BTW: the "left" vs "right" fiasco = DIVIDE & CONQUER

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I agree Leo - and I think God does too. I just finished the book on the Marian apparitions by Xavier Reyes-Ayral 'Revelations: The Hidden Secret Messages and Prophecies of the Blessed Virgin Mary'. According to Mother Mary, Jesus, and other messengers from on high, it's not only education but this entire civilization that is pretty much 'unfixable'. They began their warnings over a hundred years ago and continue to this day. I think it's pretty clear to those of us reading this column that the evil ones are not only winning the war for people's souls right now but also pretty much control all the avenues of escape.

I'm recommending that everyone get the book mentioned above so you know right from the Horses mouth so to speak what we can expect as this war progresses, the procession of events, what we can personally and collectively do to mitigate the damage, and most importantly what we need to do to survive if mitigation fails.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Clare: As a practicing Christian, I have exceptional faith in God. That said, the question is: what is the balance between Faith and what we do?

The answer is clearly stated in this powerful position statement: "Pray as if everything depends on God, but Work as if everything depends on you."

God has given us talents for a reason (see the New Testament). We absolutely have the ability to make things better — not perfect, but better. That is what we should be working towards, not throwing in the towel.

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Sorry John, that's not what I was intending to convey. Mainly, I wanted to point out to people that there is a book out there (at least one that I know of now) that includes what Mother Mary and Jesus want us, the practicing Christians to know for our times. The messages are really an update to those released in the Bible. And actually, I think it's as important, if not more so, than reading the Bible right now.

Think along the lines of the need to keep the virus definitions updated on our computers. Well, we are battling a Master Virus in this society right now. This book contains the updated definitions/instructions/actions we need to do the Work necessary to win this battle.

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You and I have discussed this before. Sorry to pick again, but I'll say it again and there is not a bit of sarcasm, meanness hatred or dislike for you in my comments now or previously. You are a smart man, but you can not seem to think critically about the government indoctrination system presently operating as our so-called 'public education system.' It can not be 'fixed' because it is designed to be a failure and is designed to destroy young people's morals and minds who are subjected to it. Thinking people pull their youngsters out of it because it is accomplishing exactly what was intended. The sooner there is a parental rebellion against this subversive monstrosity, and a return to privately/parentally owned/financed and run learning, the sooner America can restore sanity in our body politic.

Best to you,


L. M. Schwartz, Chairman

The Virginia Land Rights Coalition

POB 85

McDowell, Virginia FOC 24458


"Working to Protect the Rights of Virginia's Property Owners"

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

Leo: I understand that you take an extreme view — and there certainly is some justification for that. I am taking a realistic perspective. The reality is that it makes no sense to give up on the public school system until we: 1) understand what the core problem is, and 2) make a valient effort to fix it. IMO we have done neither.

Yes, to some degree it is designed to be a failure, because Progressives want to bring America down. Conservatives need to take back control, and that is happening almost nowhere.

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Abpve all,, students should be taught that The Principles of Reasoning are Entropy Minimax, as described by the late theoretical physicist Ronald Christensen in the seven volume "Entropy Minimax Sourcebook." These principles reduce to Aristotle's three Laws of Thought in the limit that the missing information about the conditional outcomes of the events of the future for the physical system being modelled reduces to nil.

I am Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/ Public Policy Resesearcher

Los Altos Hills, California

650-518-6636 (mobile)

terry_oldberg@yahoo.com (email)

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By the way are you familiar with the banking theory of education. It is simple. You are the teacher and you deposit information into student's heads all week long (deposit made). Then on Friday you give a test (writing a check on the deposit...withdrawal made). Wipe the brain clean and play the game again next week. Nothing is learned. Since modern progressive education is unrelated to brain devlopment, and is not related to cumulative, sequential and proven models of instruction, we should expect the abysmal outcomes we get.

The lady that commented on Classical "gets it." Just because it works it must be set aside.

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Rev McCarthy: TY. I am a big supporter of the Classical Education curricula.

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Good points, John "what vs how" and then there is 1 of the biggest lies of all "public schools are underfunded". In truth public school funding is miss allocated and school districts go to great lengths to hide that from the local taxpayers. Case in point - rare the school district that does not have a stand alone Administration building filled with six-figure employees that never step foot in a classroom. There should be an independent audit of every school districts annual budget to reveal the actual allocation of monies to administration salaries & other admin expenses vs teacher salaries & other teacher expenses. The elimination of these stand alone Administration buildings, i.e. the elimination of those employees, would free up much needed funding for school classrooms (salary increases & supplies).

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The book "1984" is the lefts roadmap.

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Right. Two important sides of this coin:

1) Family: Parents should not fight for change, hoping things will improve in time to help their children. If the public schools are bad, DON’T put your kids in and/or take them out- IMMEDIATELY! 1 year in a kids education matters because one builds on the next. DON’T let your kids essentially become lab rats in the ever-changing pedagogical models. Do whatever it takes. NO sacrifice is so great that would justify the heartache and guilt you feel for not having done right by your children.

2) LOCAL/STATE: Don’t bother with Feds. Too far, too deaf to your concerns. Fight for logical solutions which don’t require a lot of $.

I personally believe in the tried and true Classical approach to education. It is based on the threefold principles of the Trivium Plato wrote down wonderfully about- grammar, logic and rhetoric.

Grammar focuses not only the memorization of the mechanics of language as the word implies, but of math facts as well.

Students then move onto the Logic phase which focuses on the mechanics of thought and analysis- fleshing out fallacious arguments and statements through reason.

Finally, the Rhetoric phase is teaching the use of language in order to instruct and to persuade others.

This is the way my grandparents were taught in the early 1900’s. It is ancient, tried and extremely successful. Above all, the materials required are available in the public domain aka FREE.

Many homeschool curriculums use this model as do more and more private & parochial schools.

Consider Classical for your own kids AND as a workable model for the State in which you live.

If course, we’re up against very well-heeled Curriculum Company lobbyists who must always create something “new and better” to justify and maintain their livelihoods…

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PS- I read this more carefully after posting- please excuse the horrendous punctuation!

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Another excellent offering, and plays well with Daniel Greenfield's article about the failure of education in Minnesota under Tim Walz, both of which are in today's edition of P&D. Rich

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