John: Indeed time will tell about everything and everyone. IMO the public commitments made by RFKjr <> are all good objectives. We should hold him to doing those — plus others (like fixing the FDA drug approval process).
John, you know I have great respect for your CRITICAL ACUMEN, even when you are wrong. RFK, Jr. is a life-long, dyed-in-the-wool, unrepentant, wolf-in-sheep's-clothing LIBERAL. His extremist position on vaccines (any educated person should agree we've gone overboard on childhood vaccines and put children at risk, but that doesn't mean ALL childhood vaccines are bad, for example) translates to mega-millions in income per year in referral fees. I believe the apropos term is "compromised." I'm not saying he's nuts...I'm saying that as is true of EVERY liberal, his allegiance is to himself. He is dishonest. He can't be trusted. He's an opportunist. Trump should have nominated a smart, intellectually honest person like Rand Paul. John "Bo" Rosemond, aka "Johnny Too Bad."
John, I'm taking issue with you on this one. Trump nominated him for the position as a quid pro quo. There are more qualified CONSERVATIVES. RFK, Jr. is a LIBERAL THROUGH AND THROUGH. Also, the idea that he is going to restore science to DHHS is absurd. The guy is an ideologue who ignores science when it doesn't dovetail with his biases. The Wall Street Journal recently ran an editorial saying he was a threat to public health. C'mon, John. I'm a better person for that position than he is and I'd rather be playing in a rock 'n' roll band. Johnny "Too Bad" Rosemond
Bo: Like a lot of high-profile people, most of what we hear about RFKjr comes from the media. If you read mainstream media sources about Trump, you wouldn't give him the time of day. Every human put up for any position can have their weaknesses seem unacceptable, especially when they are magnified, repeated, etc. (Again think Trump.)
I've personally dealt with RFKjr and he seemed like a sensible person. Here are his public commitments regarding healthcare <>. We should be discussing those. I am not aware of anyone else who has made public such a list that they would resolve to fix.
Usually when you are receiving flack it means you are over the target..they must feel he is a big threat or they wouldn't be throwing such a fit nor creating false letters to congress signed by fake Dr's.
Carolyn: There is absolutely no doubt that a major element of the healthcare industry is petrified of RFKjr. They see their cush arrangements likely coming to an end. I say GOOD!
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s willingness to listen, to avoid antagonizing individuals" is admirable. There have been and still are and always will be too many others wearing opposite stripes.
This is a bit off topic, but the reason the public are so afraid of radiation is because in the 1920s Hermann Muller conducted ridiculously irrelevant experiments, subjecting fruit files to 100 million times background radiation, misinterpreted the results, and then bullied and harassed anybody who disagreed with him, ruining several careers. And he had a lot of help from the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. His agenda was communism first, eugenics second, and biology third. He even lied during his 1946 Nobel Prize lecture, having already received results of carefully-conducted work that proved he was wrong. As John wrote, like others, he succeeded in censoring and suppressing and unpublishing others' works. And even a century later, Science Magazine refuses to retract his fraudulent papers.
RFK, JR is the choice of all Critically Thinking Americans. those who are against him...have a very dark agenda...and need to be removed from any positions of authority.
Barbara: Their agenda is either dark, or they are misinformed, or they are unnecessarily worrying about RFKjr, who (like Trump) has been inaccurately demonized.
Those who oppose JFK. are worried that their criminal money making sources will dry up, when a whole industry is exposed as fraudulent. Murder is a crime, but it is also a major sin. Money-making Drugs and vaccines are health destroyers. The truth will set us free!
yes, most likely RFKJ is potentially the best Secretary of Health and Human Services of the United States that has ever been appointed by a president.
let's hope that his nomination is ratified by congress and that he keeps his priority commitments: that of an abolition of the impositions of vaccines especially rmna, a review of the regulations for validating vaccines only if they meet the necessary safety and proven efficacy, block research tests on viruses for the contagion of humans and animals, manage to close those criminal activities of biological laboratories that test weapons of mass destruction whenever they can always connected to the military.
If he does this in that political office, he could also set an example for other nations.
From what I see, RFKJ is changing a bit the priorities with which he had obtained the support of many ... and he is surrounding himself with other shady people ..
