“The two traditional political divisions, liberal and conservative, died with COVID. Now there are simply the sane versus the insane. The sane have had enough of being pushed around by the insane. The insane don’t register much of what reality tries to tell them. They have a body of insane ideas to comfort and protect them from reality’s rigors. To call that body of ideas an ‘ideology’ is way too polite.”

~ James Howard Kunstler

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SP: There seems to be some basis for that perspective...

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Thank you for your reminders for America to wake up! I did not watch the debate at all (it is easy to go out and watch snippets online). I agree and echo what Amy A said in her comments. I have experienced the effects of dementia on four women in my lifetime, my grandmother, mother, mother in law and grandmother in law. I knew long before the debate what Joe Biden is experiencing (biggest reason I did not watch). It is hard to watch anyone go through that kind of decline.

No one in our families would ever have treated any one of the afore mentioned women the way that Joe Biden is being treated. So a simple question, why is Jill Biden allowing it? As far as I am concerned it should be considered elder abuse what is being allowed to happen. Indeed how far our nation has fallen.

Pray and then pray some more for this country and its moral compass. And yes, we need critical thinkers to be a part of the change this country needs from the bottom up.

God bless you sir and all other loving family members who cared, loved and gave dignity to their aging loved ones!

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Tama: TY. We are on the same page.

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If Kennedy was allowed on the debate stage, I believe you would have watched the whole debate. I agree with you on the need for some empathy here while at the same time you are wondering what this situation will lead to in regards to the election. America needs God! The phrase "critical thinking makes me think of my faith and a quote by an unknown. "For the non-believer seeing is believing, for the believer, believing is seeing."

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The extraordinary efforts to keep Joe Biden is power is extraordinarily frightening. At one point during last week’s debate, I saw in DJT the look of sorrow for Biden. Now is the time for a thinking society. We must place greater demands on public educators (K-16) to do their part.

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DO: Frightening is a good description. Yes, we need citizen voters who are Critical Thinkers.

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John, It was difficult for my family to watch JB too. Our father/grandpa displayed a similar blank look about him when he wrestled with Alzheimer’s a few years ago. However, with my heart still in my throat, I remembered that JB is doing exactly what he wants to be doing (destroying our nation one EO at a time) while his wife shows no interest in protecting his dignity in the process.

I was able to FEEL grief and be a CRITICAL THINKER all in the same moment.

When I reflect back on our last few years with my dad, I’m grateful we had the opportunity to love him well and protect HIS dignity. It warms my heart that you continue to value your beautiful bride with that same love. They are worth it.

I continue to be grateful for your writing, John. And I am committed to pray that our nation is freed (more and more over time) to critically-think, especially with last night’s debate-evidence of JB’s inability to lead AT ALL…

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Alzheimers is prevented/cured with a strict keto diet, see Dr Berg, Youtube, and do all he says.

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There are studies from Oxford Uni. Prof. David Smith that indicate taking Omega-3 oil and the B Vitamins (at least 50mg each) at the same time can prevent if not reverse Alzheimers. A further information by Patrick Holford indicates that taking coconut oil/mct oil is beneficial.

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Thank you, B. If I knew that when he was still alive, I would move to his state and literally spoon-feed it to him. 😢 Oh, what a horrific disease it is. I’m thankful to know that this diet, as well as Dr. Bredesen’s protocol is effective for future generations, if needed. ❤️‍🩹

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Amy: Sorry about your dealing with Alzheimer's. TY for your support.

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I have been deliberating whether to support RFK. He should have been included in the debate. I have misgivings about his position on nuclear power. I have not heard him comment on small modular reactors.

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Bill: <https://archive.li/Yhf4u>

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Ny times article hidden behind a paywall. I have wondered if I could avoid paywalls with a library membership.

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Exactly. I kept it on but sat in the dark in another room. It was painful to watch. Thinking , pondering. The depths a group of power and money hungry people will go to in order to maintain the status quo. Empathy indeed. Elder abuse. Man's inhumanity to man...Jill...a spouse , the woman behind the man...evil. Our safety..,all you write about...pray America. 4 months not 5 June is gone. Time speeds up after July 4th. All of a sudden it's September. And then Satan's holiday and there we are...eyes wide open. All hands on deck. As evil, Uniparty works overtime to stay in charge. Only God can lead us into victory. DJT has kept us going...I pray battalions of God's fiercest warrior angels go before, behind, besides DJT and his truly trusted advisors. Shine light on any Benedict Arnolds in the tent. Wisdom, and a true leaning into God. In Jesus mighty name.

