Thank you so much for your Critical Thinking piece on Biden and his mental problems. It was important I believe to point out the differences between Parkinson's and other mental disorders including Alzheimer's.

One reason I believe media individuals are questioning Biden's mental state regarding Parkinson's is because so many are ignorant regarding the causes and characteristic symptoms of Parkinson's.

Incidentally, I was diagnosed about 15 months ago with Parkinson's. I am only in stage 1 with minimal difficulties at this point, but it is obviously now in my future.

Also, my father contracted Alzheimer's so I can relate to that disease as well. This was many years ago, but I can well recall the heartbreak of seeing someone so respected and beloved being steadily taken away.

Your contributions to your fellow Americans in preparing and posting your Media Balance newsletters and your Critical Thinking posts are so important. Thank you so much for your efforts.

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Dr. Smith: TY for your kind words and support. Sorry about your PD diagnosis. I'll send you some info via email.

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If anyone’s non-medical opinion should be considered it would be yours! Agree fully on your assessment. One of my grandmothers is in her 90’s, has had Parkinson’s for almost 20 years. While she has declined physically (albeit slowly) her mental acuity is amazingly sharp. You would never guess her actual age if you were talking with her over the phone! Glad you are addressing this…

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Jo: Your support is VERY appreciated.

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I deeply appreciate this post and am sorry for your wife's battle with Parkinson's. I have family members who struggle with it, and it is a. . . struggle. Having said that, I am aware of neurological experts who believe Biden demonstrates symptoms of "Parkinson's Dementia," via journalist Alex Berenson. You didn't mention that. Thoughts?

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

Kelly: I showed what two leading medical sources say are the typical Parkinson's symptoms. IMO (based on immersion for 5+ years) he is not showing those. In my experience, dementia is a rarity for PD patients. What it seems to be is that they are going for political PR more than medical reality.

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Just another lying spin promulgated by the Democrats seeking to cling to power.


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Your commentary/summary makes more sense than what the media and pundits are trying to spin.

Alzheimer's or some other cognitive and bodily decline, it's been apparent for years that Biden isn't fit to sit behind the Resolute Desk.

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OG: I'm trying to be diplomatic, and as I wrote, based on what I know about Parkinson's (a lot), it it VERY unlikely that the President has that.

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Understood and appreciated. I'm reading other Stacks, watching Bongino just now, seeing other articles.

I don't have personal experience with PD, but I saw my mother-in-law decline into Alzheimer's.

I think you are spot on. The Biden handlers are once again trying to spin a false story.

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Democrats tried to oust Reagan using an Alzheimer's claim. It turns out they were right, but it hadn't progressed much during his term. And he wasn't an angry habitual serial liar, plagiarist, and racist.

Roger Stone remarked that LBJ lied even when it would have been easier and more politically profitable to tell the truth. Is that were Brandon learned the trick?

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Thank you John, but as a non-medical person I cannot either affirm your prognosis or contra. However, my great friend and mentor, Dr. Gerry Brady, will be abe to assist - I am sure: https://cmnnews.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile

I have copied your article to him.



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P&S: TY. I took a look but couldn't find much on Parkinson's.

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Here's advice from a close medical doc familiar with this condition, John:

"PD can be very slow onset with no tremor. The Brain Scans may be normal. Dementia is also a variable disease. However, there is a third possible diagnosis Post COVID Vaccine Encephalopathy. And Joe may have all three. There are many other Neurological diseases as well. Post COVID vaccine Mad Cow Disease is also a possibility -- Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease. The last paper published by Luc Montagnier concerned that subject and he was very fearful of this terrible disease becoming more prevalent. If this develops, then an MRI Scan would reveal it. The disease can progress very rapidly."

Best wishes


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He should know more about dementia, John maybe comment at his Substack? https://boomfinanceandeconomics.substack.com/

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P&S: Yes there are a variety of possibilities. My point is that Parkinson's is way down on the scale regarding the likliehood of dementia.

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Agreed John, but I lack expertise in this regard so defer to BOOM...

Blessings anyway


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It will be blamed on any medication he takes. Welchol 6 horse pills a day, makes my husband's hands shake, he's 84, and his biggest health issues are Glaucoma, OA, and a Pre-beat heart condition. lack of exercise. Typical of a Ret. SCPO who spent nearly 20 years on a Flight Deck hearing loss. Handshaking is not on the list, but he didn't have it until he was told to take it. Still teaches the math portion of Ham Radio Extra classes.

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As I may have mentioned to you previously

my mother passed away from Alzheimer’s, my father in Law from complications of PD! My wife and I were primary caregivers almost to the end. I have seen the symptoms of both up close. Biden, in my humble opinion does not have PD! II’ll leave it at that!!!!!!”

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Mark: We are on the same page...

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A relative of mine in her 90s has had Parkinson’s for many years and shakes a lot. Her medicine makes her hallucinate if the dosage is incorrect. However, her mind is very sharp, and Parkinsons has not affected her thinking at all.

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Barry: Agreed.

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I am one hundred percent behind your opinion having lived with someone who had PD. No mental decline, even though he had a stroke and other factors. Exercise is key to maintaining with PD.

Is it more a sympathy thing, they don't want to say it is a mental decline? - Or do they want to keep him in the race much longer, blaming it on physical decline not mental! They do have to coverup their own coverup, so there is that too.

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They're hoping he will win, retire after a few months, crowning Que Mala, who will appoint Barack as Vice President, then quit too, giving Barack a third (actually fourth) term, side-stepping the 22nd Amendment's prohibition against a president being *elected* more than twice.

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guess you just wanted to keep me up at night........ what a scary thought, but extremely plausible. God help us all!

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No doubt you’ve done your research on Parkinson’s disease. I’m curious if you’ve ever listened to or read anything from Dr Ardis? I listened to an interesting podcast he did on this. I’ll share the link….


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C42st: I have watched some of his material, but not this one. I'll look it over. TY.

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You’re very welcome.

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Biden exhibits symptoms of a cognitive disorder that is described in the book that is entitled "The psychology of totalitarianism." by the clinical psychologist and statistician Mattias Desmet. The symptom of this disorder is for a "complex" physical system to be mistaken by the victeim of this disorder for a "non-complex" physical system in the construction of a model of this system. This symptom is a precursor to the totalitarian rule that Biden and the Democratic Party are currently attempting to impose on the people of the United States.

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The same simple v. complex confusion is being exploited by climate zealots as another vehicle to achieve the same goals.

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Yes. and COVID policy.

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They all knew. They all lied. They all covered up. Now they are exposed TS

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Ed: It's hard to grasp the audacity of these people...

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Your observations are spot on. The rats are abandoning Biden's ship. How long it will take to sink is another matter.

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SM: The question is — will America sink with him?

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