I am so glad I have found your site. I am a member of a community based FB page where the majority of the content is a public lashing out against various local projects that the city council is involved with. Mostly people complaining, and not a lot of action that can be seen. I will start to promote your writings on how to actually make a difference. Thank You!

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Scott: Thank you for your support and for passing on my Substack. Local citizens CAN win most local issues if they go about it correctly — but that only happens infrequently.

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Thank you for all of your writings. On wind energy, I agree that economics is most important but it may help to kick back at the so-called environmentalists with some information they leave out of their presentations. That is, the second most important factor after economics is environmental. The proponents never mention what happens to the whales and birds and other animals that cannot survive the high frequency humming from the huge windmills. They also never mention what happens to the huge blades in the ice and snow storms, hurricanes and earthquakes, nor do they mention where the damaged blades, that do not decompose, are buried. Unfortunately, since Civics hasn't been taught in schools for decades and in spite of perhaps more free time due to technology, many people are too tired from working two jobs and raising a family and perhaps too lazy to struggle with research, especially when they feel helpless and hopeless. As "dirty" Bill said in his memo to "dirtier" Podesta, perhaps the way to enlist the interest of people is to entertain them. If we accept this reality, perhaps lighter, less erudite, more entertaining articles, films, podcasts etc. on the dangers of windmills might be a way to offset apathy.

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Maria: TY for your good observations. The reason that "environmentalists" leave out those negatives, is that they claim that wind energy will save the planet from climate catastrophe. So that means all the negatives you listed are simply collateral damage to a much more important end. However, this argument is also bogus as there are zero scientific studies that conclude that wind energy makes any consequential CO2 reduction. In fact there are multiple studies that have concluded that wind energy makes climate change WORSE. See my Report on this <https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Wind_Other/Wind_&_AGW_Full.pdf>.

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Thank you John. Of course, I know you are correct. I really enjoy reading your work. I have heard that collateral damage excuse many times in my long life, most recently about the people of Lahaina. I find the excuse to be condescending. I follow Thomas Sowell and I liked his recent stated disgust with the "enormously high opinion the intellectual elites have of themselves" especially because he himself is intellectually superior and most of the climate activists are not, even though they think they are. Thank you again for putting your thoughts into words to help us help ourselves. Marla

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Maria: TY for the kind words. Please pass on my Newsletter and Substack to others who may benefit from them.

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Thank you John for keeping us well informed through your wonderful newsletters and for sharing these critical thinking points to equip us in fighting our battles against the lies and to stand strong for Truth not matter what the issues are.

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Very much appreciate your support. PLeae pass the Newsletters, etc onto open-minded associates.

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VERY helpful and timely as my neighborhood and the surrounding communities are currently fighting to stop a large high-density voucher-based housing development that threatens the beauty and livelihood our our rural area. Our’s was a back-door deal that they thought would slip through the approval process undetected. Nope! Will share your articles - thank you!

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Jo: Good luck with that! These tools should give interested local citizens a fighting chance to succeed.

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Excellent strategy John. It's critical to have facts and truth on your side. But when facing opposition unhampered by either you need supporting documentation, compelling PR, and awareness of legal options. Most important, never be afraid to step up and speak out.

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Another terrific resource (that supplements these excellent posts) for winning local fights is the late Robert Heinlein's nonfiction book "Take Back Your Government" - a 1930s manual on political activism (Heinlein was very active in politics back then, working in the Upton Sinclair "EPIC" campaign in California, a somewhat different political place than many would expect). The book was finally published in connection with the Ross Perot campaign in 1992. Some of the stuff is dated (lots of talk of 3x5 cards and pencils for gathering data) but the principles of winning local political battles are still relevant). Out of print now but used copies are around.

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Andy: TY for that additional reference.

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