Investigation: 9,000 soldiers were trained using materials calling pro-lifers ‘terrorists’


The U.S. Army responded to Congressional questioning, revealing over 9,000 soldiers were trained using slides calling pro-lifers terrorists.

Trump Vindicated After Crime Report Proves Debate Moderator Dead Wrong


Digging into the data, the FBI now reports there were over 80,000 more violent crimes in 2022 compared to the prior year. Among them were 1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies, and 37,091 aggravated assaults. And their revision is not the only major Biden agency to be doing so: every month for the past year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor has revised downward the number of jobs created, more than 818,000 in total.

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Now, today, more than ever before, we should all understand that “experience” can mean many different things. Especially when someone has and touts his or her “political experience”!

If the past few years have taught us anything, one thing it’s this, “do your homework”! Politicians and political activists have taken over! America has been

“Sliced-Up” into small, but important political divides, which has become increasingly destructive! By design.

Especially K-12. Why? Why Kids? Why is it so important to target our children? Because children are malleable. They can be exploited, abused and everyone should understand this. If we don’t get a grip on our education system and the “activist” exploiting our kids, America will become another

“Weimar Republic”!

“economic disaster in the Weimar Republic in 1922–23 that impoverished millions of German citizens and paved the way for the rise of the Nazi Party”

This attack on our education system, ultimately will usher in some form of “Nazism” or something worse! Parents “MUST” become involved with their children’s education, PERIOD!

This means understanding who’s who within your local education community. It’s so important today primarily because, our schools have been infiltrated at every level. There’s a “Fine-Line” between

“Experience and Honesty”!

When a candidate speaks good game, it doesn’t mean their intentions are good as well. This is how these “Marxist Activists” have infiltrated our education systems all the way to the current Presidency!

Efforts are being made to “employ” such experience and so called experts, into our education systems. This must stop! The only way to stop this, is to become involved with your local school system. Dig deep into the backgrounds of each candidates “Experiences” and hold their feet to the fire! If we don’t mark my words


Experience is a great way to “bamboozle” voters and gain power. Don’t allow yourself to be “bamboozled”! Do your homework and make an informed choice, this election may be our last. As cliché as that sounds, think about the past few years and ask yourself this, “Why has CRT, DEI, Boys becoming Girls” etc. being “Normalized? Why?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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That is why product sellers target children. Food is the highest, next you target new moms. who don't bother to research the 40+ jabs given their children. You manufacture 'climate change' just as easily. And grandma's advice is ignored. I raised 3 boys. One is informed, the other is lazy and ill informed. Both raised the same despite 10 years difference in age. Yes, I'm down to 2, my second child only lived 33 days, my third was murders at 16 by a SOCIOPATH. That left the oldest and youngest. And my education on government/medical lies began.

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AJR: Yes there is a lot of deception going on — which is why being a Critical Thinker is more important than ever.

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No doubt John, thank you for sharing this.


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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

It should be obvious that the hordes of uneducated illegal aliens that Biden/Harris have flooded this nation with are going to suppress academic achievement for decades and generations! The cost will also skyrocket as money is poured into fruitless remedial programs. Research the "Cloward Piven Strategy"!

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Tom: Yes, those are yet more societal liabilities for having open borders.

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