Extremely severe punishment for those using "official capacity" for harassment and political targeting. Likewise for lawyers, so called law enforcement, elected and appointed officials engaging in lawfare.

Seizure of all assets, minimum 10 years hard prison first offence, barred from all influential jobs for life.

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Yes. That is why I thought it was worth my time to try to defend Mr. Eastman against this injustice.

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I had the pleasure of watching John on the witness stand and could barely contain my frustration at times. To a non-attorney, well-informed citizen on the sideline, I was disheartened by the judges lack of impartiality. I spent most of my adult life believing our judicial system was just and fair - and thus supported the outcome of many trials even if I was disappointed in the outcome. Unfortunately, this is no more. My faith and trust in our judicial system has been eviscerated over the conduct of numerous judges and even juries these past few years - this trial being no exception.

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The bedrock of our judicial system is that EVERYONE is entitled to an attorney of his choosing. If the system filters out attorneys with certain viewpoints, the potential client is left with no choice. Many of the J6 defendants wound up with attorneys who hated them, gave them bad advice which harmed their cases.

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Diane: Exactly

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I will be on a podcast with Dr. Eastman tomorrow: Connecting The Dots. I am a retired attorney.

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Diane: Please email me your phone; <aaprjohn@northnet.org>.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited May 13Author

Jo: TY for taking the time out of your hectic schedule to watch some of this affair. I share your frustration about bias. For others who may want to watch this trial, I believe that this link works was <https://calbar.zoom.us/j/97985435232#success>. FYI, they are taking next week off...

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If the election in 2024 is allowed to proceed to reflect the majority voters’ choice, the criminals in charge would have automatically put themselves in prison. We all know that is NOT going to happen.

Justice can be restored only by decent people who respect the Constitution.

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Agreed: As I wrote in a prior post, our top priority must be to assure election integrity.

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Election integrity cannot be restored unless the criminals are arrested, prosecuted and punished. Those outrageous criminals are monopolizing the whole election processes to keep the Democrats in power forever.

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At this juncture in the history of America, it’s sad to say the nation is over, barring a decisive revolution to restore justice and to punish lawlessness.

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Good for you, John. The primary reason for most of our political ills is the utter failure of the judiciary to be judicious, at virtually every level of consideration. Formal deference to crackpot expertise, combined with providing no penalties for lying, helps explain the predicament you’re encountering. The law truly has become an ass, leading society’s oxcart down the road to hell.

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Well phrased, thank you.

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If the judge refuses to listen to the facts, nor admit the details of fraud, or look at the graphs that show the anomalies, he obviously understands the truth. His only course of action must be to bury his head in the sand and hope no rational human is watching this debacle.

This is going to appeal because the truth must be found. This court is merely standing in the way of justice. That is all they have to offer.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Author

Regretfully that might be the case. (FYI, if I'm still allowed to make such an observation, the judge here appears to be a woman.)

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Personal integrity is the least common denominator in any equation to measure the prospect for justice in our democratic Republican form of government. When such integrity becomes the exception rather than the norm the structure of a the state is imperiled. Respect for truth is the essential facet of personal integrity and when, as now, public education and media fall in with the forces of propaganda to degrade reverence for truth, our justice system and free way of life hang in the balance. So we must begin in the schools to foster critical thinking so that the citizenry are empowered to discriminate between truth and falsehood and restore personal integrity to its vital role as the core value of the United States of America.

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THANK YOU for connecting this with the essential need for Critically Thinking citizens. That is the number one message i have for K-12 education reform.

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Those of us who have a clear conscience can still recall the compelling circumstantial evidence of election fraud AND we ALL know of the DIRECT evidence that election manipulation through extreme bias in the media was rampant in the months (years actually) leading up to the 2020 US presidential election. No need to go into those details here. Who CAN'T immediately think of at least a half dozen examples.

What I've seen happening in the US over the last several years (I'm a Canadian) scares the living hell out of me. It is blatantly obvious that many of the inherent rights and freedoms of democracy are successfully being taken away from the US population. Like a existential virus, it's happening in Canada too.

The scariest part of this story is that the culprits on the front line of this attack (both purposefully and unwittingly complicit) are those whose mission in life is SUPPOSED TO BE to protect these very freedoms from being lost to those Marx-inspired ideologues who would steal them away. So insidiously, this front line of destructive forces is heavily populated by the media, by people in institutions of education, and even by people in departments of justice - as this story clearly illustrates.

Throughout the years since Trump first exposed the underbelly of the swamp dwellers in Washington (both sides of the political aisle btw), there has been a very united front by the bad guys to: 1. portray themselves as the good guys, 1. take our eyes off the ball using censorship, diversion tactics, incessant fear-mongering of various hob-goblins, and the manufacturing of various crises. They blame everyone but themselves for the destruction they cause. They pit the population against one another with lunatic and divisive groupings by sex, by color, by sexual orientation, and by promoting insane ideas like multiple genders of human beings. Somehow, they have even managed to normalize obscenity in the minds of prepubescent children. They have convinced themselves that those of us who refuse to swallow their propaganda are whatever nasty characterization they can muster in their little minds.

So, how in the world can we, the public, wrap our heads around issues like election interference, rampant corruption in our halls of government (e.g. Biden family), a collapsed border, security against foreign enemies, a national debt rapidly climbing into bankruptcy, inflation destroying our economies, and unmitigated & rampant crime in the streets of urban centers, when ALL of this takes a back seat to the bullshit that the media forces us to focus upon?

Answer: the GROWING number of good people like John Droz, doing what they are doing. So John, on behalf of the people in the US and the entire free world, please keep up your great work of keeping us informed of the truth. One day, soon I hope, enough of us will be sufficiently aware that we'll collectively get the US back on the right track - the righteous track.

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Thank you for your support. I'm only doing what any informed patriot would do.

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This makes me so mad and further illustrates the ongoing corruption and fraud.

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Is there actually a professional “election integrity expert”? I have never seen that degree offered. Maybe the defense should have referred to you as a math expert and said you would not discuss anything but the math you used to determine what happened.

They are screwing Eastman with semantics.

Jim Schout

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I agree that there is no such expert. I tried to go down that line of thinking but I got cut off.

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Thank you for explaining what is going on in John Eastman's trial. I knew the election was rigged when I saw the numbers. I am so thankful that Mr. Eastman has you trying to defend and explain why he had every right to believe the evidence of fraud AND to advise President Trump on the ECA and what his actions could be to dispute the election results. This man is a HERO and a PATRIOT and if not this judge, hopefully some judge, will hear his arguments and make the right decision. Joyce in Texas

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The intended purpose of our Justice System is fairness.

When a Judge ignores this, we have an injustice system.

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Censorship at every turn. Will share this with those who doubt it. The tired "no proof of election fraud" too must be exposed.

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VERY frustrating to Mr. Eastman, to yourself and to all of us out in the "real" world. We are above fed up with their malarkey

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