Unfortunately, there is no election integrity team for Oregon. That is probably because the RNC considers Oregon a lost cause. Having started mail-in voting in 1998, Oregon has demonstrated that it is a major advantage for Democrats, having elected only one Republican to a state-wide position since then. There is evidence that Democrats in Oregon have used mail-in mail ballots to ensure their candidates are elected in close races. It is up to county election officials to ensure the integrity of the election process. In heavily Democrat areas like Portland and Salem, there is no effective means to ensure cheating does not occur.

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Paul: Yes, they are likely putting their efforts on areas that are less corrupted.

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Mary-Lou: TY. I'm very familiar with Jay's work.

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that's so good to hear!! all of us combined might have a chance against all the tricks used to thwart the electoral process.

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Why are conservative voters so disengaged? Would mail in ballots be the answer to their reluctance to go to the polls?

All our election results should be verified and transparent. Audits should be mandatory. The reluctance to conduct them indicates there is something to hide. Paper ballots. Hand counting. Voter ID. All should be mandatory.

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Yes, I realize your readers probably always vote. That’s not enough. Your readers, should commit to contacting 100 disengaged conservative voters and motivate them to vote. Download the TurningPoint Action App and hit Knock on Doors Near Me or Call Voters Near Me. Everything your readers need is on this App, including Registering voters. It is as easy as it can get.

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John…as you know I applaud all election integrity efforts. However, my feeling is that cheating will continue and many worthy election laws will not be enforced between now and November 5.

There are millions of conservative voters across America that did not vote in 2020 and are highly likely to not vote in 2024…for many reasons. These disengaged conservative voters will be pivotal in the 2024 election.

Please encourage disengaged conservatives to be registered, get an absentee ballot and to vote absentee. Absentee ballots can be tracked daily to make sure the voices of these disengaged voters will be heard in the 2024 election.

This election must come down to ….“Too Big To Rig.”

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Don: Yes EVERY citizen should vote. My assumption is that readers of my Critical Thinking substack are above average intelligence citizens, and were already definately planning on voting — so I'd be preaching to the choir.

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