That actually makes tons of sense. It’s a really simple fix. The proven end by far the most secure and easily verified. Election is with hand marks and counted paper ballots with a secure and transparent chain of custody. Saving billions of dollars for counties around the nation. That’s the crux of the matter. The paper companies don’t have millions upon millions to allow lobbyist in applying palm grease to members of Congress.

My little county in Missouri, less than 25,000 people has $650,000 machine. 300 grand. 110 counties in Missouri. You do that math ,then times 50. They’re making billions while stealing Senate seats with optical scanners.

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John, as someone who worked with you on 2020 election issues, I am not at all sanguine about 2024 having any more safeguards to prevent Democrat cheating. Perhaps a few states like Georgia have enacted laws to make it harder to cheat. The question is whether any of the other swing states have strengthened voter integrity laws. If not, Trump will need a healthy margin of voter to overcome the expected ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, voting machine manipulation, deceased and illegals casting ballots, etc.

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Paul: TY again for your good efforts regarding election integrity. Some states have made improvements, but none have done what is most important: to have mandated post-election sample audits.

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We recently sent a letter to the RNC explaining that their solution of fielding 100,000 poll workers is only one tiny piece of the solution. The risk of detection is the #1 deterrent to fraud in all of its forms. The lack of robust POST ELECTION AUDITS just makes it absolutely clear to those involved in elections they have no deterrent. They know that we know; they don't care that we know; they know we cannot stop them. We should find a way to systematically and completely attack election fraud. It will take all of us.

July 12, 2024

RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump

Republican National Committee

310 First Street Southeast

Washington, DC 20003

Dear Co-Chair Trump,

The RNC’s election integrity plan of fielding thousands of poll managers and poll workers addresses but a small piece in the election risk arena. I am a Poll Manager in South Carolina and can assure all that there is limited visibility and control allowed in the poll management functions. Directives and procedures come from the state-level SC Election Commission. County-level employees, including the Director of Elections, have no latitude in any of the processes dictated by the state. However, the set of activities that make up the actual voting process of creating and casting an individual ballot is very low risk in the scheme of things. Principle should dictate that citizens be involved in the election process, but the Poll Manager level is not the place at which to attack fraud risk in elections.

The primary risk to our elections is in the mismanagement of the Voter Rolls that creates the opportunity for the manipulation of votes which are counted using third-party vendor-controlled equipment and systems.

The actions of individual states, especially South Carolina, ostensibly a Republican-controlled state, to remove transparency and citizen auditing, further insulate bad actors and poor performers from discovery. In SC, ballot images known as cast vote records (CVR’s), touted on ES&S’s own website as a tool of transparency, are not available to her citizens. In fact, citizens who request CVR’s via FOIA requests have been sued by the SC Election Commission. No audit can be effective without access to source records. Suing citizens for requesting election records of any kind casts a pall on election integrity efforts. Other barriers to election integrity in SC include a Voter Roll cost of $2,500 per and does NOT include Inactive Voters, an extended early voting period that is ripe for fraud, and the continued centralization of control and power at the state level. Citizen fights to affect these barriers have come to naught. There are many thousands of citizens across America fighting for election integrity. Your assistance in demanding transparency by every state would create an immediate fear in bad actors and poor performers because they could be discovered in the future. Fear of being discovered is the #1 deterrent to fraud of all kinds.

Computer equipment and systems used to manage US elections are fraught with risk and there is no way for citizens to mitigate any of it. The Big 3 election equipment manufacturers in the US have been the recipients of great amounts of money since HAVA (Help America Vote Act) of 2002 approved $3B to computerize election processes in the US. When large amounts of funds are approved, and given our government’s refusal to enact effective controls, fraud risks run rampant and enrich many at taxpayer expense. Third-party vendors are not often subject to FOIA requests so all remains hidden. South Carolina contracts with third-party vendors for almost the entirety of the election process: Voter Rolls, internal election management software, equipment and election management software, “audits” (a topic for another day), and ENR (Election Night Reporting) which does the public reporting. None of these companies are subject to FOIA requests by citizens. In SC, my attempts to obtain ES&S equipment manuals, set up files, communication protocols, SLOGS, and any other processing information related to ES&S have been ineffective. So much for FOIA’s and transparency; that law and that concept do not exist any longer.

