True article! I love the comparison of Christ vs The Devil that points out the Devil is the really PhD who fights the battle for Him. We’re studying the similar lessons at the First Baptist Church in MHC, Sunday School Class at this time. The Devil: The great Deceiver!

Fred Fulcher

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Emotional learning...

...crying, pouting and expressing victimhood to get a better grade

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Hey, how about a millstone around the necks of anyone promoting this child abuse?

Here is how deep this indescribable wickedness goes: https://tritorch.com/predator

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“In a world where critical thinking and strong religious values are essential for lifelong happiness, successful careers, and healthier relationships, this school gives students a solid Judeo-Christian framework for developing these skills.”

There is only one skill involved, namely critical thinking, which when employed in conjunction with faith,the love and example of good parents and truthful education, encourages behavior that produces the fruits of happiness and success. On the journey of life we perforce are socially immersed and experience emotions both of which are objects for analysis not principles for guidance.

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Aug 30, 2023
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John: Thank you. I defer to you as being the master of the understatement.

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