The whole way through the last administration, Fox News were reporting that Biden and co were an unmitigated disaster.
It may have appeared that way but I knew all along they were fulfilling their plan masterfully - to bring America to its knees.
It was so obvious.
Same in Europe, with the flood of immigrants causing chaos and brutal deaths to innocent people.
Unstable (and divided) countries are much easier to control.
George Soros has a lot to answer for, and if there’s any lingering doubt, he was awarded a medal ( of freedom of all things ) along with Hilary Clinton. Really???
The hypocrisy was/is so blatant!
Thank God Trump saved the wreckage, just in time. What a trooper for not only cleaning up a dire mess, but keeping all his promises, despite very real resistance and sabotage at every turn.
However, after the shenanigans over the last 2 years, it cannot be real. Our leadership was fake and a joke.
Does anyone think that there are different controllers for the Reps and Dems at the top? It is how they maintain control.
I believe this was all a show to confuse and divide us. There is no left or right but it is better with the right side. They all work toward the same goal.
At this point I must trust that God knows and allows according to His plan we cannot understand. He can change everything in an instant and man's heart. I hope Trump wins and he is changed and is protected.
“His comments came after Oprah Winfrey joined Democrat presidential nominee in Philadelphia Monday, saying: "We don't get to sit this one out. If we don't show up tomorrow (Election Day), it is entirely possible that we will never have the opportunity to cast a ballot again."
This is exactly why I am voting for President Trump! Everything this “illegitimate administration” has done for the last few years has
“Torn-America” to shreds!
Trump elevated every demographic upwards!
To a level never before seen! The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides the data! This can’t be for any other reason except Trump’s methodology which is so simple it’s almost moronically.
Lower taxes! For everyone! A rising tide lifts all boats had got to be the single most powerful plan, the simplest one any sitting President can do!
Guess what “Lunatic-Leftist” it works! And by God every American citizen benefits! How ingenious hey? Good God Reagan did the same thing.
The problem America has is a “Spending” problem not a revenue problem. Spend, spend and spend more on everything except “America”!
Americans have paid a terrible price for these “Radical-Ideologues” whether there’s Marxist / Socialist / Communist undertones, each of the above ideologies cannot help Americans only hurt us all!
It’s not incompetence or ignorance it’s deliberate destructive behavior to collapse America! And they’re doing a great job! Four more years of this and America will be “Burnt-Toast”!
There’s no other choice Americans have if we all want to survive our eventual demise!
Hopefully Ms. Ali will jump ship permanently to the Republican party. We need more thoughtful, critical thinking advocates such as herself on our side. I enjoyed her post immensely.
Excellent reasons for voting for Trump, each and every one. Let's hope common sense and patriotism prevails. I'm holding my breath and saying my prayers.
Unfortunately, the Democratic Party is not a political party as we understand the term. It is an organized criminal syndicate that must be exposed and destroyed like one would destroy any criminal syndicate., They are supported by massive funds from enemies of the United States laundered through organizations such as the Tides and Act Blue. Its exposed at It can't be reformed. It can only be annihilated.
Her "race" is a farce. She is NOT black. Her mother in from India and her father was a white Haitian who owned slaves. She did not grow up middle class nor poor. Both her parents were activists. Her husband is an abuser. She supports murder of innocent children. That iscwhat it is. Mostly of black and minorities. Evidently pro abortionist do not care about those babies. I care. These women are pregnant from their decisions to have unprotected sex. The ones who were raped do not see their rapist sentenced to death so why should an innocent child be sentenced. This is where GOD drew the line with Israel. This is what brought them down. The author must not remember what the dems stand for. Anyone who supports their platform stands against GOD and HIS laws. Period. Chose wisely who you will follow.
Any man or woman who engages in unprotected sex knows that pregnancy is a possible consequence. Those that do so and then kill their baby do so intentionally in an act so grotesque as to shock all people, whether they be God fearing or not. It becomes deliberate and knowing murder.
