I think all HSs should be VO-TECH. That way you can learn how to do repairs, cook, sew, and basic first aid, and still get US, and World History, Civics, Government, Biology, or other Sciences as far into math as you want. Heavy on English and writing. My HS was VO-TECH too, but knowing I couldn't afford college, I took Secertial courses…
I think all HSs should be VO-TECH. That way you can learn how to do repairs, cook, sew, and basic first aid, and still get US, and World History, Civics, Government, Biology, or other Sciences as far into math as you want. Heavy on English and writing. My HS was VO-TECH too, but knowing I couldn't afford college, I took Secertial courses, besides the rest. Math was my worse subject. I transpose numbers it is a form of Dyslexia for me. Unfortunately, someone invented the Computer, and it wasn't Al Gore. But by the time I hit 7th grade, I was reading college-level books. Never Stop Learning, read widely, and it may save your life, and teach you to survive what life throws at you.
These young people can't do that. They can't even count change unless that cash register tells them the amount to return. Digital Money will make them Slaves to the government, banks, and hackers. But that is what men and women like those at Davos want. Soylent Green, Blade Runner, 1984, Atlas Shrugged, along with The Federalist Papers and more.
There is even some truth to the leisure books I read on EMPs. They taught me to be even more self-sufficient. Semi-Prepper. Being a Military Spouse you have long periods with no help, where you have to be both mother and father, and be able to do repairs, the banking, and bill paying. I learned quickly to keep 3 months of food on hand, and have now expanded it to a year. I garden and can as my mom and grandma taught me. They went through FDR's Great Depression.
I don't trust the government we now have. Robert Yoho taught me never to trust Pharma, the government, and doctors. Not that I ever trusted any of them much. Too many bad experiences.
Robert encouraged me to write, and that has been a learning experience.
I think all HSs should be VO-TECH. That way you can learn how to do repairs, cook, sew, and basic first aid, and still get US, and World History, Civics, Government, Biology, or other Sciences as far into math as you want. Heavy on English and writing. My HS was VO-TECH too, but knowing I couldn't afford college, I took Secertial courses, besides the rest. Math was my worse subject. I transpose numbers it is a form of Dyslexia for me. Unfortunately, someone invented the Computer, and it wasn't Al Gore. But by the time I hit 7th grade, I was reading college-level books. Never Stop Learning, read widely, and it may save your life, and teach you to survive what life throws at you.
These young people can't do that. They can't even count change unless that cash register tells them the amount to return. Digital Money will make them Slaves to the government, banks, and hackers. But that is what men and women like those at Davos want. Soylent Green, Blade Runner, 1984, Atlas Shrugged, along with The Federalist Papers and more.
There is even some truth to the leisure books I read on EMPs. They taught me to be even more self-sufficient. Semi-Prepper. Being a Military Spouse you have long periods with no help, where you have to be both mother and father, and be able to do repairs, the banking, and bill paying. I learned quickly to keep 3 months of food on hand, and have now expanded it to a year. I garden and can as my mom and grandma taught me. They went through FDR's Great Depression.
I don't trust the government we now have. Robert Yoho taught me never to trust Pharma, the government, and doctors. Not that I ever trusted any of them much. Too many bad experiences.
Robert encouraged me to write, and that has been a learning experience.