We are in very uncertain times. As we all know, the person who won the votes of citizens in Democrat primary elections for President, has just bowed out. That leaves Dems with a candidate — whoever it is — that no one voted for…
Who that will be is anyone’s guess — people like this might get in the game… However, as of today, it appears that the odds-on favorite to get the Democratic Presidential nomination is VP Kamala Harris. This is my attempt to present a somewhat balanced perspective of Kamala (i.e., I’m showing sample commentaries from both sides of the isle).
You decide whether she is a competent, hard-working, leadership person who would be acting in the best interest of US citizens. That is the only relevant decision a voter should be making…
Kamala Harris (The White House)
55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris (Politico)
What has Kamala Harris done as vice president? (The Week)
Biden endorses Kamala Harris: What to know about her presidential bid (Axios)
How Kamala Harris’ platform could differ from Joe Biden’s (Politico)
Biden Endorses Harris: What Her California Years Reveal (CalMatters)
Kamala Harris' Attorney General Record, Explained (Marie Claire)
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NYT publishes damning profile of Kamala Harris saying even close allies have ‘lost hope’
Short video: Sky News host blasts Kamala Harris
Short video: Exposing Kamala Harris! Corruption and Failure in CA (Reform California)
Inside Kamala Harris’ polarizing record as a prosecutor (NY Post)
Kamala Harris’s Dreadful DA Record (National Review)
The Faustian Bargain (Victor Davis Hanson)
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Kamala Harris? (Federalist)
Below is an interesting collection of polls about Kamala Harris’ national favorability over the last two plus years. (Maybe that’s why Obama Declines To Endorse Harris In Lengthy Statement On Biden’s Withdrawal.)
In a series of recent polls, Trump vs Harris, Trump won almost all of them.
One takeaway apparent here is that the more the public actually gets to know Kamala, the less they like her. In any case what will happen over the next few months will be a blitzkrieg.
We need more prayers than ever…
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The rapidity with which the Demos have coalesced to support Harris is very concerning. Can one believe $84 million in one day raised by her campaign? The real test will come if a fair debate is held between the two, if indeed she is the nominee. If I were a Demo strategist I would find that prospect very daunting given her tendency to word salads, to say nothing of what happened when the Biden/Trump debate debacle went down. I share Paul's concerns. The only things the Demos are good at are spending other people's money and stealing elections. Give the Devil his (her) due.
Don’t underestimate the ability of the Democrat Party to re-package Kamala as something acceptable to gullible, Trump-hating voters and special interest groups. Also, plan on the media to run cover for her the way they did so long for Biden. Combine those factors with the Democrat propensity to cheat and what should be a runaway victory for Trump could turn into a replay of 2020.