Franco: Exactly. If RFKjr is able to achieve a good amount of his stated objectives (<>), it will amount to the most significantly beneficial changes to our healthcare system in history. Additionally the effects worldwide would also be exceptional. The entrenched benfactors of a largely corrupted system are petrified, and will try to stop RFKjr from being approved.
"Science advances not through consensus but through rigorous testing of competing hypotheses." This is incorrect. Science advances through rigorous testing of hypotheses using well designed studies and when a hypothesis is proven repeatedly it becomes scientific consensus and theory.
The problem with the author's statements is assuming all studies are created equal, when they are not (see also, The Hierarchy of Evidence). I think the biggest issue with RFK Jr., and those who support him, is they cloak themselves in the veil of "just asking questions”, being “open minded”, and a “critical thinker” when in reality they can’t see what they are doing is confirmation bias: wanting to believe something, then “researching" the evidence to support it and dismissing any evidence, no matter how solid, to the contrary. That’s backwards of how science operates. The questions that are being disingenuously asked already have answers, they just don’t support what you want to believe.
If the author and all the people reading this truly want to be like scientists and think logically and critically, here’s a roadmap. Ask these questions: what is real, how do I know, how do I behave, what if I’m wrong?
What is real? You’ll be able to find information and evidence of anything you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s real. This info/evidence needs evaluation, reasoning, and logic.
How do I know? When evaluating information, ask yourself, is this CRAAP? (Currency, how up to date is the info? Relevance, does it suit my purpose? Accuracy, fact, opinion, references? Author, an expert, is bias evident? Purpose, to inform, persuade, or sell?) Is the info/evidence backed up by multiple, reputable sources? If not, it’s probably not real. Information from only one source means you can be the canary in the coal mine at times, but more often than not, you’re the boy who cried wolf.
How do I behave? If the aforementioned is true or false, how do I change my behavior? Can I have humility and admit I was wrong? Can I change my mind? This step is difficult because it involves reflection, self assessment, self awareness, and self regulation, all of which most people are not good at because it challenges their self perception and is painful.
What if I’m wrong? This enables a constant questioning of beliefs and repetition of the above process to either change beliefs or reinforce them.
Henry: Thank you for your extended comments. What's puzzling is that you seem to be judging that those who are complaining about the current situation (e.g. that federal health agencies have departed from Science), are doing so with blinders on and are operating exclusively with preconceived conclusions.
Not sure how you came up with that opinion, but by-and-large I have not experienced that during many years in the healthcare trenches.
I could give you numerous examples, but simply looking at how the FDA handled Remdesivir is a perfect indicator as to whether they are making decisions based on real Science or political science. There is no "Heirarcy of Evidence" that explains their malfeasance.
Thank you for supporting RFKjr. He understands how the system currently works, and how badly that system is broken. I believe he was also instrumental in helping Trump win the election. He should definitely be put in charge of HHS. His nomination to that post by President Trump should stand.
SM: RFKjr is not a perfect person, and he has done and said some erroneous things. That said, as you write, he has a very good grasp of how the system works and what needs to be done. He has my vote.
“As such they will be aggressively trying to undermine the Senate’s support for RFKjr, as an emphasis on genuine Science is a mortal threat to their ideology.]”
When has there been a time anyone can remember when the so-called-democrats, believe in anything “truthful?”
Their number one priority, is to upend everything logically based, scientifically based, financially sound and economically viable!
Time and time again, half of Americans seem reluctant to do a smidgen of research, in fact they won’t do any research because they’re simply incapable of understanding what’s true and or want to know what’s true.
Through psychological peer reviewed studies indicated that 2.5% of those who align with the “leftist-views” have psychological and mental health disorders.
When we say something like “what are they nuts?”’or “they freaking crazy” more than likely, it’s true. Sad as this may sound, ask yourself if, the past admin implemented anything logical? Resoundingly the answer is, NO! No they haven’t. Quite the opposite has happened. But why?
Well IMO this is why. When someone or a group of people haven’t anything to offer society, they typically make up, lie, mislead and attack those who think logically, critically think about what may or may not be true and make a decision based on their “critical-thinking” ability.
