
Stay Centered. Stay Strong.

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critical thinkers will find this article truly informative:


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Looked at Next Generation Science Standards . Gobbledygook . Confirms the notion : Those who can , do ; those who can't , teach .

I was lucky to have the PSSC curriculum in high school physics . That was a solid , effective quantitative experience based lesson in the Scientific Method .

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Excellent start to tackle a much needed venue. Sadly, most of our populace bases its conclusions on feelings rather than facts.

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for www.climategate.nl a climate policy critical (non alarmistic) weblog in the Netherlands I wrote: http://www.davdata.nl/math/piedpiper.html in search for the roots of climate activism. Free to copy.

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This effort is sorely needed. Appreciate John taking on yet another job.

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Literature is only as good as the writer.

Science is only as accurate as the scientist.

Law is only as just as the judges.

Religion is only as moral as the priests.

Government is only as effective as its officers.

Training and quality matter.


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Christopher: Science is a process. Science is completely independent of scientists. When off-the-reservation scientists are making unscientific claims, it is NOT SCIENCE. The public may not appreciate this critically important distinction, but it's there.

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You have precisely identified the problem. The everyday citizen does not know or understand the scientific method which is the foundation of all Science. Moreover, the word science has lost its exclusive status as a 'term of art' by the inappropriate use of the word in academia for topics such as 'Social Sciences', which are totally subjective and not empirical by any stretch of the imagination. The empirical method of examination and analysis cannot be applied to every academic discipline without corrupting the word 'science'. The 'science' of statistics is a mere convention. The mathematics of probability is science, but the conclusions we draw from its equations are matters of subjective risk acceptance or not. In every scientific report I have ever read, the author's verbiage of choice is 'the data suggests'. In nearly every news article about such reports the language of the reporter is nearly always 'studies show'. QED

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Yes, as with COVID to Climate, the public is purposefully being misled as to what Science is and says. Thus the theme of this substack: we must have more citizens who critically think.

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Thank you! 😊

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Good Points.

No wonder that Home Schooling is booming…no question of sexual identity there.

We are all connected to the Out Stretched Hand (Holy Spirit).

Our Choice in Life is to follow or not.

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💥💥💥Boom! YES! Happy homeschoolers here! No worries about anything. We follow scientists and teachers and leaders we trust, only! It is truly awesome. Plus we use research-based work showing benefits of literally being outside(versus sedentary living 9 hrs plus a day, with screen time 6 plus hrs a day). The children loooooove learning up in their beloved Cedar. We had such a fun day, today, again! Yes, together connected by God's hand we are strong in Truth —and Joy! United, with God's help, we CAN turn the tide. Blessings, friend!💛💛💛🌲🌲🌲🌻🌻🌻🙂

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Wonderful. I worked with friends to Home School in California over 30 years ago. It was life changing for all involved. "Education" means to "bring forth" not "force in". The two biggest fears of parents concerning Home Schooling are 1) I'm not equipped and 2) What about my child's social situation. Interesting enough the young people we worked with had much more social interaction vs their state sponsored peers. As far as the learning goes, children learn the same way you do...following their own interests. Find out what they are and encourage new ones. Learning should always be fun, it's our natural state. For parents, your job is simple. Be the best person you can be.... Keep up the good work.

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THANK YOU very much friend!!! It is work, and it is also good work, and I am committed to truly educating the children, yes! :) We ARE all connected by the Out Stretched Hand, and we can choose to follow, or not. Simple is not always easy, yet it IS possible by Grace. YES. My eight-year-old went with me to vote for Ohio's winning senator JD Vance& was excited to vote in 10 years, she said. This mama bear is not giving up& I stand for my children's children. Appreciate your kind sharing of insight, experiences , &good encouragement!!!👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🎄💚 :)

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I am so happy about your new Substack!

Very sad to learn about NGSS in so many state school curriculums. Ten years ago when our elementary school age daughter was at a "fancy" private school they purchased a math curriculum called Everyday Math. That was our first exposure to fuzzy math. They didn't want kids to use rote learning for basic math principles. Needless to say, she didn't stay at that school very long. haha

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People who can read and most especially those who can write well, interpret 'The Findings' of 'High Profile' Scientists, have and take the lead in our society today . . . They, the good writers, then put that 'Science' into easy reading format . . . more people read these findings and, before you know it . . . these simple concepts become 'Common Knowledge' and broadly accepted 'Fact'. Contrarian views and dissenting research are cast aside and they are, quite frankly, publicly ‘Crucified’. These findings are seen as . . . the rantings of Lunatics . . . the Lies of the Scientifically Ignorant . . . the Words of Fools with no Environmental Conscience . . . and on and on . . .

