Where in the world do you get the time to do this? Now, I'm looking forward to hearing about your discussion with Warren Smith II. Best wishes to him and Michele Morrow (hopefully the next Superintendent of the NC Department of Public Instruction).
I watched and read every link you offered (my first time for each btw) because as I went along, it became so clear that your assemblage was but a microcosm of not just what's going on in K-12 education nation wide, nor of just formal education in general. It very vividly shines light on what's being transpiring between the ideological LEFT and the non-critically thinking factions of the public in ALL walks of life brought to us through the distorted lens of our disgusting media. By far the most glaring case in point are all the lies that the media has so many believing to be truthful and factual - especially as they involve Trump, but also in so many other woke-inspired nonsensical and dangerous narratives that the LEFT and the media are so incessantly peddling.
So, thank you John. We, in Canada, have many of the same problematic issues that you do in the US, so I'm passing this along for other 'Canucks' to read and watch. We too have a chance to turn things around very much for the better - starting at the top.
I agree John, so long as it can be accomplished before it's too late. Too late, meaning that the sheep among us are so easily led that they can (and will) be used to permanently remove the rights to freely speak and think for ourselves from the rest of us. Whatever the solution(s), it must occur before we lose our right to elect decent leadership that genuinely represents the masses and not just some Marx-inspired ideology. Meanwhile, to ignore and not even try to address the ineptitude and corruption so widely spread throughout the media is not just irresponsible. It's downright dangerous. Cases in point - Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea. And more on the way, it appears.
Where in the world do you get the time to do this? Now, I'm looking forward to hearing about your discussion with Warren Smith II. Best wishes to him and Michele Morrow (hopefully the next Superintendent of the NC Department of Public Instruction).
I watched and read every link you offered (my first time for each btw) because as I went along, it became so clear that your assemblage was but a microcosm of not just what's going on in K-12 education nation wide, nor of just formal education in general. It very vividly shines light on what's being transpiring between the ideological LEFT and the non-critically thinking factions of the public in ALL walks of life brought to us through the distorted lens of our disgusting media. By far the most glaring case in point are all the lies that the media has so many believing to be truthful and factual - especially as they involve Trump, but also in so many other woke-inspired nonsensical and dangerous narratives that the LEFT and the media are so incessantly peddling.
So, thank you John. We, in Canada, have many of the same problematic issues that you do in the US, so I'm passing this along for other 'Canucks' to read and watch. We too have a chance to turn things around very much for the better - starting at the top.
Russ: TY for your support. The solution to the media nonsense is for more citizens to be critical thinkers. It's as simple as that!
I agree John, so long as it can be accomplished before it's too late. Too late, meaning that the sheep among us are so easily led that they can (and will) be used to permanently remove the rights to freely speak and think for ourselves from the rest of us. Whatever the solution(s), it must occur before we lose our right to elect decent leadership that genuinely represents the masses and not just some Marx-inspired ideology. Meanwhile, to ignore and not even try to address the ineptitude and corruption so widely spread throughout the media is not just irresponsible. It's downright dangerous. Cases in point - Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea. And more on the way, it appears.
Russ: Iy is arguably already too late. However, better late than never.