Thank you John. I've only just subscribed to your Substack after listening to you on the Tom Nelson podcast and I've bookmarked your websites for study. Here in the UK there is a growing army of sceptics who see through all the hype and propaganda and we need to find resources and allies from all over the world in our unrelenting quest for truth and common sense. The only comment I would make on this article is that I wouldn't talk about CO2 emissions at all. Taking a leaf from your approach to the term wind 'farms' I wouldn't concede that CO2 emissions have anything to do with climate at all. They are, as we know, a huge and essential benefit to all life on Earth. I know you've already addressed that below but I though I'd make the point nonetheless.

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Excellent commentary, thank you. It's difficult to open minds that have been thoroughly "greenwashed". More than once I've heard the argument made that even if wind turbines can't "wean us off of fossil fuels", they are symbols of what we should be doing. Therefore, industrial scale wind development on our mountains an okay thing. Same goes with filling our farm fields with solar panels. Critical thinking is critical to overcoming this propaganda, but it sure isn't being taught in our schools.

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Penny: Yes, I've heard similar nonsense. Consider that these are the same people who are saying that the planet will disintegrate within ten years unless we take immediate drastic actions. If they really believed that, why would they support wasting many Billions of dollars on something for symbolism? Absurd "thinking."

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"So, yet again, our strongest tool to avoid becoming victimized by propaganda artists, is to objectively and thoroughly analyze wind energy claims with Critical Thinking."

YES! Thank you John for advocating for ALL of us. It is essential to work together to think, and formulate positive solutions for the future. The lies of wind crap must be exposed so that we can all move forward into a bright future. We can keep the lights on, literally, as we use our brains ethically, and our hearts wisely to never be victimized again by these false promises. A rising tide lifts all boats, and we CAN move forward into a bright future only as we discern positive solutions —together. YES! ⚡️🔥💯🌻❣️ :)

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Excellent and meaningful article. I have one criticism however. If something doesn't matter, then why do we keep paying homage to that "something". Too many times I've heard or read that windmills and solar panels do not decrease the generation of CO2. SO WHAT? By now, any learned person understands that changes in atmospheric CO2 levels have no appreciable (not even measurable) effect upon global temperatures nor upon climate. Let's not play along with this deceit any longer. Let's get on with exposing the extremely serious harm being done to the majority of humanity who desperately NEED all the benefits that hydrocarbons provide, all while it is all being taken from their reach by elitist ideologues.

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Russ: I addressed the climate change part as a lot of people do think that it is real. Rather than convince them otherwise, my point is that the more convinced a person is about the seriousness of climate change, the less they should like industrial wind energy.

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