Well spoken, John. This has been a steadily growing problem in modern times - the disconnect between those who are able and drawn to the deep education needed for science and Engineering, and those who have the broader skills and interest of politics and business. Our leaders must have people skills, while our tech people must be more deeply focused on specific facts and even research. It is rare to find a Benjamin Franklin in today's world, with the time it takes to achieve competence in these disparate fields - the personalities are even differently formed. Scientists tend to be politically naive, while politicians depend on whichever "expert" they trust if they still retain the true public interest- or need to further their power needs, regardless of the scientific validity, if they do not.

As a PE with physics as a hobby who headed up a construction company after three combat tours, fortunate enough to survive, attend Harvard, and teach college Government and Economics at West Point, the dangers to society of political leaders without at least a technical founding - in an age where Science has bestowed incredible power for good or evil to mankind up to our total destruction - these issues are acutely obvious. The answer must lie in our basic educational system, which in our opinion is sadly in shambles at present in America today. - JD

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Good stuff but then why do you promote Steve Kirsch?

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Promote is a bit strong. I don't agree with him on somethings, but find that he periodically puts forward some useful information, not easily found elsewhere.

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Epically true . A Republic..but we couldnt keep it. We need to break up again into smaller more manageable entities and the federal policies and organizations need to be razed to the ground...if the st assess tes need something th er y can invent it.

The other issues? Science changes every day..newvknowledge. science has to be repeatable in experiments..and periodically reviewed for the new information that comes . Re semjekweis..john snow..Galileo etc

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Apposite apothegm: ASSUME DECEPTION WHEN CONSENSUS REJECTS DEBATE. Excellent summary. Todays Pied Piper is needed to lead the bureaucRATS out of the swamp. But in the original story the Hamlenirs didn’t pay the piper who then charmed the children away and left the town childless. Today Trumps first term tried to deRATify Washington. Can we hope that on his reelection he will not seek revenge but rather complete the job?

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in light of the fact that the 4th amendment is routinely violated at every airport in the U.S.A.

This speaks volumes about the average citizens ability to think critically.

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