The Voter Roll problem has been allowed to be politicized, so few states have had the courage to apply their own laws or HAVA (Help America Vote Act) of 2002 with regard to maintaining accurate rolls. We do not even obey our own laws on this simple requirement. Because Voter Rolls are so padded with false records, the stage is set for them to be used in creating fake ballots. With no access to ballot images or printed ballots, identifying these fake ballots cannot happen and we are left with statistical analysis that can prove the data set, but be dismissed because no one understands it.

The equipment and systems used in elections are complex. Because there is no simple, one-sentence proof that election fraud happened in 2020 and 2022, most people tune out and do not spend any time or effort in understanding the myriad problems involved that create massive fraud risk. Even those, like local GOP chapters and local election boards, who should be spending the intellectual capital necessary to figure out what is happening simply do not. The RNC has the resources and access to skills that would analyze the systems and expose the risk. The election systems and equipment used in the US are the #1 Risk to election integrity. There are those of us out here pecking away at this problem, but our efforts are having negligible impact.

I will be happy to share all of the information I have ferreted out and my contacts with all willing participants in election integrity efforts!

Here is my request as a Citizen, a Certified Fraud Examiner, and an Election Integrity Researcher:

Please use the RNC’s resources, influence, and skills to address the systems and equipment RISK in our elections, demand transparency at every level of the election process, and force states to manage their Voter Rolls in accordance with the law. Unless we demand integrity in our elections, we are accepting past, present, and future rigged and stolen elections.

Sincere Thanks,

Laura W. Downing

Certified Fraud Examiner

cc: RNC Election Integrity Subcommittee Members and Chairman Whatley

Supported By:

VIRTUE – An Election Integrity Project

Anthony J. Padilla MBA, CFE

Certified Fraud Examiner

Mark E. Epps

Certified Fraud Examiner

“I do not personally or publicly endorse any candidates for office.”

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Laura: Please email me <aaprjohn@northnet.org> your phone.

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So John, you could not make a BETTERE case for combining efforts. Once a fraud risk assessment is completed - most of ours are done, the audits link "fraud executed to fraud projected" and you have THE compelling argument to change or eliminate practices. You know as well as I, no matter how compelling, short of 100% affirmation from an audit, the combination of resistance, ignorance and fear scuttle the attempts to have any timely and meaningful impact on affecting results. Your approach is: the numbers don't lie and the response is maybe not but they are just numbers. To us fraud pros, they are indicators of potentially election-altering fraud but has anyone ever won a case based on indicators? Probably not. I believe the answer lies somewhere in between our positions. Thanks for taking the time to discuss.

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The Fundamental Problem

As a country we lack a critical understanding of election integrity and its importance. But having robust POST ELECTION audits is not the answer. Why? Because identifying fraud indicators, auditing/investigating to point of proving fraud with all the obfuscation and fraud enabling behaviors by election, you cannot get to the proof fast enough to meet the system time constraints for certification. Especially true with an uninformed and fearful judiciary. We have to stop the election fraud risks evident after doing risk assessment of election practices, link the assessment to the actual evidence they contributed to fraud in the past, and move to eliminate those practices. If , after having completed that cycle, legislators and election officials still won't fix the problems and we the people don't insist, then we willingly forfeit our elections to fraud.

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Anthony: I understand the logic of your position but do not agree.

First, the Post-Election audit we are advocating is a select statistical sample, of voters. It is easy and quick to do — but it reveals a lot.

Second, there are many good people trying to do what you are advocating, and the progress has been glacially slow. The biggest resistence is that legislators say that there is no proof that these many loopholes are resulting in inaccurate results. Ergo, audits are needed to prove that the loopholes are not just hypothetical.