Scientific facts and . . . Truth . . . Exposing ‘Clean Green Energy’ or 'Electrification' or 'Human caused Climate Change' as ‘False Dogma’ and ‘Self-Fulfilling Prophesies’ brought to the World by ‘Profiteers’ for what they really are . . . These views die . . . without being considered or even reviewed. Climate Change is now and always has been due to the Natural Evolution of Planet Earth . . . The Facts . . . The Holocene . . . 11,500 years of Natural Climate Change . . . 'Nah . . . Can't be true' . . . Ohm's law, just a distraction . . . Embodied Energy, just a bunch of hype . . .

The Media, and their puppets in government, today, rule society . . . Globally . . . Sensationalism RULES. Shock and Awe . . . Powerful Images . . . FEAR . . . these things get the Hits, The Views, The Ratings . . . Truth and Science . . . we'll cover that on page 7 some other day . . . Don't Ruin the Big Story . . .


My Thoughts . . .

Jim Le Maistre

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Absolutely agree with you on the entire article and look forward to more!

Thank you

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Why does this sound so familiar to me? Eroding science and teaching children to default to something other than their own ability to scientifically critique an issue or situation? That sounds like a systematic strategy to prepare an entire generation to cart blanche, default to "experts." No thanks. This also seems eerily similar to what is currently going on in schools with CRT and the 1619 project - what starts as a quiet takeover of a subject is suddenly present in every state and a majority of classrooms overnight.

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Why does this sound familiar? Arguably because this sort of propaganda efforts have been in place within schools and colleges for a couple of decades now in creeping fashion beginning with the global warming issue. I covered how one particular college prof nicely rewarded a hapless student who likely did little more than dutifully regurgitate his talking points about the issue, please see "Teach the Children Well" ( gelbspanfiles.com/?p=5011 ). Had I written an essay in that prof's class on how the "crooked skeptic climate scientists" accusation implodes, I likely would have been expelled from his class and perhaps expelled entirely out of that college.

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Indeed, I dared to question the "Climate Strike" school walkout a few years ago inspired by none other than Greta Thunberg and sponsored by the highly partisan Moveon.org at the Catholic School my children were attending, and for that I earned a blistering weekend call from the pastor of our church yelling at me for being so "misguided." Another family who expressed opposition were ultimately forced out of the Parish....no joke.

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Sad to hear that. Anytime a religious leader does what you describe, the person inadvertently puts himself or herself into a religious moral dilemma where they should look in the mirror and ask: Which is the bigger sin — failing to stop a so-called global warming crisis which has potentially fatal credibility problems with its underlying science assessments, or breaking the Commandment on bearing false witness by calling skeptic climate scientists "industry paid liars-for-hire," so that nobody takes the viewpoints of those skeptics seriously? At a bare minimum, does the person hurling assertions of the moral imperative to stop global warming commit an elemental sin of not doing any due diligence on the assertions and accusations they repeat.

To his credit several years back, CatholicOnline staffer Marshall Connolly permitted me to contribute a guest article at that place on this exact dilemma: https://www.catholic.org/news/green/story.php?id=75535

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Very good article, and truer today than it was then. ☹️

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Aug 23, 2022
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https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/silenced-healthcare-workers-speak?r=o7iqo&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web. AND, HERE IS JUST ONE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF OUR ENTIRE CULTURE BEING LITERALLY LED TO SLAUGHTER BY NOT FOLLOWING THE ACTUAL SCIENCE... AND NOTE ALL THE DEEP GREED& CORRUPTION THAT SWIRLS AROUND IT. However one wants to label this info... it doesn't matter really...I just know that the work of John Droz and other brave souls willing to put a name to their thoughts helped me and our family & others too avoid the death jab. But, you know what they say. You can lead a horse to water but ya can't make them drink. I invite you to ponder what is really happening here, and why? And when you read articles or experience any type of "influence" ... ponder... why??? What is the MOTIVE??? This is coming from a mother of four who hopes sincerely our world can learn from this complete fiasco. And, PIVOT, and then create a good future for our children, and for all people. Blessings friend!🤍🤍🤍

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Perhaps my favorite bad ` pun is : You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think .

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"One can wash off the slop& mud, but HE is still a pig"... just walk a mile in a woman's shoes... jokes like the bad pun are quite worn out. I am ready to create NEW way of interacting. Interacting as men and women made in the image of God.🤴👸🏼🌻💛❣️ Off to family time, now. Love Sundays!✅️💚

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Also, my apologies for all the truly unlady like swearing in my post. I do get extremely fired up about all these issues... hard to hold back when tired. I do try my best to present myself in a respectful way. Yet, we are all human. Just saying , here, too. I think men and women interacting in healthy respectful ways... the way I was raised... is yet another very lost art. Blessings, friend.💗👸🏼🌻🙂❣️

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Just saying. Evidence #975246895432 that men and women are different in every cell of their being. Thanks for helping me gather evidence!👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼 :)

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Tell that one to a dozen real ladies and see how humorous they find it. Free tip from a relationship coach, friend.💗

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We are 2 halves of a species .

