Big Pharma owns the medical schools (and politicians) through Big Donations. The medical system is "rigged", set up to keep people alive using drugs, not to prevent illness in the first place. There's no money to be made on healthy people. It's a disgrace how the CDC blackballed off label but highly effective preventative treatments for Covid in order to mandate the experimental gene therapy shots.
Dr. Gold's comparison of medical school to law school was fascinating. She's one sharp cookie, and boy does she ever have guts to stand her ground and speak out. I admire her greatly. She was a shining beacon of hope and logic throughout Covid 19 and was treated abominably by the Biden administration and many in the medical establishment. Hopefully this will change with the new administration and we can make America healthy again by bringing transparency, real science and critical thinking to the forefront. This was a great interview. Thanks for posting!
John...terrific Peterson/Gold interview. The great insight is that physicians and scientists are different...Docs memorize stuff which can quickly become outdated as medical innovations occur. They are not problem solvers. Scientists use the Scientific Method to search for adversarial approach to problem solving. Great insight...Don Runkle
For anyone that desires clear and concise analysis on some of the most important issues we are facing I'd strongly encourage you to subscribe to John Droz. Iron sharpens iron and the sparks fly for me every time I take the time to read his work. Thanks, John
Medical Care is NOT health Care. Doctors are not taught information that would prevent illness or render cures. John D Rockefeller set it up after 1910, when he got his men on medical school boards in order to promote and sell his patented petroleum-based drugs. He eliminated other healing modalities available at the time. Drugs and vaccines are toxic and do not belong in the human body...They destroy the cells and the organs, including the brain. When I read Vaccination is NOT Immunization, which listed all the items in the childhood vaccines,, such s, aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal viruses, animal cells, etc. I was appalled at the ignorance of medical doctors who promoted these injections. American's mental and physical health has gone downhill drastically, since the 1950s. My first child nearly died; and it set him up for life long problems.
The issue in healthcare isn't the science, it's access and affordability as witnessed by the anger and glee that followed the New Your killing of United Healthcare's CEO. So as "Critical Thinkers" we need to go to the heart of the problem which is the misrepresentation of what we are ACTUALLY owed from health insurance. Access, care and billing that are completely described in SECRET Provider Contracts, but ignored to delay, deny and bill us in violation of the Healthcare Insurance Industry's own contract with every in-network provider in the healthcare SYSTEM. It's the FAR BIGGER story behind the New Your shooting death of Brian Thomas and what all "Critical Thinkers" should be focused on. <>
Frank: I appreciate your perspective, but one of the main issues is ABSOLUTELY the Science! For example, some FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans died during the COVID-19 period, likely due to government policies NOT conveying what the Science indicated were optimum therapies, etc.
Cannot second this enough! I was truly enlightened by Simone’s explanation of the critical differences between how physicians and lawyers are trained. One of the nagging questions I personally had was how the vast majority of doctors were absolutely loathe to question the official narrative. I personally thought that it was some kind of code among physician to never question each other’s judgment. But according to Simone, it’s not that at all. They are actually trained NOT to question.
Just think of how AI is going to further exacerbate this problem. A friend mired deep in the bowels of the pharmaceutical industry tells me that nanotechnology is moving at warp speed, as is AI diagnostic tech. He is excited and the soon-to-be-realized dream of fast diagnosis by AI, with tailor made injectable mRNA nanoparticle vaccines to attack cancer in your body. Not only that, the industry envisions testing healthy people for different disease markers, then tailoring vaccines to prevent future diseases. What could go wrong?
Imagine a day when your baby is so tested at birth, a cancer marker is found and you are “offered” a tailor made vaccine. You have grave concerns (either in the speed at which these things diagnostic AI or the nanotechnology was developed) and want your opt out, but you have been told that if you reject it your child will never be covered by insurance for this disease because of the onerous expense of treatment and the burden they would be on society.
Do you trust the system training physicians now? Do you trust the health agencies making these decisions? Do you trust the companies making the drugs?
Too bad. There’s just too much money to be made! Too many elections to run!
