My grandmother taught me as a four year old child that God loved me...and it made me feel good to know that I was loved, It made me want to be close to my Source. She taught me "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die, before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. As a child it was very comforting t…
My grandmother taught me as a four year old child that God loved me...and it made me feel good to know that I was loved, It made me want to be close to my Source. She taught me "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die, before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. As a child it was very comforting to know that God was love and I would be with God. All my life I knew that I was not alone...and I was not into the Bible. I learned the Bible, when it came off the printing press was 1286 page and saw my King James Bible, was 1800 pages...I learned that 50 nobles and some members of the Church of England had worked on the Bible for 8 years and added 500 pages.In the 1600s . God's Secretaries by Adam Nicholson was most interesting, I learned about the men who worked on thee KJBible; some were alcoholics and some were into pornography. The nobles were literate, but they were not spiritual men. I am totally into the power of prayer.. I ask for guidance before i read the Bible. Matthew 6: 5. The word synagogue comes from the Greek meaning gathering place. It is not a Hebrew word. This verse says people should not gather in a public place to pray; or stand on street corners preaching; it says "They too shall have their rewards.', but not in a good way. We are to go into our closet (room) snd shut the door and the Father which seeth in secret shall reward you openly. We were to develop a close loving relationship with our Father. Matt 22:35-40 Says on two commandments HANG ALL THE LAW Loving our Creator is # 1 . and #2 is Loving all other .creations of our Father...not just our neighbors.. I believe this is the essence of the Bible.
My grandmother taught me as a four year old child that God loved me...and it made me feel good to know that I was loved, It made me want to be close to my Source. She taught me "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die, before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. As a child it was very comforting to know that God was love and I would be with God. All my life I knew that I was not alone...and I was not into the Bible. I learned the Bible, when it came off the printing press was 1286 page and saw my King James Bible, was 1800 pages...I learned that 50 nobles and some members of the Church of England had worked on the Bible for 8 years and added 500 pages.In the 1600s . God's Secretaries by Adam Nicholson was most interesting, I learned about the men who worked on thee KJBible; some were alcoholics and some were into pornography. The nobles were literate, but they were not spiritual men. I am totally into the power of prayer.. I ask for guidance before i read the Bible. Matthew 6: 5. The word synagogue comes from the Greek meaning gathering place. It is not a Hebrew word. This verse says people should not gather in a public place to pray; or stand on street corners preaching; it says "They too shall have their rewards.', but not in a good way. We are to go into our closet (room) snd shut the door and the Father which seeth in secret shall reward you openly. We were to develop a close loving relationship with our Father. Matt 22:35-40 Says on two commandments HANG ALL THE LAW Loving our Creator is # 1 . and #2 is Loving all other .creations of our Father...not just our neighbors.. I believe this is the essence of the Bible.