Parents are critical to the solution. How children are raised in the home is how they will behave in public and in their adult lives. The two parent family is being threatened and in the case of our welfare programs, destroyed. Manners and respect don't exist anymore. Our educational system is a failure, and kids are falling through "woke" cracks in our sick society as big as canyons. Kids need strict boundaries and love and discipline. It's time to take back control from the Communist/Marxists who call themselves "Progressives" and re-instill the traditions that made this country the greatest on Earth.

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Senior Ms: Agreed.

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Welcome to Marcuse’s world.

Throw in Foucault, Derrida, and the other communist clowns and we’ve got this mess.

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Good parents of any country want most of these things for their children. We lived in Thailand and people sacrificed so their children could get a good education. They wanted them to be hard working, independent, respectful...

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Anita: Yes, but the Left is now demonizing those things...

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Very true

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The twenty six “whitey” characteristics are a perfect how-to- do-it guide for invigorating a failing nation which non-whites can use when returning to their countries of origeñ.

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There is no such thing as Judea-Christian thinking or tradition. You can have a Jewish religion - aka Talmudic religion - or a Christian religion which is based on the New Testament. Because Judaism and Christianity are opposite and antithetical.

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Nadir: The Old and New Testament (the Bible) outline the Judeo-Christian history, and traditions.

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Most recent essay related to this subject...plus a link to a Memorial Day speech I gave at the Vietnam Veterans of Oregon Living Memorial in Portland on 27 May.

11-NR NS NQ How we became two peoples at war.pdf


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Jud: Fine job on your talk! THANK YOU for your service!

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And so much, much more, all designed to destroy our Country. Love Trump, hate Trump, he’s the only one with enough momentum to fight this Leviathan.

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Your summation on this subject brings to mind a quote by none other than Joseph Stalin: "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: Its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."

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You can't debate or reason your way out of this war. The only thing a Communist understands is force. As Mao Zedong said, "All State power flows from the barrel of a gun." There is no coexsisting with Communists. Unless they are removed they'll just wait for the right time to revolt and kill you.

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There's "secular religion" and then there is looking at the system design of religion itself.

Look at the hallmark paradigms and the reader can decipher who the author(S) really are.

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As a sitting school board director of a large suburban Seattle district, I’ve struggled against the Leftist majority. Trying repeatedly to restrain from futile proselytizing, my altruist intention was to simply “represent” a traditionalist perspective. All the evidence was there of the odious agenda to “abolish whiteness”.

You have captured it succinctly. The managing administration of state employees collude with the public sector teachers union in the adoption of rot: SEL, CRT, CSE, etc. The SB is the Pretorian guard that ensures the public’s awareness and interference is blunted. The union is the money-laundering arm of the Democrat Party to elect public officials that further push the mind-numbing garbage. Taxpayers are paying for the revolution.

They are telling us what they are doing. They do not even hide it anymore. Those with eyes to read, minds to discern, ears to listen and souls that are centered need to find their voices while there is still time.

The students in the academic halls who are screaming “decolonize the USA” did not just become radicalized in college. They were nurtured in the incubators of public K-12 and then let off the leash once away from home and in the company of the crowd.

This is happening everywhere.

There is a reason so many kids are no longer required to do homework.

But, you should do yours.

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