Thanks, I subscribed. 😂 That’s MY world now. But, I was here first! I’m not leaving. I’m staying to fight the good fight until I take my last breath. I’ve raised good kids to think for themselves and I spread hope and my love for God & America daily. There are more good people than bad. I’m the “zebra with the red paint”, that Jordan Peterson talks about. Bring it, I’m not scared. ✌🏼
Good! FYI, You might find this story about one of the last Republicans in Portland OR, to be interesting <>.
Thanks, I subscribed. 😂 That’s MY world now. But, I was here first! I’m not leaving. I’m staying to fight the good fight until I take my last breath. I’ve raised good kids to think for themselves and I spread hope and my love for God & America daily. There are more good people than bad. I’m the “zebra with the red paint”, that Jordan Peterson talks about. Bring it, I’m not scared. ✌🏼
OK, that's fine. We're here to help.