Your post on upcoming 2024 is a good inventory of our situation. Our situation took decades to create, and it is the fault of we likeminded citizens NOT PAYING ATTENTION over these decades thinking everything would be OK…not paying attention to schools indoctrinating instead of educating, not paying at…
Your post on upcoming 2024 is a good inventory of our situation. Our situation took decades to create, and it is the fault of we likeminded citizens NOT PAYING ATTENTION over these decades thinking everything would be OK…not paying attention to schools indoctrinating instead of educating, not paying attention to our government representative’s actual performance, etc., etc. The most recent situation needs to be laid at the feet of the current leadership over the last four years. If we want to change the situation, we have to change the leadership.
John…you and I have disagreed on how to change the leadership…thru fair elections (your stance) vs. get out the vote (my stance). Obviously, both are needed but my position over the last year has been that we’re not going to get fair elections in time for the election…your post seems to concede this point. My wife and I have teamed up with TurningPoint Action to construct a free TeamMichigan App that is Michigan centric. It has over 275,000 names, addresses and phone numbers of likeminded voters across Michigan who rarely vote. We’ve put together hundreds of volunteers across Michigan to download the free App and knock on doors, make calls, send texts or send letters to urge theses disengaged voters to pay attention and change the current situation the old fashioned way…by voting…in the face of widespread cheating. Many states have experienced cheating and only lost by fairly narrow margins. Our strategy is to overwhelm the cheating by getting likeminded non-voters to vote. In 2020, over 1.3 million of these voters did not vote.
Respectfully, we have under 30 days to make an important decision if we want to change the situation or if we want to continue the situation…this decision is in our hands.
John…I’m glad you got the bug fixed.
Your post on upcoming 2024 is a good inventory of our situation. Our situation took decades to create, and it is the fault of we likeminded citizens NOT PAYING ATTENTION over these decades thinking everything would be OK…not paying attention to schools indoctrinating instead of educating, not paying attention to our government representative’s actual performance, etc., etc. The most recent situation needs to be laid at the feet of the current leadership over the last four years. If we want to change the situation, we have to change the leadership.
John…you and I have disagreed on how to change the leadership…thru fair elections (your stance) vs. get out the vote (my stance). Obviously, both are needed but my position over the last year has been that we’re not going to get fair elections in time for the election…your post seems to concede this point. My wife and I have teamed up with TurningPoint Action to construct a free TeamMichigan App that is Michigan centric. It has over 275,000 names, addresses and phone numbers of likeminded voters across Michigan who rarely vote. We’ve put together hundreds of volunteers across Michigan to download the free App and knock on doors, make calls, send texts or send letters to urge theses disengaged voters to pay attention and change the current situation the old fashioned way…by voting…in the face of widespread cheating. Many states have experienced cheating and only lost by fairly narrow margins. Our strategy is to overwhelm the cheating by getting likeminded non-voters to vote. In 2020, over 1.3 million of these voters did not vote.
Respectfully, we have under 30 days to make an important decision if we want to change the situation or if we want to continue the situation…this decision is in our hands.