also it seems not to mention curiosity as a basis for 'a critical thinking process', only perplexity or puzzlement: “The emotions that drive a critical thinking process are perplexity or puzzlement, a wish to resolve it, and satisfaction at achieving the desired resolution....". as far as I know (and I have been involved in teaching since 1979) healthy children/students have a massive sense of curiosity, which is different from both 'perplexity' or 'puzzlement'. we should not tinker with healthy children's social-emotional processes and let them first develop their experiences. guidance perhaps, but nowhere near anything 'public'!
At the very least get rid of 12th grade.
also it seems not to mention curiosity as a basis for 'a critical thinking process', only perplexity or puzzlement: “The emotions that drive a critical thinking process are perplexity or puzzlement, a wish to resolve it, and satisfaction at achieving the desired resolution....". as far as I know (and I have been involved in teaching since 1979) healthy children/students have a massive sense of curiosity, which is different from both 'perplexity' or 'puzzlement'. we should not tinker with healthy children's social-emotional processes and let them first develop their experiences. guidance perhaps, but nowhere near anything 'public'!
Mr. Droz:
I just read “The Art of Critical Thinking” by Hazard Lee.
an Air Force F-16 combat and instructor pilot.
An exciting read ……with examples of real-time high-stress-combat,
he details the key steps to quickly and accurately assess
the best solution to a problem.
Keith Moore
CastleLight Energy Corp.
Keith: TY for that reference. The most powerful solution we have to our societal challanges, is to have more citizens who are critical thinkers...
Don't overlook Article 26.3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which lefties love:
"Parents have the prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children."
I was listing US statutory rights. You cite a UN document <>..
Thank you for this. My husband is currently running for school board and my daughter is a teacher in the same district. This is very helpful!
Good that this is helpful. I hope that you all work together to get rid of SEL in your school.