking ability. That is as very bad combination, but it is what we are dealing with. To stop that from happening we MUST reform the K-12 education curriculum.cula, esp in Science.

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I agree John. But meanwhile, these propagandized sheeple who can’t think for themselves AND the still-existing propagandists who own their minds remain a clear and present danger to the well being of themselves and the rest of us.

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Russ: Yes, they are a danger. IMO the bigger threat is the K-12 factory producing 4± MILLION of these EVERY YEAR. Almost all of these become voting citizens. We MUST stop this production line!

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We need to do a set time today just like Monday for a prayer of praise and thanks

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Carolyn: Good suggestion.

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The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states to award all their EVs to whichever presidential ticket wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states.

Will these Blue States then have to pledge their EVs to DJT?

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Frank: Good question.

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