The "experts".

We had more than enough of their prognostications during the recent covid flu debacle. It is almost guaranteed those estimates are, at best, low end.

The Biden admin, in just three plus years has negatively altered the American landscape beyond all measure. The blue sheeple don't realize that, yet.

Even if Trump isn't cheated this election, it will be difficult, for reasons stated above, plus States sovereignty issues, to identify then repatriate a significant portion of the 10+ million illegal aliens now in country.

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just now·edited just nowAuthor

OG: Yes, the anti-Americans have put us in an ominous hole here.

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Another question or questions to ask is, "how did they get to the border?" or "did anyone or anything help them to the US border?" The answer is a resounding yes, including Mexican criminal drug cartels and, indirectly, US pro-immigration groups, many of whom are subsidized by the Biden-Harris Administration to help settle them. Also, the "coyotes" allied with them, who charge a reported $10,000 each to transport them. Never mind the human trafficking and sexual assaults, among other crimes and tragedies.

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I think that really is foundational!! Excellent comment.

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Kelly: Yes, yes and yes.

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John…you nailed immigration. Those that don’t like America’s culture are in the process of changing the population. The math is simple and it’s working.

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Don: TY. This is an enormously important matter, so we can't allow oursleves to be lulled into complacency by self-serving, anti-American politicians. FYI, I'll be taking on the misinformation about abortion shortly.

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