Kalle: First of all, the world is not burning. However, if that is your view, then you would ONLY want energy sources that make a substantial reduction in CO2. Over the last 50 years nuclear has reduced CO2 more than all other sources COMBINED. Further, wind energy requires fossil fuels, plus many scientific studies have concluded that wind energy makes global warming worse (see "http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Wind_Other/Wind_&_AGW_Full.pdf"). In other words, wind makes zero sense to anyone who believes that the world is burning.
Kalle: First of all, the world is not burning. However, if that is your view, then you would ONLY want energy sources that make a substantial reduction in CO2. Over the last 50 years nuclear has reduced CO2 more than all other sources COMBINED. Further, wind energy requires fossil fuels, plus many scientific studies have concluded that wind energy makes global warming worse (see "http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Wind_Other/Wind_&_AGW_Full.pdf"). In other words, wind makes zero sense to anyone who believes that the world is burning.