Big Pharma owns the medical schools (and politicians) through Big Donations. The medical system is "rigged", set up to keep people alive using drugs, not to prevent illness in the first place. There's no money to be made on healthy people. It's a disgrace how the CDC blackballed off label but highly effective preventative treatments for Covid in order to mandate the experimental gene therapy shots.
Dr. Gold's comparison of medical school to law school was fascinating. She's one sharp cookie, and boy does she ever have guts to stand her ground and speak out. I admire her greatly. She was a shining beacon of hope and logic throughout Covid 19 and was treated abominably by the Biden administration and many in the medical establishment. Hopefully this will change with the new administration and we can make America healthy again by bringing transparency, real science and critical thinking to the forefront. This was a great interview. Thanks for posting!
SM: You're welcome. I agree with your statements.
John...terrific Peterson/Gold interview. The great insight is that physicians and scientists are different...Docs memorize stuff which can quickly become outdated as medical innovations occur. They are not problem solvers. Scientists use the Scientific Method to search for adversarial approach to problem solving. Great insight...Don Runkle
Don: Agreed.
For anyone that desires clear and concise analysis on some of the most important issues we are facing I'd strongly encourage you to subscribe to John Droz. Iron sharpens iron and the sparks fly for me every time I take the time to read his work. Thanks, John
Kathy: Very much appreciate your support!
Medical Care is NOT health Care. Doctors are not taught information that would prevent illness or render cures. John D Rockefeller set it up after 1910, when he got his men on medical school boards in order to promote and sell his patented petroleum-based drugs. He eliminated other healing modalities available at the time. Drugs and vaccines are toxic and do not belong in the human body...They destroy the cells and the organs, including the brain. When I read Vaccination is NOT Immunization, which listed all the items in the childhood vaccines,, such s, aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal viruses, animal cells, etc. I was appalled at the ignorance of medical doctors who promoted these injections. American's mental and physical health has gone downhill drastically, since the 1950s. My first child nearly died; and it set him up for life long problems.
The issue in healthcare isn't the science, it's access and affordability as witnessed by the anger and glee that followed the New Your killing of United Healthcare's CEO. So as "Critical Thinkers" we need to go to the heart of the problem which is the misrepresentation of what we are ACTUALLY owed from health insurance. Access, care and billing that are completely described in SECRET Provider Contracts, but ignored to delay, deny and bill us in violation of the Healthcare Insurance Industry's own contract with every in-network provider in the healthcare SYSTEM. It's the FAR BIGGER story behind the New Your shooting death of Brian Thomas and what all "Critical Thinkers" should be focused on. <>
Frank: I appreciate your perspective, but one of the main issues is ABSOLUTELY the Science! For example, some FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans died during the COVID-19 period, likely due to government policies NOT conveying what the Science indicated were optimum therapies, etc.
Cannot second this enough! I was truly enlightened by Simone’s explanation of the critical differences between how physicians and lawyers are trained. One of the nagging questions I personally had was how the vast majority of doctors were absolutely loathe to question the official narrative. I personally thought that it was some kind of code among physician to never question each other’s judgment. But according to Simone, it’s not that at all. They are actually trained NOT to question.
Just think of how AI is going to further exacerbate this problem. A friend mired deep in the bowels of the pharmaceutical industry tells me that nanotechnology is moving at warp speed, as is AI diagnostic tech. He is excited and the soon-to-be-realized dream of fast diagnosis by AI, with tailor made injectable mRNA nanoparticle vaccines to attack cancer in your body. Not only that, the industry envisions testing healthy people for different disease markers, then tailoring vaccines to prevent future diseases. What could go wrong?
Imagine a day when your baby is so tested at birth, a cancer marker is found and you are “offered” a tailor made vaccine. You have grave concerns (either in the speed at which these things diagnostic AI or the nanotechnology was developed) and want your opt out, but you have been told that if you reject it your child will never be covered by insurance for this disease because of the onerous expense of treatment and the burden they would be on society.
Do you trust the system training physicians now? Do you trust the health agencies making these decisions? Do you trust the companies making the drugs?
Too bad. There’s just too much money to be made! Too many elections to run!
What can possibly go wrong?
Granny: I think you've got it! Pass it on so that others sign up here...