She is so spot on! There is so much at stake here. Our enemies know that Trump won't back down. If she thinks for a minute that she can appease the pro-palestinian/anti-Semite crowd if she gets elected, they will absolutely devour her. The pressure will be so extreme from them for her to alienate and cut off any support to Israel that it will bring her to her knees. There is no more middle ground because neither ideology on the right or the left can concede. Her and Walz will have no backbone to protect us from our enemies within or without. If she is elected, hang on for the ride, because things will never be the same. If DT, is elected, all Hades will break loose in ways that will make their January 6th mantra look like a birthday party. Praying for our country. We sure need divine intervention.
The most amazing thing to me is that the American people insist on the delusion that the democrat party made mistakes in the Biden administration. MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE! The damage and destruction they have wrought is fully intentional. The Kenyan clearly stated that his intention was to fundamentally change this nation. He prepped for it and Biden and Harris ran with it! There is a paper on entitled: "Obama and the Destruction of America". It's worth reading.
I don’t condone your ad hominem attacks but you are right that these things were not mistakes.
The lies began(for me) when Obama became president and the media said everything he did was wonderful even though many were not good. Romney is a very polite and civilized man that any never Trumper could admire. The press demonized and ridiculed him. “Fact checked” him. Finally Harry Reid said he hadn’t paid his taxes. When asked about his lie later he said, “Well it worked didn’t it.”
The media and the Democrats main technique is dishonesty.
The whole way through the last administration, Fox News were reporting that Biden and co were an unmitigated disaster.
It may have appeared that way but I knew all along they were fulfilling their plan masterfully - to bring America to its knees.
It was so obvious.
Same in Europe, with the flood of immigrants causing chaos and brutal deaths to innocent people.
Unstable (and divided) countries are much easier to control.
George Soros has a lot to answer for, and if there’s any lingering doubt, he was awarded a medal ( of freedom of all things ) along with Hilary Clinton. Really???
The hypocrisy was/is so blatant!
Thank God Trump saved the wreckage, just in time. What a trooper for not only cleaning up a dire mess, but keeping all his promises, despite very real resistance and sabotage at every turn.
I voted for Trump.
However, after the shenanigans over the last 2 years, it cannot be real. Our leadership was fake and a joke.
Does anyone think that there are different controllers for the Reps and Dems at the top? It is how they maintain control.
I believe this was all a show to confuse and divide us. There is no left or right but it is better with the right side. They all work toward the same goal.
At this point I must trust that God knows and allows according to His plan we cannot understand. He can change everything in an instant and man's heart. I hope Trump wins and he is changed and is protected.
I meant 4 years...
Dawn: Indeed the GOP is not blameless for some things that have transpired.
“His comments came after Oprah Winfrey joined Democrat presidential nominee in Philadelphia Monday, saying: "We don't get to sit this one out. If we don't show up tomorrow (Election Day), it is entirely possible that we will never have the opportunity to cast a ballot again."
This is exactly why I am voting for President Trump! Everything this “illegitimate administration” has done for the last few years has
“Torn-America” to shreds!
Trump elevated every demographic upwards!
To a level never before seen! The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides the data! This can’t be for any other reason except Trump’s methodology which is so simple it’s almost moronically.
Lower taxes! For everyone! A rising tide lifts all boats had got to be the single most powerful plan, the simplest one any sitting President can do!
Guess what “Lunatic-Leftist” it works! And by God every American citizen benefits! How ingenious hey? Good God Reagan did the same thing.
The problem America has is a “Spending” problem not a revenue problem. Spend, spend and spend more on everything except “America”!
Americans have paid a terrible price for these “Radical-Ideologues” whether there’s Marxist / Socialist / Communist undertones, each of the above ideologies cannot help Americans only hurt us all!