I do pray RFK Jr. is confirmed. I don’t agree with all of his viewpoints but who can say anyone agrees with everything someone says. We disagree with our own beliefs from time to time. What’s important is to recognize this.
I don't believe they're all nuts or freeking crazy, but the public facing ones most definitely are. Behind the scenes, the organizers and administrators most definitely are not. They're very good at what they do, and that happens to follow with what Obama warned us all about - the fundamental transformation of America.
They want the power and control of all the others and they're doing everything they can, in any way they can, to grasp it.
You’re right Mike. Interestingly enough, this morning I watched a short video titled “Can the whole world be filled with Psychopaths?”
I posted on my Substack Homepage. Clearly, there’s many people who simply “stoke-the-flames” of societal discourse and then there’s those people who are seriously ill.
I begrudge nobody nor would I wish illness on anybody. But the fact is, there’s many people in need of help. When someone believes “A Man can be a woman and vice versa” they seriously need help. Likewise, there’s many societal tactics that were used against Americans in an attempt to divide us.
This, in and of itself will surely lure-in and hook many people in need of mental help. For three years I was screamed at etc. during lockdowns simply because my mask wasn’t covering my entire head!
I’ve had enough. I have no problem with people be accountable for themselves. Leave me alone is all I ask. Clearly many people became empowered during this period I soon rather forget.
Nevertheless, it happened and we must move forward. I can honestly say I learned a lot from lockdown’s and I am a better person I believe because of it.
Thank you Mike for pointing this out. Words do matter and I should have clarified myself.
So, I read the RFK paper you (John Droz) sent to me. I have no issue with any of his recommendations. Time will tell. John "Bo" Rosemond
John: Indeed time will tell about everything and everyone. IMO the public commitments made by RFKjr <> are all good objectives. We should hold him to doing those — plus others (like fixing the FDA drug approval process).
John, you know I have great respect for your CRITICAL ACUMEN, even when you are wrong. RFK, Jr. is a life-long, dyed-in-the-wool, unrepentant, wolf-in-sheep's-clothing LIBERAL. His extremist position on vaccines (any educated person should agree we've gone overboard on childhood vaccines and put children at risk, but that doesn't mean ALL childhood vaccines are bad, for example) translates to mega-millions in income per year in referral fees. I believe the apropos term is "compromised." I'm not saying he's nuts...I'm saying that as is true of EVERY liberal, his allegiance is to himself. He is dishonest. He can't be trusted. He's an opportunist. Trump should have nominated a smart, intellectually honest person like Rand Paul. John "Bo" Rosemond, aka "Johnny Too Bad."
John: Again, RFKjr is a flawed individual. Agreed. You can look at his liabilities or his assets. Which of his PUBLIC COMMITMENTS do you object to? <<>>.
Rand Paul would have some merit, but I don't believe that he indicated an interest in the thankless job of DHHS Secretary.
John, I'm taking issue with you on this one. Trump nominated him for the position as a quid pro quo. There are more qualified CONSERVATIVES. RFK, Jr. is a LIBERAL THROUGH AND THROUGH. Also, the idea that he is going to restore science to DHHS is absurd. The guy is an ideologue who ignores science when it doesn't dovetail with his biases. The Wall Street Journal recently ran an editorial saying he was a threat to public health. C'mon, John. I'm a better person for that position than he is and I'd rather be playing in a rock 'n' roll band. Johnny "Too Bad" Rosemond
Bo: Like a lot of high-profile people, most of what we hear about RFKjr comes from the media. If you read mainstream media sources about Trump, you wouldn't give him the time of day. Every human put up for any position can have their weaknesses seem unacceptable, especially when they are magnified, repeated, etc. (Again think Trump.)
I've personally dealt with RFKjr and he seemed like a sensible person. Here are his public commitments regarding healthcare <>. We should be discussing those. I am not aware of anyone else who has made public such a list that they would resolve to fix.
Thank for this post. He is a chance for change
Usually when you are receiving flack it means you are over the target..they must feel he is a big threat or they wouldn't be throwing such a fit nor creating false letters to congress signed by fake Dr's.
Carolyn: There is absolutely no doubt that a major element of the healthcare industry is petrified of RFKjr. They see their cush arrangements likely coming to an end. I say GOOD!
