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Isn’t it interesting that Political Science has been a major at the university level for many years? I majored in History, which needs to respond to the crisis by forming a dual major with Chemistry and Biology IMO.

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Jeff: IMO the title "Political Science" is the beginning of the deception. There is no such Science as Political Science. It should be called "Politics."

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Perhaps. But it’s now part of the educational curriculum, especially for aspiring attorneys.

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Jeff: Yes there is a sophisticated coalition trying to pull off this scam. All I can say is that making it part of any curriculum does not make it real.

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Any discipline that has the word "Science" in its title is something other than science.

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Perhaps. But it’s now part of the educational curriculum, especially for aspiring attorneys.

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Long before Christianity you can find Sanscrit writings that say "God is Truth". When "Science" becomes the servant of politics it no longer serves "Truth".

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GC: Real Science is independent of politics. However, the confusion many people have is that they do not distinguish between Science and scientists. There are good and bad scientists just like in any profession. Many scientists have political agendas — usually hidden. Just because a study or report is done by credentialed scientist, does NOT mean that it is a scientific study or report.

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eventually "Science" developed in tandem with the requirements of the Industrial Revolution (mid-18th century). before that there were.... alchemists. and map-makers. and many other expert craftsmen. now it's clear how corrupted it is, having to play yes-man to grants and sponsors.

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My degree is an M.A. in "Natural Science" from Pembroke College, Cambridge. To get my degree I had to study Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Metallurgy.

The disciplines that are part of the "Natural Sciences Tripos" at Oxford or Cambridge can be traced back many centuries before the Industrial Revolution.

Like you I am concerned that much of today's "Science" has been corrupted politicians. In 1961 Dwight Eisenhower warned us about the Military-Industrial complex:


Since then it has got much worse. Now we have "Big Pharma" killing millions of people with dangerous and ineffective COVID vaccines but you can't use "Product Liability" laws to sue them since "Vaccines" are protected.

Now you have the UN globalists pushing the "Mitigation of Carbon". They tell us that trillions of dollars must be invested to reduce CO2 emissions. Globalists including people in the US EPA claim that CO2 is a "POLLUTANT". In reality CO2 is the "GAS OF LIFE".

Rising levels of CO2 have helped to increase crop yields dramatically over the last 40 years:


Duke University used its forest to demonstrate the positive effect that enhanced CO2 levels have on tree growth (the FACE experiment).

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Mary-Lou: Science is not corrupt one iota. You are failing to distinguish between scientists and Science. They are hugely different.

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once they write up their articles and publish their studies in distinguished journals, it has become part of The Science, sorry to say.

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Mary-Lou: That may be what it seems to the public, but that is not so. Just because a study is published by a group of scientists, does not mean that it is scientific. Thousands of such "scientific" appearing studies have been proven to be fraudulent, etc. Science and scientists are two VERY different things.

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