something went awry between publishing his Fauci-book, his powerful acceptance speech, then his snuggling up to orthodox rabbi Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and recently this go-and-give with California's Newsom (who seems to have rejected unelected non-medical experts' veto power over vaccine exemptions for children's vaccines deemed medically necessary; 2019) -
excuse me for being sceptical, but this deserves a shared Nobel for hypocricy.
Owain: Yes several things need to be done, but Trump seems to have given RFKjr the direction to do what is needed.
something went awry between publishing his Fauci-book, his powerful acceptance speech, then his snuggling up to orthodox rabbi Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and recently this go-and-give with California's Newsom (who seems to have rejected unelected non-medical experts' veto power over vaccine exemptions for children's vaccines deemed medically necessary; 2019) -
excuse me for being sceptical, but this deserves a shared Nobel for hypocricy.
Mary-Lou: Let's give these people some time to go through this minefield.