Good job, insightful.

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The rot in our government schools goes back to at least John Dewey. Until the 21st century our government schools were merely failing parents and children, though. In the last few decades our government (and many private) schools graduated from failure to outright betrayal.

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That includes parochial schools.

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Ransom: Yes, this is due to the facts that: 1) the Left has expended a significant amount of time and effort in seeing that their ideologies are taught in K-12 schools, and 2) the Right has not been meaningfully involved with fixing the curricula.

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Thank you for the link to Michele Morrow. We really need to support those among us who have the courage to go up against mob rule and work to bring common sense and critical thinking back to our children.

Turning Point USA works with students to instill patriotism and traditional values; https://www.tpusa.com/getinvolved

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SM: You're welcome. A contribution to her campaign is investing in our future.

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Bingo…John you exactly nailed the single biggest problem in America….Don Runkle

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Don: TY. That is my assessment.

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Honestly, I started being involved in a young persons life and he actually seems hungry to learn critical thinking skills and practical life knowledge..:

…of course my last step grandson started being extremely political involved in local politics and YMCA youth counsel…just accepted at Ohio State and the last I saw he was holding a Trump sign 😊

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Pete: Good on you!

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