Point well taken.

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Sorry I am late to this party, but I have to disagree that the alarmists are winning the battle. Two examples: polls consistently show the American people do not think climate change is a major problem at all, and people are turning away from EVs - look at automaker's poor sales numbers and stories about people saying they will never buy another EV. I am a firm believer that experience always trumps brainwashing - eventually, and I think that is happening. All we will need is for some major power grid to go down and the people will rise against the whole green deal.

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Nan: Who is winning is not determined by opinion polls, but rather by what policies are in effect and how much we are spending. We are losing BIG TIME!

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Thank you for replying, but all it led to was

"Ghost; the final season" on Starz. Check it out. Someone really does not want this documentary seen! Or am I just a conspiracy theorist?

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Geri: I checked it again and it worked fine <https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13906838/>.

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I was notified that the second video of Grinding America Down does not exist!?

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Geri: As you can probably guess, videos that are not considered "politically correct" often get removed. I updated the link above, and here it is <https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13906838/>.

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I am thankful that your crucial essays clarify what's happening. They separate the wheat from the chaff for people everywhere whose souls are drowning in the orchestrated chaos, confusion and lies whipping humanity relentlessly. Clarity will lead to empowered collective action to win this war against EVIL.

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Dana: You have phrased it well, as we need action from informed citizens to stop the political science policies on technical matters.

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An excellent analysis as usual! My concern are we past the tipping point to take control of our countr/destiny? I fear that the number of critical thinkers are in the minority and, that’s a scary thought for me. I pray I’m wrong!

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Mark: Good question. We indeed are in perilous waters. That said, I'm a believer that a few good people who really have their act together, can make a large difference.

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I believe I’m one who will make a difference!!!!!

I’ll never give up for my children and grandchildren!!!

Thanks for your reply !!!!

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John: You put it so plainly and succinctly. Now, this is what we need to do: Check out TacticalCivics.com and the book "The Great We-Set". We are being lied to by so many these days in D.C., the media, State and local government, schools, etc.. We in the United States need to get back to enforcing our Constitution. We have allowed our public servants to have powers that were never intended. It has gotten out of hand. We only need one half of one percent of the population of every county in the U.S. to join Tactical Civics and we can take back our country. 'We the People' need to wake up and recognize our duty to uphold the Constitution and hold our public servants accountable. Tactical Civics has a workable plan. Join Tactical Civics people!

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For those interested in a source of true info on global warming (excuse, since the data began to show a very long pause in warming, the moniker is now climate change) one can subscribe to the Net Zero Samizdat letter (free, although they do ask for donations.). The "green" energy movement in W. Europe has been slowly falling apart for the past two years or so. Many of the radical "green" leaders have been voted out of office and significant grass roots, peaceful rebellions have taken place (i.e. a large number of farmers in the Netherlands disrupted everyday life with tractors snarling downtown traffic). Ambitious goals pushed by politicians to achieve "net zero" carbon emissions have been pushed (sometimes significantly) further into the future. The ambitious phase out of coal fired generation facilities has been halted and, in some cases, reversed.

The truly sad part of all this is that far from being a pollutant, increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere significantly enhance plant growth. Many large scale, commercial plant nurseries routinely add CO2 gas to the air in their greenhouses to boost plant growth. Our government continues to push carbon sequestration projects, by far the most ludicrous boondoggle of all (lets starve the plants.)

In addition, the hardware required to generate "green" energy is anything but low tech. Solar panels are highly engineered and use exotic and expensive metals, mined in third world countries by slaves and child labor. The center structures of those big windmills you see are also highly engineered and are filled with guess what...oil. Also none of the "green" energy farms would get built without significant financial subsidies paid for by guess who.


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Jun 4Edited

Kudos Mr Droz. This should be required reading for anyone and everyone that votes. The sooner people realize that their silence is making them COMPLIANT the better off we will be as a NATION of FREE citizens. I will be reading the Naked Communist next. Thank you.

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W: TY for your support. Sounds like you have a good plan.

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I'm suspecting that the climate change idea (formerly global warming) is a cover story. They want to conserve the only viable energy sources (coal, natural gas, and oil) for use by themselves on into the future. They naturally want to continue to enjoy an energy-rich 20th century life style, but to do so means they have to deny that to everyone else, meaning, most people. All "regular" (non-ultrawealthy) people. So they've concocted this phony climate change idea in order to get people to do what they want, which is use less energy. They want less energy use per capita, and also less people; a lot less. They undoubtedly know, via their think-tank scenarios, that the future will be marked by relative chaos, and a die-off of the human population. They want to manage it so that there is the least negative impact to themselves. They think they can pull it off, but to do so means utilizing a series of nasty, horrible dirty tricks. They're forgetting something, though: God, and how he might react to the dirty tricks. Chief among those is the inherent denial of God in the first place, and the sole reliance on science, technology, and increasingly governance to solve any perceived problem. I can't help thinking they believe they are acting neutrally (from the point of view of the spirit world). But it looks more and more like they are actually demonically energized.

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John: An interesting hypothesis, but not out of the realm of possibility.