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Thanks John,

You're on the mark as usual. That's generally the outcome of thinking critically about issues.

I am one of the people who was anxiously awaiting this debate, not because I expected to learn anything that I didn't already know, and I surely did not. However, given that the expected audience was so huge, I was hoping that the what many have known for several years would become patently obvious to a lot more people who either haven't been paying attention, or have been myopically fixed under the spell of some extremely biased media personalities, especially those employed by CNN and MSNBC, but certainly not limited to these two mainstream outlets.

When Trump suckered these Marx-infested Democrats and their sycophants into this debate, by blindly accepting whatever one-sided rules they wanted to "play" by, it reminded me of a time way back when, the world champion ping pong player happened to be attending the same university that I was, and he offered even odds to any and all that he would win a game to 21 after first spotting the suckered opponent 20 points before the game even started. He was THAT confident and he didn't disappoint. Mission accomplished.

I wasn't disappointed in last night's debate either. What I'm seeing now, as a result of it, is the awakening of a very meaningful number of US citizens who didn't previously know 2 things up until last night.

1. Biden is completely incapable. He's not even running the show now. How could he be? He can't even distinguish fact from fiction.

2. The Marx-infested Democrat Party and their deep state has been openly trying to lead the USA down a horrible path towards a one-party undemocratic oligarchy - a post-modern form of Marxism, that is clearly a new sister to socialism and communism. Global governance is just around the corner in this "vision".

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I wonder if he had adverse reactions to the Covid shots. It’s aledged that people in government received a different version of the Covid shot but I don’t know if that is true.

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In the end any political decision is based on achieving a positive result and, of course, may have an opposite or unintended result. There is always an opposition view similarly designed to achieve a result as favorable on other terms. We flip a coin more or less so an interval of unauthorized executive decision making is also governed by chance. Such an interval if extended can only deprive the people of a rational government reflective of their will and must not be tolerated. Advantage Trump. Self financed. Not consigned to civil service compensation ladder or to political favoritism. Those who are so constrained fueled by anxiety over 2nd homes and college tuition and IRA’s are waging a struggle to the death against an unencumbered political outsider with what first time around was a naive faith in the system but who knows the game and will play to the benefit of the people.

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I have not been able to continue to watch President Biden speak for more than a few minutes any time that I watch him. It tears my heart apart to see how such a frail old man has been left in office to be manipulated by staff or family. As an estate attorney I have seen many, many aging clients. Some are sharp as a tack until the moment of passing, some drop off the cliff of competency without warning, and some appear as the bank of a river during a severe rainstorm - one can only watch with horror as the bank is eroded away by the uncontrollable forces of nature.

Worse yet, the nation and its chief executive officer are apparently under the control of an unelected and unknown group of people who have no legal or moral accountability to anyone. For a nation of 330,000,000 people to have as a president a person who is so severely cognitively impaired that he can neither form a sentence nor find his way off a stage, and who can launch nuclear weapons at anyone whom he perceives (in his dementia) to be a threat , is not only frightening, but borders on the suicidal.

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John…good comments. However, my feeling is that this performance and the various videos leading up to the debate was a well orchestrated and planned execution of Biden by progressives. They needed the population’s support to change candidates…and, they got it. Joe will step down for “health reasons” over the next few weeks. My guess is that the puppet master, Barack, will slide Michelle into the slot at the Convention. She’ll be hard to beat. It will be Barack’s 3rd, 4th, and 5th terms. Don

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Don: That is one of several possibilities.

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Profound analysis of last night’s debate without the political angles we hear from the talking head news pundits nowadays!

Parkinson’s is tough as we had our Father in Law live with us as long as we could. My mother had Alzheimer’s and same situation ( at the time we both worked. We can relate what you are going through and hope for the best. I am by no means a religious fanatic but pray to God daily for the things that matter to me the most! Been praying for our Country to get back on track and will now add you and your wife to my prayers!

Stay Safe and Well!

God Bless you and this Great Nation!!!!

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Mark: Thank you!

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John thanks for your insightful observations. The coverup of the dysfunctional Biden by the media was exposed last night.

Hopefully, this secures the election for Trump. As a supporter of Trump, I realize he is not a savior but the country won’t be saved without him.

Trump will stop the free fall and hopefully set the table for the very long recovery we need.