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Nobody: "Anything that hasn't been put down in a peer-reviewed research paper, published by a legitimate science publishing house, replicated by other published researchers, collected into a meta-analysis by a third party along with the replicating studies ... is unsubstantiated opinion (an untested hypothesis)." is a bogus argument. For example, peer-reviewing a paper provides no assurance of Truth.

Further, the number one point of this particular column is that the Next Generation Science Standards has purposefully scrapped the Scientific Method from the K-12 Science curriculum. None of that has been "put down in a peer-reviewed research paper, published by a legitimate science publishing house, replicated by other published researchers, collected into a meta-analysis by a third party along with the replicating studies, etc." — yet it is 100 factual.

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Aug 25, 2022
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You keep making inaccurate assertions, which would lead me to believe that you have little understanding of real Science. For example, peer review has nothing to do with the Scientific Method.

For example, you DID say that a peer-review paper would not be a hypothesis — which means that it would be true.

Your claim that "The definition of the scientific method is largely a matter of semantics" is also nonsense."

In their preliminary documents to the NGSS, the authors acknowledge that they have dumped the scientific method. Of course a search over the NGSS will reveal zero references to the Scientific Method — but that will not likely satisfy your agenda here.

You have yet to identify and prove a single "unsubstantiated hypothesis."

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Brave souls use a name. A name like John Droz. Etcetera. Just thoughts :)💚💚💚

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Good point. Anyone calling themselves "nobody" is sending us a crystal clear message that we should not take them seriously.

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Here is the deal. Everywhere we turn some new propaganga is being POURED down our throats. As a mother of four little minds and hearts, I observe this EVERYWHERE. An agenda, that is. Usually an agenda based on complete lies and greeeeeeeedy exploitation of others. Tonight literally, of course I need something for our family of 6. Just walk into a store and there is CONSTANT propaganda about the experimental injection also labeled by corrupt greedy bastards ... a "vaccine." It is so terribly misleading to any person, who does not know they are a literal guinea pig. (Due to mishandling we all know loved ones who have suffered, and loved ones who have died. It is horrible.) I could go on and on. Walk into the grocery store (I am a mom, I shop a lot by necessity), and see bullshit posters about "wind energy." All a LIE, I learned WAY more than I ever wanted to know when my home was beside a "project." It takes more energy to build the boondoggle "machines" than one ever recoups. (This energy is only green in the money made right from our tax dollars.) Then, I must purchase crayons for school. The boxes say "powered by wind" and other children's items with nonsense... like LOVE is LOVE crap. (If you Love someone, treat them kindly and best with Truth.) We ALL have assumptions and BIAS. ALL. The point of this substack is to THINK. Hhmmmmm.... Thinking is a lost artform. As an educator with vast experience in cultural influencers it is obvious we are being fed total garbage on a regular basis. Nope, our children are not taught to THINK. Nor are we. (We must anyhow!) THEN, absolutely True data is... wait for it... censored. I stand with John and am glad to know there are those on the cutting edge truly examining good positive solutions for the future of my children. Right now, there are those who simply want our children to have AI children, AI sex, a microchip in their body, crickets for lunch and dinner (3 meals are not needed, c'mon save the planet you selfish pig), own nothing!, oh and be happy in a META world. No thank you! We all need to WAKE UP! Oh, and do we ever consider that peer reviewed items are funded and displayed everywhere as propaganda? Another example... abortions. The actual research tells us that women who abort babies struggle with mental health issues, like severe depression and the majority are presssured by someone else to abort? No one hears this. It is censored off of major platforms. (As a mom, I can attest that killing my baby would be like cutting off my own hand but worse.) No one wants to talk about the long term mental health impact on mothers... and it is lifelong and horrible. So. Here we are in an unethical, and highly corrupt propaganda-induced environment ... trying to thrive. And, all this censorship is no different than communist book burnings. Enough is enough! ... A HIGHLIGHTER. What we all need is a HIGHLIGHTER for every hour of the day where we PRAY... WHAT is Truth, here? IF you seek Truth, you will find. Big IF. Lots of chitter chatter, here, but I am tired and had a glorious day of teaching my children about SCIENCE among other things. In 1933 dark matter was discovered by Fritz Zwicky, but it is nearly impossible to actually detect it. His ideas seemed far-fetched to MOST. Yet, almost 100 years later scientists believe dark matter composes 90% of the Universe! WHOA! There are parallels here! I invite all readers to consider the things that seem opinions and far-fetched and simple bias... consider they JUST may be on the absolute cutting EDGE of TRUTH! Blessings to all on their journey towards finding Truth: heart, mind, body, and soul. Remember: IF you seek, you will find!🎨🗽👩🏼‍🏫🙋🏼‍♂️🌱🌽🌸👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🧘🏼‍♀️🛐💚💚💚

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