We need to vote with our feet, our wallets, and or Spirit, against the gov't mandated injustices we all face on a daily basis! we don't need to tolerate oppression ( injustices) now.or ever! the days of being quite, contrite little slaves are over! Multiculturalism is used to divide, and conquer the people under its illusions! so injustices abound! We can't eliminate all injustices, but we can put a significant dent in them when we seek the Creator in Truth and in Spirit🙏🇺🇲

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The religion in question here is Communism. Which lurks under a multitude of other more marketable and ever-shifting names.

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Excellent analysis. There is nothing Biblical about "Fairness" God's grace and what he wants for us is what happens here in this world. The entitled are LOST souls.

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BP: Indeed the entitled are lost souls.

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An absolutely excellent expose’ of a nebulous ideation (speaking of “social justice”). What confounds me is how people embrace such vagaries (like this and “Obama’s Change) without question or discernment. I often feel sad and frustrated witnessing this. Without our one true God and His wisdom we certainly devolve into “sheeple”.

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I agree that "social justice" is a made up concept, with no inherent meaning whatsoever.

As an attorney and a member of a school board, I hear all the time that something is 'unfair'. But what does 'unfair' mean? In my experience it means a variation from the statistical norm that has an impact which, to varying degrees, ranges from disliked, inconvenient, annoying, damaging, to fatal. The degree of each of these, depends on our innate talents, our practiced skills, and the environment in which we live (either voluntarily or involuntarily). Hard work, diligence, adaptability, fate, and genetics play a great part in how the dice land.

'Social justice', as currently played out, is simply another way to transfer power from those who have it to those who don't, by self-righteous people who have no power, to those who have no need for any. It is another fantasy, an intellectual perversion which can only cause confusion and harm, as there are not and can never be objective standards for applying it. It legalizes bullying and coercion, reminiscent of Mussolini's black shirts and Hitler's clones of them, the brown shirts (who became so powerful that Hitler had them brutally assassinated in the middle of the night and then drafted the rank and file into the military).

That is all I have to say.

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CD: You skipped "entitled" people...

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I am a new subscriber and am greatly enjoying your newsletter. What I really appreciate is the fact that you bring in God and prayer as part of our search for solutions. I sincerely believe our nation cannot move forward through the multitude of problems we face without His grace and participation.

Kind regards.


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Kathleen: Good that you have jopined the thousands of subscribers. Since we are on the same page, pleasse share this Substack with other like-minded citizens.

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Quite frankly our biggest problem in America is our tremendous success. The Left figured this out a century ago, maybe more. The name of their game is “Pick the pockets of the successful.”

Their game has gotten more devious over time because our pockets have gotten tighter. Look at the National Debt. A Trillion dollars more every 100 days. A few minutes ago I heard on the radio it is now a Trillion every 90 days. It has changed that much in a few months.

This is why everything is getting so crazy. The collapse is inevitable and Social Justice is going to be blamed, with very good proof. I can explain it all very easily if anyone is interested.

The good news is America is tremendously successful. We will get through this by just doing what we do best, succeeding.

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Very well done, in today's edition....now!

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