In my life I was fired only once. In my other jobs I was always appreciated, paid well, and promoted quickly. But, I was fired from a job where I volunteered at no pay to help people. I was fired by the IRS because I actually applied critical thinking to our tax code. I found that fascinating.

What happened was, in order to do free tax returns for seniors, I had to attend a government arranged class to learn the tax code and to pass an exam to show I was on top of the rules.

As I read the various sections of the tax code I kept finding the use of the word “should” instead of “shall”, or “will”, or “must” and I noted each occasion in the code and brought them up in the class with specific things I knew I would see in doing a return. The choices I would need to make for the tax payer came down to deciding whether to benefit the payer or the government. The answer in every case was my job was to “assume” I should substitute the word shall or must. That meant I was to err in favor of the government if there was a choice.

Anyway, after a perfect score on the exam following 3, 8 hours days of class, I received a letter saying my volunteer efforts were not needed. I called and asked why because I knew the Church where I was going to volunteer needed help desperately. I was told my skills were just not required.

So, I guess I was not technically fired, but I sure was rejected for asking the wrong questions.

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Jim: Good for you that you were willing to sacrifice time and effort to help others. That they were not interested in a thinking volunteer indicates that they were looking for robots.

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Getting fired is not the end of the world. When it happened to me the last time I was elated and euphoric for now I could find something better. WAY better. I learned to use the next interviews of ME to look at the organization AND interviewers and boss to see if I wanted to work there.

Have Faith. Pray. God will see you thru such a 'crisis'.

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W. Agree that for those who have true Faith in God. that the firing may well be a major blessing.

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Carolanne: Thank you!

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