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s willingness to listen, to avoid antagonizing individuals" is admirable. There have been and still are and always will be too many others wearing opposite stripes.
This is a bit off topic, but the reason the public are so afraid of radiation is because in the 1920s Hermann Muller conducted ridiculously irrelevant experiments, subjecting fruit files to 100 million times background radiation, misinterpreted the results, and then bullied and harassed anybody who disagreed with him, ruining several careers. And he had a lot of help from the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. His agenda was communism first, eugenics second, and biology third. He even lied during his 1946 Nobel Prize lecture, having already received results of carefully-conducted work that proved he was wrong. As John wrote, like others, he succeeded in censoring and suppressing and unpublishing others' works. And even a century later, Science Magazine refuses to retract his fraudulent papers.
Lynn: Science has been under an intense assault, as it is a major gatekeeper in keeping the Left from implementing much of their ideology.
RFK, JR is the choice of all Critically Thinking Americans. those who are against him...have a very dark agenda...and need to be removed from any positions of authority.
Barbara: Their agenda is either dark, or they are misinformed, or they are unnecessarily worrying about RFKjr, who (like Trump) has been inaccurately demonized.
Those who oppose JFK. are worried that their criminal money making sources will dry up, when a whole industry is exposed as fraudulent. Murder is a crime, but it is also a major sin. Money-making Drugs and vaccines are health destroyers. The truth will set us free!
Barbara: Yes.
yes, most likely RFKJ is potentially the best Secretary of Health and Human Services of the United States that has ever been appointed by a president.
let's hope that his nomination is ratified by congress and that he keeps his priority commitments: that of an abolition of the impositions of vaccines especially rmna, a review of the regulations for validating vaccines only if they meet the necessary safety and proven efficacy, block research tests on viruses for the contagion of humans and animals, manage to close those criminal activities of biological laboratories that test weapons of mass destruction whenever they can always connected to the military.
If he does this in that political office, he could also set an example for other nations.
From what I see, RFKJ is changing a bit the priorities with which he had obtained the support of many ... and he is surrounding himself with other shady people ..
Franco: Exactly. If RFKjr is able to achieve a good amount of his stated objectives (<>), it will amount to the most significantly beneficial changes to our healthcare system in history. Additionally the effects worldwide would also be exceptional. The entrenched benfactors of a largely corrupted system are petrified, and will try to stop RFKjr from being approved.
"Science advances not through consensus but through rigorous testing of competing hypotheses." This is incorrect. Science advances through rigorous testing of hypotheses using well designed studies and when a hypothesis is proven repeatedly it becomes scientific consensus and theory.
The problem with the author's statements is assuming all studies are created equal, when they are not (see also, The Hierarchy of Evidence). I think the biggest issue with RFK Jr., and those who support him, is they cloak themselves in the veil of "just asking questions”, being “open minded”, and a “critical thinker” when in reality they can’t see what they are doing is confirmation bias: wanting to believe something, then “researching" the evidence to support it and dismissing any evidence, no matter how solid, to the contrary. That’s backwards of how science operates. The questions that are being disingenuously asked already have answers, they just don’t support what you want to believe.
If the author and all the people reading this truly want to be like scientists and think logically and critically, here’s a roadmap. Ask these questions: what is real, how do I know, how do I behave, what if I’m wrong?
What is real? You’ll be able to find information and evidence of anything you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s real. This info/evidence needs evaluation, reasoning, and logic.
How do I know? When evaluating information, ask yourself, is this CRAAP? (Currency, how up to date is the info? Relevance, does it suit my purpose? Accuracy, fact, opinion, references? Author, an expert, is bias evident? Purpose, to inform, persuade, or sell?) Is the info/evidence backed up by multiple, reputable sources? If not, it’s probably not real. Information from only one source means you can be the canary in the coal mine at times, but more often than not, you’re the boy who cried wolf.
How do I behave? If the aforementioned is true or false, how do I change my behavior? Can I have humility and admit I was wrong? Can I change my mind? This step is difficult because it involves reflection, self assessment, self awareness, and self regulation, all of which most people are not good at because it challenges their self perception and is painful.
What if I’m wrong? This enables a constant questioning of beliefs and repetition of the above process to either change beliefs or reinforce them.
