Thank you, John! We need to share this video EVERYWHERE!

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Beth Ann: Indeed. It is exceptionally accurate and powerful. PLease do pass it on...

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I have talked about Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 the Executive order #14008 for a long time BUT this video laid it out much better than I ever could. My old boss you to say, it isn't a conspiracy (referring to Agenda 21) because we have the documents in our hands. I shared on FB and Truth Social... Again thank you.

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After receiving your newsletter I went to your commentary, which will be in P&D tomorrow, and watched John Lindsey's presentation. Definition leads to clarity, and this tube presentation was great because it dealt with "the basics" clearly defining what's going on.

However, I found it interesting who was sitting behind him. Frank Furedi, who as far as I can tell is a communist, or at the very least a fellow traveler, who has managed to offend just about every leftist group there is, and who's married to an ardent supporter of abortion who credits people from Catholics for Choice for the logic to justify her position.


Rich Kozlovich

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Critical thinking skills and God, what a wonderfully succinct and positive way to uplift us all.

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Elizabeth: TY. These days we have too much bad news, so (IMO) we periodically need a dose of positive perspective.

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John...The Lindsay video is excellent. Thanks for bringing it to my attention....Don Runkle

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You're welcome.

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