Insightful analysis ... I would definitely add COMPLAINING to the list. Dems complain all day, every dqy about how they are mistreated and/or discriminated against. If fact, they have a bad, bad case of liberal privilege.

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Yes, they take advantage of the truth embedded in "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."

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Good post. I do think censorship and media are huge players, it's hard to get messages and science based view points across when they are censored on social media and not covered by corporate controlled media. Our educational system needs a complete overhaul, and conservative infighting and backstabbing (look at the attacks on Trump) does nothing to unify the party or present a strong, coherent message. And then there's the voting catastrophe...how do we restore election integrity?

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Penny: IMO the answer to your question with US Conservative organizations doing the four things above...

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Excellent post. Most conservative organizations are not open to dissenting viewpoints. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree. Nitpicking on unimportant things are a waste of time and resources. Rely on principles rather than personalities.

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Great points all, John. Hits at the core of our conservative problem.

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