I am actually preparing to send a copy to the Supreme Court Justices!

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Go for it!

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This is a fabulous report that is easily digestible. The actual Spike report, which I had not seen before, is most enlightening of all! The real question is how they achieved those spikes. Certainly bringing in suitcases with fraudulent ballots is one option, as was seen in Georgia. As a former GOP precinct judge in Charlotte years ago I saw all the possible opportunities for fraud, starting with no voter ID. I also discovered that when I would have to return the ballots in locked bags to the BOE that night, the precincts on the west side (all Democrat) magically always to be brought in last! The BOE would always excuse it saying they just had longer lines still at closing or some such thing. I always suspected that it was giving them time to figure out how many more votes they needed to win in a contested election.

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Thank you. IMO none of these three Reports has received the publicity that they deserve — which is why I posted about them here.

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Also read the book by Molly Hemingway entitled "RIGGED". It is eye opening and reveals the bias of big tech , main stream media etc. All in favor of the Democrats. This in addition to Mr. Droz's comments here.

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I watched this video from Mar. 2021 last night. It is an interview with Patrick Byrne, author of The Deep Rig. In the video Byrne talks about how it is unnecessary to do vote fraud in all 50 states to swing an election but only in the five or six swing states. This is exactly what happened on Nov 3, 2020. The video is 40 min long but the interview does not get started until minute 4. It is well worth a watch and I am going to order the book.


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It is time that we realize that in elections that matter (i.e. swing-state elections), we are up against an enemy that has essentially unlimited power to commit fraud. In such an environment, elections no longer matter; their results are pre-determined. It is time we took another approach before we lose everything: "Republicans must form a CONGRESS OF REPUBLICAN STATES": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-must-form-a-congress

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Has it ever occurred to you that HAND-COUNTED VOTES WERE AUTOMATICALLY AUDITED and that MACHINE-COUNTED VOTES ARE NOT? How is it that nobody seems to have noticed this? "You can NEVER trust a voting machine": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/you-can-never-trust-a-voting-machine

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The idea that we can win with a population that has been conditioned to tolerate elections that don't have even a thin veneer of election security is preposterous. "Seventeen Mail-In-Voting Security Vulnerabilities": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/seventeen-mail-in-voting-security

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Well all this may be true, but you may be overlooking the biggest reason Trump was defeated, which is that he had most of American industry working against him. People who think that Trump can be elected in 2024 obviously don't understand what he's up against. He was defeated in 2020 by a consortium of businesses who rely on THE CHEAP LABOR OF EXPLOITED ILLEGAL ALIENS, together representing as much as half our economy. Trump throttled big business' supply of illegal labor, made that issue a centerpiece of his public policy, and thereby attracted public attention to ALL THE ILLEGAL HIRING. Do you really believe that Trump can whip the agriculture, mining, manufacturing, retail, transportation, hotel, restaurant, and other industries combined? Keep dreaming: Who Is Really Behind our Illegal Immigration? https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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Canvasing that was conducted by a team led by Douglas Frank, PhD revealed that a subset of the voates were cast by "phantom" voters who did not live at the addresses at which they were claimed to reside.. When the vote for POTUS is corrected by subtracting the votes of the phantoms, Trump won in a landslide.

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Excellent analysis, John! We are fighting for our country and we need to be clear about the leftists' tactics!

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Hi John,

Georgia is the key state because there is hard proof in the form of a 'time sequence analysis if the election results sent to Secretary of State Rafensperger that precisely 12,173 votes were switched from Trump to Biden.

In the final analysis the Biden lead was actually 11,799 (not 10,799 as posted in this article) but since 12,173 votes were switched from Trump to Biden; Trump won Georgia by 394 votes!

Please watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5c034r0RlU the video of the Georgia State Senate hearing starting at the 4:24:00 mark which is the start of the testimony presenting hard data in the form of a forensic "time sequence analysis analysis" of the vote count sent from the Dominion Server through SCYTL to the media and Raffensperger. graphic at the 4:37:30 mark in the YouTube video.

The Dominion Server can create new batches and reject batches by deleting or manually entering vote numbers so first of all the Dominion case against FOX News should have been decided in favor of FOX News because Dominion Servers were actually manipulated to change the election results.

The revelation of 12,173 votes switched from Trump to Biden was from the data sent directly to Raffensperger, so Trump had every right to ask Raffensperger for 11,800 votes because Raffensperger ignored the data sent to him showing that 12, 173 votes had been switched from Trump to Biden presented at this December 30, 2020 Georgia State Senate Hearing which took place three days before the January 2, 2021 phone call between Trump and Raffensperger in which Trump asked for 11,780 votes.

What is not known is that the same voting fraud took place in the Georgia Senate election in which a massive lead by Perdue was suddenly reduced to just 919 votes in a single batch and then further reduced in a second batch a few hours later that placed Ossoff 16, 370 votes ahead of Perdue to win the election.

This vote fraud resulted in the Republicans losing control of the U.S. Senate allowing Biden to destroy the country with control of all three branches of Government.

I will send you an email that shows this voter fraud in a more comprehensive way

Norm Kalmanovitch P. Geoph.

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Hi John - I wrote them mentioning your great article. The 3 hosts are Joe Oltman, Dave Clements, and Apollo. They are also on substack: Conservative Daily Substack

By Conservative Daily


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Great analysis. Can you present this on Conservative Daily?

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Bethany: Sure if you know some receptive person there.

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Something happened at 10:00 p.m. on election night 2020. It is alleged vote counting stopped cold in six swing states. at that time . What the H happened? Something did. In the following year I was on the W. coast in the days running up to the recall election against Newsome. In the background of the TV news reporters' broadcast set I saw cars pulling up to unattended vote drop boxes. When I saw that I knew Newsome would win. We need picture voter ID to get a ballot nationwide in all Federal elections. When one wants to require photo id on election day to get a ballot, the Demos claim racial discrimination. What is truly racist is to claim that in the weeks and months prior to an election persons of color are incapable of getting themselves to their local board of registrars and getting themselves on the voting rolls. We must end the bulk mailout of live ballots prior to elections. Covid is no longer an excuse and we need to tighten up on ballot security.

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The dems are against fair elections.

No Id, no citizenship, no verification.

Who could possibly suspect them of cheating?

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