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Jim Shout’s observation is excellent. We should not fear the warming periods of the earth, but rather the cold ones. Humans did not flourish in the ice ages. In fact, even the Little Ice Age brought poverty, suffering and death right up to the time of the American revolution. Since we are now living in a climate optima era, we should celebrate.

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Joseph: Yes, that is a fine argument, bjut it is not what the government believes and is not consistent with their policies — like get rid of all fossil fuels, etc. As a result, those who take that reasonable position, are losing, big time.

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Isn’t that the bottom line? The government has a belief system that is totally wrong. Now, how can that be?

Or, is the problem our government has invented a fake problem to justify picking our pocket and telling us what to believe even though it is totally wrong?

I see this as the problem. And it has absolutely no solution. The answer to solving climate change is to do absolutely nothing. The climate cannot be changed.

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Jim: As I believe you are alluding to, the problem is not climate but rather climate policies.

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No, I am not alluding to climate policy. I am saying climate policy is a scam. What the heck does our government think they can do to affect the climate? More accurately, what makes politicians think they are more powerful than nature? The problem is not policy, it is irrational egos. We can control that in November quite easily.

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Jim: We agree that the problem is climate (and energy) policy. Now taking one step further back, who are the people writing non-sensical climate and energy policies? Mostly is is lobbyists for clients who make big bucks from self-serving unscientific policies — all at the expense of taxpayers.

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I don't mean to imply that this mistake is not purposeful on the part of some people and organizations, the Democratic Party of today being an example.

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I have a somewhat different take on global warming/climate change. I say, “Thank God for Global Warming!” We need to teach our children to embrace it.

This ball of stuff we call Earth is flying through space at enormous speeds that most people never comprehend. But what is space? It is essentially the vastness of nothing. It was what was here before the Big Bang. It is an almost perfect vacuum and it has a temperature of minus 455 degrees Fahrenheit. That is really quite chilly. In fact, a human being can live for less than a second in a vacuum and for mere seconds at -455 degrees. Those are absolute facts. There is no argument from science and the Bible told us this on page one of Genesis. "In the Beginning there was Nothing!"

So, thank God for our warmth. Warming is not to be feared because cooling is what space has in store for our planet. Why not teach our kids the truth. It astounds me that a totally fake theory can survive for almost 50 years and no one can get the facts straight.

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Jim: Your take is a version of the Realists' position.

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There is reason to believe the climate and COVID alarmists have formulated the same tactic by making the same mistake. The mistake is to treat a "complex" physical system as if it were a "non-complex" physical system, where a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system wheras a "non-complex" physical system exhibits no such properties. For details, see the subsstack that is entitled "Building A Model of a Physical system Without Making Any Mistakes.?

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Terry: Your argument is that the alarmists are making an innocent mistake. IMO there is no error, as their strategy is very definately purposeful.

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Jun 4Edited

And yet, we are winning because none of the proposed tools with which to fight off "climate change" are economically viable on this planet. Just as with the Covid vaccines - fool me once kicks in very quickly when the facts are obvious on the ground. Also, there is a growing body of highly educated scientists, medical professionals and their supporters who understand what is happening and we are not going to take it anymore. Covid was a huge wake up call for many in this regard - once you see the corruption you can't un-see it. The resounding defeat of the WHO's preposterous attempt to grab unjustifiable power this week is just one example of this shift in the zeitgeist. So while we must continue to be extremely vigilant - there is hope. Nature is resilient and so are intelligent, freedom loving human beings.

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AJB: Indeed, none of the "solutions" to climate change (e.g., industrial wind energy) make economic or scientific sense. However, a TRILLION dollars has been spent on such nonsense, and tens of thousands of citizens continue to be adversely affected. I do not call that winning.

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Yes, money has been tragically wasted on this folly as well as many other modern boondoggles. But, if we confine our gaze to the rear view mirror, we will miss the shifting winds which carry optimism. It is beyond tragic that our political leaders have almost no capacity to parse science, statistics, even reality. Americans are generally scientifically and financially illiterate – this makes us easy prey for the con men in DC. And that is partly our collective fault for not insisting upon critical thinking first, both from our leaders and from ourselves. Your Substack is a step in the right direction.

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AJB: I'm an optimist at heart, and have hope for the future.

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John…yes, it’s clear that the realists have been loosing the Climate War, mostly because alarmists are using the normal methods of propaganda ….identical repeated messages from multiple sources. Although there is a ton of indoctrination instead of education going on in our K thru University “education” (propaganda) system that continues to try to take down capitalism, it fortunately continues to prevail…although under pressure. We are all seeing that pseudo-science climate change narrative is beginning to crumble now that real consumers are seeing two things…1) Prices of “climate sensitive” stuff…EVs, home electricity/heating, etc. are going up and getting in the way of life. And 2) Predictions of bad things due to climate change have been virtually 100% wrong. I’m counting on capitalism, once again, righting the ship once real consumers have to vote with their own, unsubsidized, dollars.

Don Runkle

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Don: Yes. This is also why they are behind the corruption of K-12 schools (removal of the Scientific Method, teaching the opposite of Critical Thinking, etc.). The more citizens are dumbed down, the less resistence they face concerning their strategies.

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