In conclusion, here’s a great place to start,, with challenging the things you want to believe in regard to one of RFK Jr.s central tenants. I’m not hopeful any of this post will change any mind, but maybe it will introduce a little doubt and cause some honest self reflection, which is the first step.
Henry: Thank you for your extended comments. What's puzzling is that you seem to be judging that those who are complaining about the current situation (e.g. that federal health agencies have departed from Science), are doing so with blinders on and are operating exclusively with preconceived conclusions.
Not sure how you came up with that opinion, but by-and-large I have not experienced that during many years in the healthcare trenches.
I could give you numerous examples, but simply looking at how the FDA handled Remdesivir is a perfect indicator as to whether they are making decisions based on real Science or political science. There is no "Heirarcy of Evidence" that explains their malfeasance.
Thank you for supporting RFKjr. He understands how the system currently works, and how badly that system is broken. I believe he was also instrumental in helping Trump win the election. He should definitely be put in charge of HHS. His nomination to that post by President Trump should stand.
SM: RFKjr is not a perfect person, and he has done and said some erroneous things. That said, as you write, he has a very good grasp of how the system works and what needs to be done. He has my vote.
Thank you. I am looking forward to see what RFKjr will be able to do to advocate for science and transparency.
Lori: TY. We are all anxiously awaiting to see how much of the problematic healthcare field he can fix.
“As such they will be aggressively trying to undermine the Senate’s support for RFKjr, as an emphasis on genuine Science is a mortal threat to their ideology.]”
When has there been a time anyone can remember when the so-called-democrats, believe in anything “truthful?”
Their number one priority, is to upend everything logically based, scientifically based, financially sound and economically viable!
Time and time again, half of Americans seem reluctant to do a smidgen of research, in fact they won’t do any research because they’re simply incapable of understanding what’s true and or want to know what’s true.
Through psychological peer reviewed studies indicated that 2.5% of those who align with the “leftist-views” have psychological and mental health disorders.
When we say something like “what are they nuts?”’or “they freaking crazy” more than likely, it’s true. Sad as this may sound, ask yourself if, the past admin implemented anything logical? Resoundingly the answer is, NO! No they haven’t. Quite the opposite has happened. But why?
Well IMO this is why. When someone or a group of people haven’t anything to offer society, they typically make up, lie, mislead and attack those who think logically, critically think about what may or may not be true and make a decision based on their “critical-thinking” ability.
I do pray RFK Jr. is confirmed. I don’t agree with all of his viewpoints but who can say anyone agrees with everything someone says. We disagree with our own beliefs from time to time. What’s important is to recognize this.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
I don't believe they're all nuts or freeking crazy, but the public facing ones most definitely are. Behind the scenes, the organizers and administrators most definitely are not. They're very good at what they do, and that happens to follow with what Obama warned us all about - the fundamental transformation of America.
They want the power and control of all the others and they're doing everything they can, in any way they can, to grasp it.
You’re right Mike. Interestingly enough, this morning I watched a short video titled “Can the whole world be filled with Psychopaths?”
I posted on my Substack Homepage. Clearly, there’s many people who simply “stoke-the-flames” of societal discourse and then there’s those people who are seriously ill.
I begrudge nobody nor would I wish illness on anybody. But the fact is, there’s many people in need of help. When someone believes “A Man can be a woman and vice versa” they seriously need help. Likewise, there’s many societal tactics that were used against Americans in an attempt to divide us.
This, in and of itself will surely lure-in and hook many people in need of mental help. For three years I was screamed at etc. during lockdowns simply because my mask wasn’t covering my entire head!
I’ve had enough. I have no problem with people be accountable for themselves. Leave me alone is all I ask. Clearly many people became empowered during this period I soon rather forget.
Nevertheless, it happened and we must move forward. I can honestly say I learned a lot from lockdown’s and I am a better person I believe because of it.
Thank you Mike for pointing this out. Words do matter and I should have clarified myself.
AJR & Mike: This Petition is in response to a "letter" published in the NYT <> and then picked up by the usual sources. IMO at a minimum that letter is very one-sided. As I published earlier, RFKjr publicly stated very clearly what his objectives were <>. None of that was mentioned in that letter.