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The true root cause voter fraud is the mass mail out of live ballots. It makes it convenient and possible for large scale ballot harvesting. Potential Covid exposure was the excuse in 2020. That issue has pretty much gone away and so should the practice of mass mailout of live ballots. A second factor is the deposit of harvested ballots at unattended vote drop boxes. See the movie "2000 Mules". If we eliminate those practices in every state a great deal of the fraud problem will go away.


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Ken: Yes, that would certainly help — but other large issues would still be in play.

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That paragon of virtue Joseph Stalin correctly said 'It does not matter who votes. What matters is who counts the votes". My not so humble opinion is that at 10:00 p.m. on election night in 2020 the Dominion voting machines were reprogrammed to keep Trump from winning. At that time in six swing states all counting was stopped and something happened to stop the Trump landslide.


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Ken: That is a possibility, yet we have no proof of it yet.

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Our voting system is corrupt. Even when cheating is caught on security cameras, it's not enough to stop the brazen theft of our elections. Post election audits should be mandatory in all states; audits conducted by scrupulously vetted entities. No more internet connected voting machines. Paper ballots only, one day voting. All drop boxes deemed necessary to be located within town halls and police stations, with 24/7 camera monitors. Voter ID required, no excuses. All easy fixes that do not discriminate against any legally registered American citizens. I used to believe most people were honest. I used to believe our government was. I no longer do.

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SM: As you have outlined, there are still many concerns that have yet to be adequately addressed in all states.

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You are 1000% correct..and I meant 1000. That is how bad it has gotten since I was aware..78yrs old. I remember my dad talking about the $5 and a pint of whiskey being distributed the nights before elections. Reading about votes being changes from the polls to the parish clerks office. That is just in the last 78 yrs. So evidently it was crooked almost from the beginning. Sad how sinful human nature is. Sad how much we need to repent for. From ourselves as well as our ancestors. Sad how we suffer the consequences of our ancestors actions or in actions.

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Carolyn: yes, greed, dishonesty, etc have been with us a long time — which is why it should be obvious that rasonable precautions (audits) should be taken.

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I have always voted. However I have other thoughts. Does it matter since there is so much cheating?

Do they select the residents? Do they promote and manipulate us for who they want?

I came to that conclusion about 10 years ago after watching the show The Men Who Built America.

After 2020, I concluded voting is definitely not fair.

Now I even wonder when we vote if we are participating and consenting to something even more nefarious.

Are they playing by a different set of rules like maritime law?

Aren't we just a commodity in the US corporation?

Why is the seat of our government on foreign land called DC? Why do a huge percentage of people representing us have dual citizenship with another country, thus dividing their loyalty?

When we do elect people, Congress pretends to call treachery out, but nothing ever happens.

They write laws and it is not clear and they throw in other things that have nothing to do with the bill to deceive us.

Only the rich and privileged get elected.

Meanwhile these same people worship satan so....

I can see it is all a sham. Our own country is destroying us from the inside.

At this point, God is the only one who can fix this wicked mess.

God bless America.

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Dawn: I understand you frustration, and there is some element of truth in your concerns. That said, the bad guys WANT to get you NOT to participate in the election process. If you'd like to stick your finger in their eye, please do vote!

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John…as you well know, we have fierce agreement that it should be hard to cheat. However, cheating will continue pretty much as usual and no one will stop it in the next 77 days. There are millions of likeminded conservatives that don’t vote, but do complain about the results…500,000 of these people reside in my home “swing” state of Michigan and did not vote in 2020….where the conservative candidate lost our electoral votes by 154,000. We have their names, addresses and phone numbers on your iPhone!

The only way for conservatives to win this year is to get half of these disengaged registered voters to vote…and absentee ballots take away all the excuses for not voting…they are safe, secure, easy, takes five minutes and…free. Yes, there is cheating with absentee ballots, but not with a single voting voter. Cheating occurs when a single household gets 50 or so absentee ballots. Michigan actually has more voters than people!

So yes, cheating should be stopped. But, if your readers have five minutes to spare ask them to Get Out The Vote over the next 77 days. They can start working on election integrity on November 6!

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Don: Yes, at this point getting out the vote would take priority. However, not doing anything about requiring meaningful audits over the last four years is totally unacceptable

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