In spite of the media trying to hide it, I learn that Christians are the most persecuted people in the world. That they are being tortured and enslaved in many Muslim and communist countries, and that there are things I could do to help.

| I go to church, the minister preaches and I go home.


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Thanks for "That's what Christians do now."

That's why I enjoy "Blue Bloods" with Tom Selleck playing the part of Francis Xavier Reagan, the NYPD Commissioner and patriarch of a family with immense integrity. In my opinion, it's his best work, by far. Well, he's almost the patriarch. Len Carriou plays the part of his father, the former commissioner.

Many episodes show him in conversations with the bishop (or is it archbishop?), or in the church. And when they disagree, it's the bishop who is usually right. In one episode he remarked "I liked the Latin mass."

At the end of every episode, the family is around the dinner table, and they say a Catholic grace, and make the sign of the cross, before eating.

The real surprise is that this program is on CBS!

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Lynn: Good analogy. We both watch and enjoy that program — although it now may be cancelled...

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There was a new episode last night, but one of the ads suggested there are only six more.

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The left's current euphemism is "Reproductive Freedom". In the real world, women have reproductive freedom, use it casually and carelessly, get pregnant, decide they don't want to be pregnant, and demand the freedom to "de-produce" what they have produced by exercising their reproductive freedom.

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You are 100 percent correct!!! Now we need to put it back in the toilet for good.

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“Controlled Demolition”!

This article is a “Pinpointed” depiction of something I call

“Controlled Demolition”.

Each time someone steps out of line or disagrees with, belongs to or is against “Falsehoods” shame becomes the “weapon”!

Nobody wants to be “shamed” so they become “silent” to the detriment of all “Truthful” people. Notice how all the “screamers” have come out of the woodwork over the past few years? Why?

Time and again, today “evilness” wins! We’re living through wickedness, wickedly evil and wickedly ignorant, wicked dangerous people, brought on by “narcissistic psychopaths” who want total control, complete power over the masses, worldwide.

And they’ll do anything to seize power! Lie, cheat, steal, threaten!

Silence is powerless! When every child receives a trophy for failing to excel, mediocre results become normalized. We’ve allowed “sub-standard” mediocre results to become equity, or equitable, for fear of being “silenced”!

What messages have we been, are we now, sending to the future leaders of society? It’s quite obvious. Failure has become successful! Those leaders today destroying America are and have always been “failures”! They will lead us downwards, they have lead us downwards! While establishing a less than and more likely, a society of “ignorance” corrupted leaders!

I believe half of Americans today, say to themselves “are you kidding me”? When did this happen? How could this happen? To the point where, we’re hopelessly behind and falling apart as designed.

While being forced into and then promoting “failures”! Today, It’s OK to plagiarize! Today, it’s OK to break the law, cheat on tests. This is all part of a more “diabolical-controlled-demolition” of moral values and principles.

All because we allowed ourselves to be “shamed into silence”! By a handful of “bullies” and their band of “useful idiots” shouting at us about something we don’t agree with. Who died and left them boss? Our individuality has been destroyed and we’ve been forced into “compliance”!

Compliance by those who have failed miserably in life and have only been rewarded because of their “giant-failings”! The “better the failure the higher you go”!

Personally, I lived through this during lockdowns. My job was considered “essential”. Boy oh boy I must have been “special”! No, I’m not special, I’m know different than everyone else. I’m responsible for paying my bills as so many people are.

Yet society went along, allowing “bullies” to tell us who can go “out for recess and who cannot! Sit down and shut up! This is exactly what’s happening to us today!

And the “State-Controlled-MSM” has carried out their orders perfectly! So perfectly done, half of Americans believe this disingenuous, deliberately misleading MSM! State Controlled MSM that is!

The past few years have demonstrated how easily people can be manipulated, controlled and lead to slaughter by the “Judas Goat”!

Which is exactly what’s happening. We are all being “lead to slaughter” while the “cackling” failures in Washington lead us further astray! Lead us over the cliff, for our own good of course, because we’re too stupid, we’re “useless eaters” remember? And, we’re allowing it! Step by step, we have allowed these “elitist-failures” to become more powerful and most effectively to control our lives!

Some of US HAVE! We need more to stop this MADNESS! This “CONTROLLED MADNESS”!

I haven’t given up, I won’t give in, I won’t give back down and neither should half of Americans! It doesn’t matter what religion, race, gender, ethnicity anyone is, “We’re all Human Beings”! Isn’t it time we act like human beings and stop allowing ourselves to be

“Herded to slaughter” like cattle?

I’m not sure many people understand what’s truly happening. I believe so many people are wrapped up in their own lives, they don’t realize how quickly and how devastating these past few years have been.

“Willfully ignoring and blindly following are two sure ways humanity will be destroyed”!

Unless we begin to fight back against such “evil-wickedness”, “MAD” or Mutually Assured Destruction will become our fate! And not by “Nuclear Weapons” although the chances for this has grown exponentially these past few years, now hasn’t it? The “War-Machines” are out of control! All part of this same group destroying America or as I call this “Controlled-Demolition”!

The litany of points this article depicts paints a dreary picture of a “Sodom and Gomorrah” America! So clearly depicted, we’ve become numb to all the travesty already done and how much more will be done before we “WAKE THE HECK UP”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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AJR: Indeed we must wake up and be willing to make a stand for what's right — instead be allowing ourselves to be bullied into submission.

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I agree John, thank you.

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