
Charlotte Iserbyt published a book called "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" which I have in my library.

I knew Charlotte personally.

She was from Maine.

She died in her 90's in 2022.

Her blog is still up by the same name.

She was part of the education department in the Reagan administration, and became a whistleblower and got fired.

She has warned many about the "lack" of real education in the schools, and that includes the Catholic schools, too, of which graduated from.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Lisa: Yes Charlotte and other good people have damned some of ur pubpioc education system. That said it continues to get worse. That means: 1) we are not putting forth meaningful solutions, or 2) the people running these state education departments are not implementing good solutions put forward.

I am advocating a powerful but simple solution that I've rarely heard prioritized, and have never seen implemented: prioritize properly teaching K-12 students to be Critical Thinkers.

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When John Dewey returned from visiting Stalin's Potemkin villages in the 1920s, he set out to remake (i.e. destroy) American education in the Stalinist model: It's been a century, not the last few decades.

Who remembers the report "A Nation at Risk" that Ronald Reagan commissioned -- and then Jimmuh Cahtuh's gift to the teachers' unions promptly saw to it that it was buried?

In his next term, Trump should ask John to recommend a Secretary to run the Department of Education, at least until he's able to eliminate it.

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John, this article makes me think of how churches have also been subverted. I'll speak personally: in my church, we are encouraged to uphold our government, and follow what our doctors recommend. Advised to not use our "intellect" too much, as it can be dangerous for our Christianity. Stay out of politics, since this is not our "forever home". None of this was really visible to me until early 2020, when the entire world went crazy. I've always been an outlier, but these past 4 years have really widened the gap.

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Slave masters and some churches used to teach the slaves to "obey" their masters.

Same old crap in schools today.

Do as you are told.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Those are many of the reasons, I stopped going. 'This ALL FOR THE CHILDREN' didn't include them doing anything for Senior unable to do things to earn that extra donation. The Praise hymns excluded the older ones that meant something. Last straw 'Don't go to the Bathroom' when I'm preaching pablum. Seniors have health issues that require it. My mind went to, where do you want me to puke, or have diarrhea, from my Gastroparesis on the nice clean carpet. It's why you sat on the back rows.

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Bonnie: When anyone tells you not to think, that should be a major red flag... Good that you are paying more attention to that!

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