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I have been working on pressure pulsation problems from Industrial Wind Turbines and Cooling Towers for 14 years. We have had problems here in Brown County Wisconsin from Cooling Towers and Industrial Wind Turbines. The Shirley Wind Facility has caused illness to over 80 people. The State decided to study this facility to see if the problems were real. So, they hired two engineering firms that believed in Wind Turbine Illness, and two engineering firms that did not believe in wind turbine illness. The completed report showed that all four engineering firms agreed there were health problems. The State then agreed to investigate further but that failed to happen. After a year of research our Brown County Health Dept. declared wind turbines to be hazardous to human health. The Cooling Tower Industry admits that infrasound can be a problem if the Cooling Tower is placed near a residential neighborhood, so they sell a unit that produces much lower levels of infrasound for Cooling Towers installed near residential neighborhoods. Many towns in the USA are fighting this problem, not just in the USA but throughout the world. The Wind Turbine Industry does not admit to these problems, but they have tried different blades without much success. This problem was identified when the first wind turbine was built and installed in Boone North Carolina by NASA. The people in that community had the same adverse health complaints we have today. They put the wind turbine through wind tunnel testing to identify the problem. They then made changes to the design with some reduction in problems, but not enough. This is a major problem, and our Health Industry is taking too much time and has not taken a position other than some comments by the World Health Organization.

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