What an eye-opening article! Wind turbines pollute vastly more than nuclear power . . . and this doesn't even get into the whole slavery issue, where people in bondage are in the mines, harvesting cobalt, uranium or lithium, etc. Well-done, Droz!

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Daniel: TY. This article is a layperson's overview that gives (as you say) an additional perspective to try to somewhat offset the persistent marketing narrative that the public has been overwhelmed with.

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Also blowing in the wind.... Turbine blades' coverings are made of fiberglass bonded with epoxy. Epoxy is used because other plastic binding agents are destroyed by sunlight. The major ingredient of epoxy is Bisphenol-A, which has been banned in food packaging in many countries because it''s carcinogenic. But it''s OK if it gets into the food chain from windmills because we'd otherwise die from heat or something. The average 1 MWe windmill sheds 65 kilograms of microplastic particles per year, of which about 40% is Bisphenol-A.

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Thank you, John. I try to keep my faith in humanity, that we will move beyond the control of the "money grubbers" (this was what we called them in Carthage when the wind industry came to town selling their false promises) but wind and "green energy" have become such a religious subject that it's very difficult to get the truly devoted to listen to anything but what they want to hear and believe. May true science prevail before our planet is destroyed under the "green" guise of saving it.

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SM: These people are counting on the fact that most people are technically challanged, and are nor critical thinkers...

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Aside from the overly emphasized accidents, nuclear waste fuels much of the anti-nuclear movement. The fear is irrational when the risks are truthfully evaluated. Much of the waste decays fairly quick and stored on-site at the power plant. Generally speaking, I'd speculate that any problems or issues associated with the waste have human causal factors, usually associated with non-compliant actions in handling, storage, or disposal. Non-compliant actions typically arise when there are cost or resource pressures applied to managers and leaders that make poor decision.

I appreciate the analysis on rad waste from wind technology. That unfortunately is only the tip of the environmental hazard spear. The impact on birds and sea life are somewhat understood, but the sonic impact on humans not to mention the eye sore and opportunity cost of the land and equipment are not well understood. I am sure there are applications where wind makes sense, but it's not suitable for base load or even peak load production.

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In spent fuel from a light-water reactor that has been stored for ten years after being removed, 5.18 wt.% are fission products and the other 94.82% are unused fuel. Of the fission products, caesium and strontium constitute 9.26 wt%, produce 99.4% of radiotoxicity, and need custody for 300 years. Europium constitutes 0.4 wt%, produces 0.4% of radiotoxicity, and needs custody for 85 years. Half the rest are innocuous before thirty years, and the remainder aren't even radioactive. Fission products are produced at the rate of about one tonne (actually 989 kilograms) per GWe year, so the long-duration custody "waste" amounts to about 92 kilograms, about 46 liters, per GWe-year.

Unused fuel contains plutonium-239, which has a 29,000-year half life, so it would need custody for 300,000 years. But a much better idea than pretending it can be hidden is to put it back into reactors and convert it to electricity and fission products. Thanks to Jimmuh Cahtuh, we don't do that. But the Russians and French do. The British stopped when activists prevented repairing a minor leak at the THORP reprocessing plant, so they buy the service from the French. If Rokkasho ever enters service, the Japanese will do it.

Details in my new book "Where Will We Get Our Energy?" Everything quantified, No vague handwaving. More than 350 bibliographic citations.

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What is the book's ISBN?

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VS: Yes, we absolutely should have all speant fuel reprocessed — as there is something like 90+% of the useful energy still left in it.

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JLo2112: Yes, the point of my series is this fear about radiation is irrational — besides being hypocritical.

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John, thanks for this series of articles exposing another unseen side of the wind fiasco. Who would imagine that the production of these civilization saving monstrosities would create more nuclear waste then an actual nuclear reactor? Let China poison themselves, its poetic justice for their murder of U.S. citizens by fentanyl.

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You're welcome. China is poisoning some of it's citizens, but they do not seem to carry much value in the view of the Chinese authorities.

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Thanks for this article, which provides ammo to be sent to those who promote these wind turbines. I personally know their downsides, but I forward information to wake others up. Its interesting to think about how the CCP profits from this ...and America pays in its Fentanyl crisis.

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Indeed it does pay...

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