As a (gentile) member of a MESSIANIC Jewish synagogue, I find your antisemitism deeply offensive and your interpretation of that passage of Scripture completely out of context and inaccurate. It is certainly not speaking of EVERY synagogue.
Most Jews do not hate Christianity - they actually don’t think about it at all. Israel has a large …
As a (gentile) member of a MESSIANIC Jewish synagogue, I find your antisemitism deeply offensive and your interpretation of that passage of Scripture completely out of context and inaccurate. It is certainly not speaking of EVERY synagogue.
Most Jews do not hate Christianity - they actually don’t think about it at all. Israel has a large Christian population and if you actually looked into it, you would learn that they are not discriminated against there. There is no lack of Christmas decor throughout the country, and Christian celebrations are welcomed.
Your insane theory about Jewish globalists ruling the world is just ridiculous. Jews don’t run the world now, but soon, one Jew will. And you will be required to explain your obvious hatred of His chosen people, His special treasure, to Him. I pray your eyes and heart will be opened before then.
As a (gentile) member of a MESSIANIC Jewish synagogue, I find your antisemitism deeply offensive and your interpretation of that passage of Scripture completely out of context and inaccurate. It is certainly not speaking of EVERY synagogue.
Most Jews do not hate Christianity - they actually don’t think about it at all. Israel has a large Christian population and if you actually looked into it, you would learn that they are not discriminated against there. There is no lack of Christmas decor throughout the country, and Christian celebrations are welcomed.
Your insane theory about Jewish globalists ruling the world is just ridiculous. Jews don’t run the world now, but soon, one Jew will. And you will be required to explain your obvious hatred of His chosen people, His special treasure, to Him. I pray your eyes and heart will be opened before then.