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It’s karma in full swing. A few years back we were laughing at Brezhnev, that he was battery-powered, with wires from his body entangling his people, etc. The Russians quickly learned from this and never chose a physically compromised person to be another leader or publicly visible politician. For some reason, some puppet masters find purpose in the public torture of people who are no longer fit to be a model for others. It was the case with John Paul II, and now… Seeing this, sadness and compassion…

People should be elected for public office when they are 35-40, and removed from the office by law when they reach 50. Including leaders, commanders, and teachers. No consulting, lobbying, teaching, coaching, absolutely nothing. 35 is enough to have a taste of life with its ups, downs and traps, and at this age you care because you have a future of your own and of your families. At 50, you are no longer relevant because you cannot catch up with that is happening in real life. And, gradually, you will depart from taking care about the future, because your future is no longer there. Regardless of your fitness and mental strength, you move into the waiting room. At 70, you don’t care. Even if you fail completely, and cause huge losses, so what? You have lived your life, they can do to you whatever they want. You lose the feeling of responsibility. Not because you want it this way. It’s just that your life energy is changing. Move aside, make space for those who care and have future.

This is why 60-65 is the retirement age across the world. You’ve done enough, now your task is to enjoy what is left for you, without putting others into misery. You won’t be any good for others. At 60, you do not understand teenagers, you can not process the psychology of young adults, and you become a self-obsessed “when I was of your age” fountain of wisdom.

When you are past 60-65, your physiology will absorb your attention, energy and thought. Mobility will change, reactions will change, thinking processes will change, everything. With enough wisdom, you can manage to gracefully become old and leave this place as a respected person who knew his/her limits and never manipulated others.

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Some pilots are still competent at almost 60 which was demonstrated by successfully ditching a large passenger plane on the water, which usually results in multiple fatalities.

After the water landing Sully Sullenberger walked the passenger isle twice to be sure everyone was out of the plane. He still was able to show concern for others.

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Pilots don’t care about passengers. Their only care is to land the plane, preferably in the condition not worse when they took off (say the insurance people). They manage a machine. They manage a mechanical device which they have been learning and using quite a long time. The machine will always act predictably, as long as the pilot treats it well, and the mechanics treat it well. It’s a perfect symbiosis.

But the relationship is that of a person with a machine. With enough learning and patience, you can competently fly the plane when you are 90. Or… can you?

Before you - the pilot - enter the plane, you will have to present your medical. When you are 40 or older, you must take all medical examinations every 12 months to have your medical renewed. When you reach 60, you take your medical every 6 months. Your results are open to inspection for your employer, no excuses.

Mind you, the only responsibility of the pilot is to fly the plane. No human interactions. Once your medical goes bad, your license will be terminated automatically. Just like that.

Now, do such rules for politics, and the country will flourish in no time.

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Critically thinking - Biden and all Democrats have shown they are in it purely for power and money. They have demonstrated that they are prepared to weaponize the DOJ, CIA, FBI, CFR, judges, etc. against the leading contender for president. Some state AG's are now demonstrating the extent of Democrat election fraud in 2020. If the Hunter files were not falsely discredited by the alphabet agencies Trump would have easily won the 2020 election. Despite CNN's efforts in this debate they still could not carry a failing and oft-proven liar Biden across the line this time. If the Democrats manage to fraud this election as well, the USA and it's Constitution will be cancelled. Count on it.

Trump may not have an exemplary lexicon, but his intentions, his character and his first term presidency demonstrated his allegiance is with America, not foreign nations like Ukraine. If his first term was not deliberately hamstrung by the Covid 'Plandemic' he likely would have sailed into his second term. The 'DeepState' is real and they were determined to prevent Trump from further discovering and exposing them and thus Biden was their ticket. Deny it if you wish, but any confirmation bias aside and you will realise America is in a mess because of the Biden / Democrat mismanagement.

Trump never created wars. Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden did. During Trump's first term Russia was on a short leash, China was held to account, North Korea was on a short leash, Iran was economically desperate and contained, Isis was stopped in it's tracks, Europe was made to pay for their own defense, Saudi Arabia were opening up to middle east peace, America's economy was going well (except for the deliberate spoke-in-the-wheel Plandemic), the UN was confronted for their corruption and dishonesty, inflation was low and unemployment achieved some record lows.

Surely anyone with any common sense and critical thinking ability can see that Trump was not the bogeyman that the news media propagandize him as?

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I think this is excellent, and with your permission I would like to publish this on my blog, Paradigms and Demographics. https://paradigmsanddemographics.blogspot.com/

Rich Kozlovich


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TTY. Permission granted.

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It's pretty clear that critical thinking and progressivism are incompatible.

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Ed: I was trying to be brief and diplomatic, but there is certainly good evidence for that conclusion.

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