
Another great article - glad you're writing your thoughts and getting them out there to your list. I don't know of anyone who is writing about the issues that you wrote about.

After reading this article, I realized:

You know how many people complain about how God allows so much suffering in the world?

If there was no suffering, if humans had their every desire catered to and nothing bad ever happened, there would be no striving. Mankind would never have advanced beyond its most primitive state - why would it need to?

There would be little to no science. No disease, no problems, no need for science.

- rich

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TY for your support and for your insightful perspective on God.

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We also suffer from the same affliction her in Oz John! And, recently we have seen the evolution of that eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious word "woke"! There was most studious comment on JoNova's blog that produced a good definition: We Only Know Envy! (Interestingly, it seems that those who are 'woke' mostly tend to live in inner-city suburbia, and certainly don't seem to be of the variety who get out and make positive things happen.)

And, as part of the 'woke' movement we have the self-righteous who continue to be behind the 'anthropogenic global cooling' - Oops! - now 'warming' - Oops! because nothing much has happened, now 'climate change/emergency/disaster/apocalypse' quasi-religion.

And, here in Oz we know have the latest political stunt that we have to live in disgrace for what happened several centuries ago due to the 'invasion' of the country by (Gulp!) 'The British'!; and so we must make symbolic reparations. Thus we have a new quasi-religion, complete with 'Welcome to Country" ceremonies - and, as a fourth-generation Aussie that rather irritates me - to say the least!

And it's all because my ancestors imposed their culture over the natives who have been resident here for who knows how long? But wait! There have been a number of extensive anthropological studies that show that there was never 'one culture' but rather some 300+ warring tribes, with as many languages, etc.. So, once again: 'woke' nonsense so that denizens of inner-city suburbia might massage their egos!

In the meantime, the need for 'Net-Zero Emissions' continues, and with our young people being subjected to propaganda in schools - propaganda being promoted by young propagandised teachers! (Of course, you don't have this in the U.S. of A. - now do you? Oh! There was a flying pink pig that just went past!) So, it's with increasing frustration that I've complied an extension to the 'introduction to an introduction' that leads - ultimately - to enable people to learn about modern nuclear energy reactors, and this extension about propagandising children is linked in to a perhaps appropriate page 20: www.galileomovement.com.au/media/SaveThePlanet.pdf.

But wait! Wasn't he some sort of a nutcase who was 'off with fairies' according to the scientific 'experts' of his day? Hmmm...... I wonder how that panned out?

Anyway John, I'd be most interested in your assessment of what I've compiled. Whatever it takes to start to educate people with non-"end-of-the-world" information ......

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Michael: TY for your comments about Australia (Oz).

My brief 2¢ is that we need MUCH more of God and critical thinking.

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And please let me have your assessment of the PDFs that I've compiled. Mind you: I think [dangerous word, that one!] that you might find them rather politically incorrect, and thus you might be offended!

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I don't have any major dispute with anything you say in your document. That said, my impression is that it is too long and too busy. Short and sweet messaging should be our objective.

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Dear John,

Here in France the justice system sent off all complainants including those who produced corpses in their families including the stupid Minister of health.

They could not find an article in the Constitution making the minister indicted for negligence.

The Covid Ethics people could not do anything against the EMA in the EU after a cease and desist.

The medical people all took bribes from Gilead for Remdesivir and Pr Peronne was sacked from his job as an ethical monitor.

So they suppressed anybody who could oppose the m RNA. Then they flooded the hospitals with that poison and killed millions with it.

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Excellent explanation about the insanity currently residing in California.This is very bad political theater with nasty consequences.

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