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Thank you, Mr. Droz.

I subscribe to your newsletter, and recently, your Substack.

In Los Angeles, (CA) turning education into Big Education started in the early 1980s. Primarily, an assault on teachers themselves, and how they communicated to their class. "Newspeak" (not yet CRT) started creeping in. My late Mom taught Kindergarten, but her State Certificate was good for K-6. She took her job seriously, and if she knew what was happening now, she would be livid. I post these facts in her honor, her memory, and her friendship with most teaching co-workers who would also be appalled. (My Mom got disgusted back then, took early retirement. This, of course, meant less retirement income for her.)

Be aware that CRT (a bastardization of Critical Thinking for political power) now has a few names. SEL or Transformative Social and Emotional Learning, or DEI, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, or CRSE or Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education.

Coincidentally (?) these are also WEF goals, along with LGBTQ indoctrination of children.

It is also coming from U.S. Government.

CRT: https://eric.ed.gov/?q=transformative+SEL&id=EJ1224571

LGBTQ: https://eric.ed.gov/?q=intersectionality&id=EJ1160829

You'll find this "eric" link in a non-Google search engine. It's part of our Department of Education and well hidden.

If you click on these links, look off on the right-hand side. You'll see "Direct Link" - go ahead and click - it's safe - it redirects you to Taylor and Francis, a major textbook and educational materials publishing web site. Scroll down to the bottom of the page - you'll see that CRT is also sponsored by the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation. Still want to use Facebook? This is that public-private "partnership" which is overriding our Constitutional rights.

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Aggravated Senior: Thank you for your good observations. Clearly we are on the same page. Please pass on this Substack (and Newsletter) to open-minded parties.

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I already have, many times - and will continue to do so. You are a very valuable resource. Thanks again.

(BTW, in case you are keeping track, I found out about your newsletter from Dr. Robert Malone

on Locals and Truth Social.)

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