We've all heard the saying "those that can't do teach." After surviving public education I extended the saying to "those that can't do teach and those that can't teach administrate." I've recently decided that I was wrong: "those that can't do teach and those that can't teach indoctrinate." The bloating of school system administrations is simply the accumulation of those that indoctrinate the loudest to ensure that the next generation of indoctrinators are indoctrinated themselves.

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It's a funny thing John; but the same thing seems to have been happening here in Australia. (Surprise! Surprise!)

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Oh, and another final comment. Being as only the Federal Government can mint gold and silver coin, the republic states are helpless. Being as our Congress: Representatives and Senators, are responsable and culpable for ALL that happens withing our federal government, they are stupid economists, and spendthrifts, money wasters, who are smart enough, and corrupt enough to get where they are but not smart enough to employ the correct people to solve our economic problems, which the governmental elected officials and their bureaucracy created. Democracy is a system of government in which the people elect their "leaders"? No! Their rulers. Also that is an incorrect definition. "Democracy is a system of government in which the people have enough information about what a political person has done in their life; about their philosophy: personal, psychological, social, economic, international; and includes the absolutely proven "chain of custody" of legal-citizen voting; including the absolute proof that voting machines, systems and procedures can not be "cheated." That is a little more complicated but more correct definition. Anything less is a meaningless definition.

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An excellent article. I agree.

A good person normally allows other people to "live and let live".

A bad person does not and in addition joins other bad people to exert more control over other people.

That is the reason why bad people have proliferated in our publicly official positions and bureaucratically as "deep-state-unelected-administrators".

Here is a question, John. How is it possible for an act of Congress of The Federal Government, to affect or to be interpreted as an order, when only Amendments to the Constitution are "mandatory" upon all of the States? Well, part of the answer is that the states of the union, such as, the Republic of California, have been replaced by an "overlay" declared to be the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, a federally controlled corporation. Such overlays were declared to be "unconstitutional very early in our history."

Naturally I do not have the "proof at my fingertips. However, I did read that from visual documents that were presented by highly credible researcher-writers.

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The solution is quite simple... School choice would allow schools to compete for students making the competitive marketplace determine which schools are worth going to and which should be allowed to fall by the wayside. Public schools, such as they now exist, are not needed At all.

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Agree completely, John! My wife is a retired teacher and has been complaining about ballooning school administrations for years as a primary reason that public education has gone into the toilet. As you say, much is due to federal mandates and the money that is attached.

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