Thank you for your response, John. I agree there are a lot of bad actors--but they go hand in glove with the alien Intervention. The incredible 'long game' we are seeing is due to THEIR due diligence ahead of any awareness on humanity's part. Our ability to consider all forces moving against us now must take the alien factor into account. Even if they are not here wreaking havoc in our world, we must still realize that engagement with billions of worlds of intelligent life means our existence on Earth will never be the same. We must become a much more intelligent race to survive and thrive in this GC--thus, this Intervention and all the challenges facing us now, are a gift and an opportunity. In this way, developing a greater intelligence is a necessity for survival.

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John Droz, I just watched a National Health Federation presentation by yourself and Meryl Nass. I was really struck by your thoughts around why people are unable to see through the flimsy narrative being pushed by our government and health agencies. You were quite adamant about the loss of young people graduating from K-12 with no training in critical thinking and you placed the blame to a great degree on NGSS policy in our schools. This was news to me and yet it makes perfect sense, as does the fact that you mentioned that our enemies appear to be playing the 'long game' while we humans of short attention span can only deal with a short term focus. Your suspicions fit well into my hypothesis--which is actually more certain than that. Please suspend your disbelief for a short while as I propose that there is, and has been for over eight decades, an alien Intervention operating in our world and has been observing and studying our strengths and weaknesses with the intent of formulating the perfect plan for takeover of our world and subjugation of our race. When you talk about the 'long game', this is what these races of resource explorers are good at. They are not military in nature but wish to preserve the resources of our world in tact--and so they use mental manipulation which they are very adept at. You are the first person I've heard who has made the observation of our opponents playing the 'long game' and this makes you a critical thinker capable of perhaps understanding an even larger perspective. Humanity is now emerging into a Greater Community (GC)of intelligent life. We have always lived here, but have considered ourselves alone in the universe for all intents and purposes. The alien Intervention present here would be glad to have us continue to think so but here, your observations about the need for our children to become critical thinkers becomes even more critical. These races are superior to us in their technological and mental abilities and so are many of the billions of races in the GC we are entering--and let there be no mistake, we can only go forward into the GC as we have been 'discovered', like the Aztecs by the Conquistadors. There is no going back. But, this more intelligent foe we are facing has a gift for us. We MUST become more intelligent, critical thinkers in order to maintain our freedom and sovereignty in our world and in the greater arena that we will be entering. It is a highly competitive arena and greater intelligence is a requirement. That said, a deeper spiritual foundation is also critical as this is the only part of humanity that cannot be manipulated by our visitors. They left their spiritual foundation many generations back due to choices they made at a cross road we can only guess at. I'm sure this may be difficult for you to entertain but I must tell you that this Greater Intelligence that humanity must develop is only possible through our spiritual evolution. We have this natural endowment in each of us--all sentient life in the universe does--but amazingly, humanity has made choices to keep it alive in our world where it has died out in most others. If this piques your interest or you know the truth of this somewhere in your inner-knowing, please look into AlliesofHumanity[dot]org - free online. Because education concerning our adversaries in essential.

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Daniel: Thank you for your support. I also appreciate your unique perspective. My 2¢ is:

a) there are a LOT of things we do not know about our existence, and the possibility of Aliens is one of those. As a result I do not dismiss such a possibility out of hand.

b) That said there is enormous unequivcocal evidence that we are infiltrated with human bad actors. My thought is: let's deal with them first, and then decide about any Aliens.

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Stan Young

I have ChatGPT and use it for this and that. If I want to know what the woke thinkers are thinking on a subject, I go to ChatGPT as I find it quite woke in its point of view. To use it, you need to be a knowledgeable person and a critical thinker. With careful questioning, it can be backed into a corner, and then its logic will kick in, and it will admit its lies. Tony Cox backs ChatGPT into a corner and it admits that association does not prove causation. https://truthinscience.org/a-conversation-on-epidemiology-with-chatgpt/

One of the dangerous aspects is that misleading data can be used for training.

Much human knowledge is based on simple association. The EPA has funded hundreds, maybe thousands of association studies saying air pollution is associated with increased deaths. It only takes one valid negative study to negate all the positive association studies. In my opinion, if a researcher has EPA funding and gets a negative study, almost always they do not publish.

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Dr. Young. Readers should be informed that you have a PhD in statistics, so know of what you speak!

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We know AI can only put out what it has been fed. No doubt AI could be useful as a tool, if properly programmed. The problem: we have thugs in charge of way too much. No easy or painless way out of the chaos.

God will have the last word.

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AM: Yes and Yes.

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The point I see is that AI sourced the truth!

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It seems to me that somehow AI needs to be taught critical thinking, but maybe that's asking too much.

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Ralph: You are assuming that AI is an honest broker. The evidence to date says it is not.

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more and more, AI is seeming to be a woke joke

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David: Except that it is not funny!

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What AI has done has conveniently reproduced the legitimate educational standards we admire. Rather than object we ought congratulate the result, package it up and send it to the standards people for replacement of their current bogus criteria.

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John: If it were only so easy!

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AI performed accurately. Stated what ought to be whereas actual policy is what ought not to be. Policy makers should be confronted. Dog has bitten master.

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The first thing that comes to mind is all of the Bible scripture that speaks about "the fool". Next are the scriptures that speak about the deception that is perpetrated by those who follow the world (satan, devil, demons, principalities of darkness) and not the Creator. The end times deception will continue to increase. We live in a world where the majority population does not read (they watch videos), they do not search for any truth, they are lambs being led to slaughter, and they could care less about anything, including knowledge, as long as they have their cell phones, food, and shelter.

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Debra: Yes the Bible has many messages applicable for today.

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John...Great article and given that AI has totally screwed up the answer to the question, it's clear why Critical Thinking must be taught in schools. A critical thinking person would quickly understand that AI got this answer not only wrong but misleading. The AI response is close to what a few high-level leaders of education schools in universities parrot back to me...they probably simply asked AI for the answer. Keep up the quest for getting critical thinking and the Scientific Method into all schools K-12 through university...and not just in the science related courses...Don Runkle

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Don: TY for your insight. We simply MUST succeed in getting Critical Thinking properly taught in K-12 Science classes, or the American Experiment will fail.

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