Critically Thinking About Our Education System - Part 1
How a small handful of people are purposefully miseducating American children
The US education system is a behemoth. IMO it is made purposefully complex (e.g., with its own language — this is designed to keep interlopers [like you and me] out).
It is also an elitist culture — where parent, citizen, legislator, etc. inquiries are patronizingly dismissed. Their message is: thank you for your interest but you are out of your lane, so leave the educating of your children to us, the experts. We know best…
My commentary here is an attempt to help you to penetrate this domain. To start with, I WILL stay in my lane. I’m a professional scientist (physicist) so my comments will exclusively pertain to Science. To further refine my focus, I will only discuss K-12 Science education. [Note that few K-12 Science teachers actually have a Science degree, so the reality is that most of them are actually intruding on MY lane.]
Not surprisingly, the protectorates of the education cabal have also made K-12 Science education complicated. So this commentary is just about one aspect of K-12 Science education: an overview of how the K-12 Science curriculum comes about.
In successive commentaries I'll discuss some additional elements — e.g., the main problems with the K-12 Science standards and commensurate solutions.
One last intro comment: I have great respect for teachers. However, in this clic they are pawns of people promoting political agendas. Science teachers are victims starting with the Science mis-education they get to obtain their teaching degree. The Left knows full well that teachers are a critical link in this chain, so they have made sure that teaching schools are onboard (esp. in Science and History).
In tackling this sacred cow I won’t name most of the names, as this is not really about specific individuals or organizations — it’s about the movement. The Left has a clear plan for our education system, and this is my overview of it… The following is a layperson’s outline of how what is taught in US K-12 Science classes comes about…
POINT #1 is that we need appreciate the fact that the Left plays the long game. They are willing to wait for years (or decades), to implement various aspects of their plan to bring America down. On the other hand, we are daily bombarded with messages endorsing the merits of instant gratification. As such, few citizens have the mindset to discern (or appreciate the significance of) the long term tactics of our enemies.
I’m aware of no better videos that insightfully explain some of the larger picture of what is going on (and the long game), than these two five-minute movie trailers:
Agenda: Grinding America Down plus Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit.
Note Objective #17 (from 1958!): “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism and Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”
POINT #2 is that the Left knows that the most effective way they can achieve their objective, is to corrupt our education process. They know full well that propagandized students soon turn into misinformed adult citizens — who can easily be fooled with election shenanigans, renewable energy absurdities, climate change alarmism, etc., etc.
POINT #3 is that that they know that the best time to propagandize Americans, is when they are young. Children are trusting by nature, and eagerly absorb most of what they are told — especially in a K-12 school situation. Lenin’s famous statement about children is at work here.
POINT #4 is that to be most effective, our opponents know that they need to focus on one (key) subject area. That subject is Science. Why is that? We need to backup a bit to answer that important question:
We must be clear about what the number one objective is for our education system! I’ve looked at dozens of education sources and (amazingly) there is no uniformly agreed on primary desired outcome. Little wonder we are in such dire straits!
To me it seems quite clear as to what it should be: we want literate graduates (i.e., have the 3Rs), who have the ability to do (and interest in doing) Critical Thinking.
The single greatest fear of the Left is that the majority of American citizens are critical thinkers! That would scuttle all of their schemes, and they can’t have that.
In these complex times (COVID to Climate) we simply must have a majority of critically thinking citizens, if America is to survive and be successful…
Back to the education system: where is critical thinking taught? Science. This is a natural fit, as real scientists are skeptics and questioners — Critical Thinkers.
So, the bad actors promoting an anti-American agenda realize that they have to: a) take control of the K-12 Science standards, and b) in doing so, make sure that critical thinking is NOT taught in K-12 Science classes.
Of course they realize that they can NOT publicly acknowledge that this is what they are doing! They are sophisticated opponents, so the clever strategy they use is to publicly declare that they SUPPORT Critical Thinking — yet the Science standards they originate actually do the opposite: teach conformity.
A second major reason these bad actors are targeting Science, is because they know that real Science is an obstacle in their establishing self-serving policies (from COVID to Climate). Their long-range strategy is that if they can produce academic graduates who have a distorted understanding of Science, then in short order, the citizenry will also reflect that corruption. In that way, the gatekeeper will have been effectively dealt with.
That is the brief explanation why they targeted K-12 Science standards as being paramount to control, and then to undermine.
POINT #5 is that these parties made sure that they understood (and played) the US public school system, so that children would be taught their progressive ideology.