It’s not incompetence or ignorance it’s deliberate destructive behavior to collapse America! And they’re doing a great job! Four more years of this and America will be “Burnt-Toast”!
There’s no other choice Americans have if we all want to survive our eventual demise!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
There’s a lot of common sense in this post! DOGE might be looking for new peeps soon.
You foresaw it all before they revealed it all! 👏🏻
Thank you ONEderfulworld.
I’m not sure what to make of DOGE, other than what they intended us to make of their work.
I appreciate your feedback.
AJR: I can't disagree with what you've written.
Thank you John. Thank you kindly.
Hopefully Ms. Ali will jump ship permanently to the Republican party. We need more thoughtful, critical thinking advocates such as herself on our side. I enjoyed her post immensely.
Kathleen: Good suggestion. I'd say that her transfer is likely.
Excellent reasons for voting for Trump, each and every one. Let's hope common sense and patriotism prevails. I'm holding my breath and saying my prayers.
SM: Yes, let's hope for that...
Unfortunately, the Democratic Party is not a political party as we understand the term. It is an organized criminal syndicate that must be exposed and destroyed like one would destroy any criminal syndicate., They are supported by massive funds from enemies of the United States laundered through organizations such as the Tides and Act Blue. Its exposed at It can't be reformed. It can only be annihilated.
Her "race" is a farce. She is NOT black. Her mother in from India and her father was a white Haitian who owned slaves. She did not grow up middle class nor poor. Both her parents were activists. Her husband is an abuser. She supports murder of innocent children. That iscwhat it is. Mostly of black and minorities. Evidently pro abortionist do not care about those babies. I care. These women are pregnant from their decisions to have unprotected sex. The ones who were raped do not see their rapist sentenced to death so why should an innocent child be sentenced. This is where GOD drew the line with Israel. This is what brought them down. The author must not remember what the dems stand for. Anyone who supports their platform stands against GOD and HIS laws. Period. Chose wisely who you will follow.
Any man or woman who engages in unprotected sex knows that pregnancy is a possible consequence. Those that do so and then kill their baby do so intentionally in an act so grotesque as to shock all people, whether they be God fearing or not. It becomes deliberate and knowing murder.
She is so spot on! There is so much at stake here. Our enemies know that Trump won't back down. If she thinks for a minute that she can appease the pro-palestinian/anti-Semite crowd if she gets elected, they will absolutely devour her. The pressure will be so extreme from them for her to alienate and cut off any support to Israel that it will bring her to her knees. There is no more middle ground because neither ideology on the right or the left can concede. Her and Walz will have no backbone to protect us from our enemies within or without. If she is elected, hang on for the ride, because things will never be the same. If DT, is elected, all Hades will break loose in ways that will make their January 6th mantra look like a birthday party. Praying for our country. We sure need divine intervention.
Yes, let them riot and burn and murder. They expose themselves to swift and final justice.
Shelli: Agree on all counts.
No amount of hating him makes her qualified…
Frank: Right. Likewise no amount of dislike for Trump justifies a citizen voting for a well-documented anti-American.
The most amazing thing to me is that the American people insist on the delusion that the democrat party made mistakes in the Biden administration. MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE! The damage and destruction they have wrought is fully intentional. The Kenyan clearly stated that his intention was to fundamentally change this nation. He prepped for it and Biden and Harris ran with it! There is a paper on entitled: "Obama and the Destruction of America". It's worth reading.
I don’t condone your ad hominem attacks but you are right that these things were not mistakes.
The lies began(for me) when Obama became president and the media said everything he did was wonderful even though many were not good. Romney is a very polite and civilized man that any never Trumper could admire. The press demonized and ridiculed him. “Fact checked” him. Finally Harry Reid said he hadn’t paid his taxes. When asked about his lie later he said, “Well it worked didn’t it.”
The media and the Democrats main technique is dishonesty.
Tom: Good observation. IMO it again comes down to the reality that many people do not have the ability to Critically Think