Excellent as usual, in tomorrow's edition. Thanks for all you do, Rich K

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Critical thinking comes from extensive reading and analyzing what you have learned, before coming to a conclusion. Critical thinking does not reject information; even if it is fact based, because it does not agree with what you believe or have been taught.

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Judicial Watch is currently defending a teacher who made a post on social media before she was even hired to teach at the school. Her crime was pretty much saying we need to get back to the basics. And she was fired. That's how bad it is. In olden times, neighborhoods had one room school houses that graduated kids smarter than the ones today. Maybe it's time to return to that sort of system. The neighborhood hires the teachers, the churches can be used as school houses.

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It's not only K-12 now, tots as young as 15 months are going to pre-nursery for what on earth other than conditioning for early separation from Moms & expensive 2-hour day care. High schools in Oregon by Governor ruling in 2021 & now by Legislative law, no longer require proof of reading, writing, or math to graduate! I don't think there is time between now & the complete gov't thug clamp down, to save the public schools. Best folks can do is teach their own, perhaps joining with other parents, & family members, in home-schooling while it is allowed. I don't think even school choice will be free of gov't overreach. Time will tell. People need to return to depending on God. He's the only One able to turn this corrupt mess around. Repentance is key. It's our move.

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John...more great insights from you on critical thinking and our kids. I passed it along to our Dean of Education at Michigan who I'll see tomorrow...Don Runkle

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In my opinion the problem we have is our success. America has proven that our design not only works but it is superior to all other designs. We have progressed since our inception at a compound growth rate that far exceeds all other societies. That success is funding our downfall.

The Left has come up with a counter system that thrives off of our success. By taxing income they pick the pockets of Capitalism before the citizen ever has a chance to stop them. If we truly look at what has evolved we find that all along business has created our success. But, by taxing the worker the government forces business to cough up additional money out of their profits, or they raise prices to keep making a profit. In either case it is not the employee who is actually paying that income tax, is it?

So, based on this situation which exists due to our success, the Left has created a Catch 22 for us. We either join the “takers” or we keep getting up, going to work, and making a living. It is really quite simple and the folks on the Right who believe in America’s greatness are being used against ourselves.

The difference between these two approaches is what our youth must be taught. Getting a great education, working hard, and becoming a contributing member of society is what makes one rich. Or, you can become a “taker.” Most honest people would be ashamed to be a Democrat if they were properly educated.

Here is the key. The takers have all sorts of free time to plot more and more ways to screw us. Meanwhile, the working population needs to get up, go to work, and earn money to fund the takers. We have no time to do long range planning against the takers because we cannot see the forest for the trees.

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