How is that done? The short answer is: those who want to inject material into the K-12 curriculum, must arrange to influence state Education Boards. The objective would be to get state Education Boards to establish state standards (e.g., in Science) that convey the political messages, etc. that they want to communicate to children.
OK, so how did they do that? They worked with allies to generate a progressive science “bible.” In 2012, their Framework was released under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) — which give this polemic an appearance of credibility (to state education boards, teachers, legislators, most citizens, etc.).
On the surface this 400± page NAS treatise looks polished, professional, competent, non-threatening, etc. — which is what progressives are good at: making their agenda seem palatable. In reality this NAS document is a Trojan Horse… What the Left is trying to do is to have schools substitute political science for real Science. Extraordinarily significant!
POINT #6 is that the same group of allies then massaged the Framework into a format (NGSS) that state education boards recognized and could easily adopt as their own K-12 “science standards.” This was all accomplished about eight years ago.
Is this just an academic tempest in a teapot? NO. As of today some FORTY-FIVE (45) states have adopted all or most of this progressive Science Framework/Standards!
What’s astounding is that (considering the seriousness of the problems in this NAS opus), published complaints about the Framework/Standards from teachers, parents, scientists, conservative organizations, etc. are almost non-existent.
Churchill made many insightful statements, and this one likely applies here: "This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read."
This is a basic overview of the relationship of the three main elements here:
(in layman terms:) Messages —> Methodology —> Mechanics
What is in the Framework/Standards? I’ve covered enough ground here, so I’ll leave a discussion of some of the problematic matters for Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. The Postscript will wrap up this series by giving you some ideas as to what you can do about all this…
Please make SURE that you have a clear grasp of this overview. This is not some conspiracy theory, as it all is happening today. Please get involved with your state’s education system.
Here is a must-watch one-minute video. It says Idaho, but it applies countrywide.
Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting: discusses the science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options. covers the lack of genuine science behind our COVID-19 policies. multiple major reports on the election integrity issue.
Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not, on issues from: COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2022 Archives. Send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name, and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time - but why would you?)
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Yes, there are MANY good schools and teachers out there. If so, you are fortunate. For those that don't, it really comes down to this: Get your kids out of any school system that is "woke," or you will lose them, and they will lose their future. Period.
The truth is, communist Antonio Gramsci said, don't take on the West militarily; rather, take over there media, education and news. Golly gee whiz, d'ya think they were successful? But yes, it clearly goes all the way back through the Bolsheviks in Russia and back to Marx. It's not as if they are hiding anything.
I did my undergrad in English education at U. of Illinois, Urbana (stayed on to do one of my grad degrees in linguistics, then on to Univ. of British Columbia for another). Even back in the mid-70s, the whole dept. was "proto-woke." As a practiciing Christian, there was already antipathy all over the place from other teachers when I did my teaching practicum. I wasn't at all "in your face" with my faith, but I didn't hide it either. Why should I have? I thought we lived in a marketplace of ideas? Why is one of those not acceptable, but all others are? Even then, the hatred from some was palpable. I was talking with a T.A./PhD cand. one day, who had gone to a professors party. She looked at me, eyes wide, and realated that at this party , the head of the education dept. at this major university, John Erickson, probably around 60 yrs old, had taken all his clothes off and danced naked. Same "groovy guy" who had long hair. I spent the first 5 years of my career teaching English at Vancouver Island Univ., Vancouver Community College, Univ. of Alberta, and Univ. of Ottawa, then moved into high tech. I did, however, during the 2001 recession, again teach English at two community colleges in Illinois part time. I am certified to teach in Illinois, Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario, and also was a Certified Netware Instructor to boot.
In sum, I have seen what is going on first hand.
So... "get your kids out of the school system?" Right. But most don't have the time or money, as my barber told me a week ago. Then, a choice - not dissimilar to the choice the von Trapp family (Sound of Music) had to make: stay in Austria, or leave. Financial hardship is not an easy choice... but watching your child die a slow death both academically and in terms of all that fasco-Marxist wokeness brings, is worse.
But here's the thing I just don't get: For the LIFE of me, I simply cannot understand why with this issue just don't go on their non-Gooogle search engine and type in something, anything similar to: "How to fund Christian elementary school" or "How to pay for private high school" or similar. I did this now, and just the first page is below. This is NOT complicated. One can type in anything similar. Yet, everytime I tell people this, it's like I have just come up with quantum theory or the theory of relativity.
If we had kids in a woke school, it comes down to whether we want their lives destroyed or not. As I keep telling people, those that think they can "sit this one out" - they cant, they won't.. and they never intended for you to be able to.
Yes, well done. Thanks.